
Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year

author:Rong Rong loves food 1128

The first day of the lunar month is an important day in traditional Chinese culture, and it is also a time for people to prepare for the New Year. On this day, people follow some traditional customs and taboos to pray for peace and success in the New Year. Let's take a look at what to pay attention to on the first day of the lunar month.

Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year

First of all, 1 is not empty means that the pot cannot be empty on the first day of the lunar month. On this day, every household will prepare various ingredients in advance to ensure that the pot at home will not be empty. Because in traditional Chinese culture, an empty pot means that the wealth and blessings in the family will also be empty. Therefore, in order to pray for wealth and blessings in the New Year, people will fill their homes with pots on the first day of the lunar month.

Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year

Secondly, 2 don't do it means not to move and get married on the first day of the lunar month. In traditional Chinese culture, moving and getting married are all about choosing auspicious days. And the first day of the lunar month is considered to be an unlucky day, so people do not choose to move or get married on this day. It is also to pray for peace and prosperity in the New Year.

Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year

Eat 3 kinds

On the first day of the lunar month, people eat three things to pray for good luck and happiness in the coming year. The first is "dumplings", which is one of the traditional Chinese foods and a must-eat food on the first day of the lunar month. People will put some special ingredients in the dumplings, such as tofu and pork, to symbolize good luck and good fortune.

Recommended: Golden Tofu

Ingredients: Tofu, garlic sprouts, ginger, garlic, millet spicy


1. Cut the tofu into small pieces, fry in oil in a hot pan until golden brown (one side is browned and then turn over, do not repeat the shovel, otherwise it will be easy to break)

2. Stir-fry ginger, garlic, chili, garlic sprouts at 10 o'clock in a hot pan, stir-fry red oil with 10 o'clock bean paste, pour in the fried tofu and stir-fry for 1 minute, then put garlic sprouts, a little salt, chicken essence, five-spice powder, 2 covers, light soy sauce, and stir-fry evenly. It's so fragrant on the outside and tender on the inside, super delicious!

Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year
Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year
Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year
Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year

The second is "rice cake", which is a traditional Chinese food and an auspicious food that symbolizes the rise of the year after year. On the first day of the lunar month, people eat rice cakes to pray for the smooth development of their families and careers.

Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year

Finally, there is "tangyuan", which is one of the traditional Chinese foods and a food that symbolizes reunion and happiness. On the first day of the lunar month, people eat glutinous rice balls to pray for family harmony and happiness.

Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year

Death 2

On the first day of the lunar month, there are some things that should not be done. The first is "not moving", because this day is a day to worship ancestors and a day to sweep tombs. If you move on this day, it will affect your family's fortune and financial fortune. The second is "not going to the hospital to see a doctor", because in traditional Chinese culture, the hospital is a place with heavy yin qi, and if you go to the hospital to see a doctor on this day, it may affect your health and fortune.

Today, on the first day of the lunar month, remind: 1 is not empty, 2 is not done, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and prepare for the New Year

The above is an introduction to the customs and precautions on the first day of the lunar month. Hopefully, this information will help you better understand the cultural connotations and significance of this traditional festival. At the same time, we also hope that everyone can observe these customs and precautions and prepare for the arrival of the New Year.

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