
More than 200 years ago, he went to China to meet Emperor Qianlong once, and he foresaw the fall of the Qing Dynasty!

author:Take small notes to tell the story
More than 200 years ago, he went to China to meet Emperor Qianlong once, and he foresaw the fall of the Qing Dynasty!

The Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty was one of the most glorious eras in Chinese history, but also one of the most crisis-bearing eras. In this era, China's territory reached its maximum, as well as its culture and economy, but at the same time, China also faced internal and external troubles, corruption and backwardness, as well as threats and aggression from Western powers. In this era, there was a Westerner, who went to China once to meet the Qianlong Emperor and foresaw the fall of the Qing Dynasty, he was the head of the British Macartney mission, George Macartney.

Macartney is a famous British politician and diplomat in modern times, he once served as the British ambassador to Russia, the governor in India and other important positions, he was ordered by King George III of the United Kingdom in 1793, led a large mission, to China for the highest level of diplomatic visits, hoping to establish formal trade and diplomatic relations with the Qing Dynasty, open the door to China, open up the Chinese market. However, his visit to China ended in failure, not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but instead aroused the dissatisfaction and hostility of the Qing Dynasty, and also changed the West's perception and attitude towards China, laying the groundwork for the later Opium War.

The purpose of Macartney's visit to China was to improve the trade and diplomatic relations between Britain and the Qing Dynasty, break the restrictions and prohibitions on foreign trade of the Qing Dynasty, and obtain more benefits and interests. At that time, Britain was at the height of the Industrial Revolution, with rapid economic and technological development, and the demand and desire for foreign trade were also increasing, and China was one of Britain's most important trading partners and one of the most wanted markets for Britain.

More than 200 years ago, he went to China to meet Emperor Qianlong once, and he foresaw the fall of the Qing Dynasty!

However, the Qing Dynasty's foreign trade policy was very conservative and closed, only allowing foreign merchants to conduct limited trade in the thirteen lines in Guangzhou, and they were subject to strict supervision and taxation, and foreign merchants were not allowed to move and reside freely within China, nor were foreign envoys allowed to have direct contact with the Qing emperor and court, and could only communicate in the form of tribute. These policies have severely restricted Britain's trade and diplomatic activities in China, and have also seriously damaged Britain's interests and dignity.

More than 200 years ago, he went to China to meet Emperor Qianlong once, and he foresaw the fall of the Qing Dynasty!

In order to change this situation, the British decided to send a highest-level mission to China for diplomatic negotiations, to negotiate a formal treaty with the Qing Dynasty, and to obtain more trade and diplomatic rights. For this reason, the British government carefully selected Macartney as the head of the mission, because he was one of the most experienced and prestigious diplomats in Britain, he had successfully negotiated diplomatically with Russia, India and other countries, and he also had a strong interest and research in China, and he was considered the most suitable person for this task. Macartney accepted the assignment and he began preparations for his visit to China.

More than 200 years ago, he went to China to meet Emperor Qianlong once, and he foresaw the fall of the Qing Dynasty!

Macartney attached great importance to this visit to China, he did a lot of research and research, he read a lot of books and materials about China, he also consulted some people who had been to China, he tried to understand China's history, culture, politics, economy, society, customs, etiquette, and other aspects, and he hoped to use his knowledge and wisdom to win China's respect and trust and achieve his goals.

He also carefully selected a batch of exquisite gifts to be given to the Qianlong Emperor and the ministers of the Qing Dynasty, these gifts included the most advanced scientific and technological products in Britain at that time, such as steam engines, cotton spinning machines, mortars, repeating pistols, etc., he hoped to use these gifts to show British civilization and progress, arouse China's curiosity and appreciation, and promote exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. He also carefully selected one of the best ships to use as the means of transportation for the mission, this ship was called the "Lion", one of the most advanced British gunboats, with 64 guns on it, he hoped to be able to use this ship, to demonstrate the strength and majesty of Britain, to deter Chinese hostility and aggression, and to protect the safety and dignity of the mission.

Macartney's visit to China was the first official diplomatic visit to China in British history, and also the first diplomatic visit to the Qing Dynasty in Western history.

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