
King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

author:Little Weiwei tells myths and historical stories

King Wu of Qin was a strong man since he was a child, and his strength was incomparable. Many people know that Wu Song fought tigers, but few people know that when Yingdang was 16 years old, he beat a white tiger to death with his bare hands. And the ghost of the white tiger he killed did not disperse, causing him to be smashed to death when he lifted the dragon Wen Chiding.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

Overlord Xiang Yu is familiar to everyone, and King Qin Wu is also very powerful. Since he was a child, he liked to test his strength with others, and when he was eleven years old, he didn't dare to say that three or four adults might not be able to beat him.

When he raised the dragon Wen Chiding, a demonic wind suddenly blew. caused Long Wen Chiding to fall, smashed his muscles and bones, and died of exhaustion. Where did this demonic wind come from? It all started when he was 16 years old.

Yingdang was playing a wrestling game with several of his subordinates, and King Qin Huiwen happened to come over, looking at his son very happy. Forceful, and very smart, I thought to myself, my heir should be like this.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

Among them, there are also two people who play wrestling games with him, Mi Heng and Mi Zhong. Just when they were playing up, someone suddenly came to report. The king, I just found a few spies of the Chu State, and now I have sent people to chase them.

King Qin Huiwen said: I know, whether you are dead or alive, you have to arrest me back. Yingdang, who was on the side, heard that he was interested, and hurriedly brought a horse from the side, and with a snap of the whip, he chased the horse out.

When King Qin Huiwen saw it, he hurriedly let Mi Zhong and Mi Heng chase him out, afraid that something would happen to Yingdang. Mi Heng, Mi Zhong got on the horse, and more than a dozen followers also chased after him.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

After Yingdang chased out of the city, he saw that several Qin soldiers had also come to hunt down the spies. Yingdang stepped forward and asked: In what direction did the spy flee? Someone replied: Childe, we have divided into several teams, and the spy fled to the east, and the specific location is unknown.

Yingdang said: You continue to chase forward, let's go this way, and after speaking, we will drive away. Yingdang and a few people chased after them and came to the bottom of a mountain, and suddenly Mi Heng said: Childe, look at the people in front.

Yingdang looked in the direction of Mi Heng's point, there were about a dozen people, very suspicious. They are most likely those spies, so be careful. Because they were running so fast, no one else followed, only the three of them.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

Yingdang saw that they wanted to leave, so he wanted to come forward and ask. Mi Zhong dissuaded: Childe, we are weak, we must be careful. Why don't we follow them quietly, and wait for our people to come, and then come forward to ask questions.

Yingdang snorted and said: What are you afraid of? Even if they are really those spies, why bother? After speaking, he walked over. Mi Heng, Mi Zhong didn't dare to slack off at first glance, so he followed together.

A few people were just about to leave, but Yingdang stopped them, what are you doing? One of the older ones stepped forward to reply. Yo, several military masters, we are merchants from Chu State, and we are not going back to Chu State.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

Then what is on this cart? The man replied: It's all some goods, and we are going to transport them back to Chu to sell. Just as the two of them were talking, Mi Heng noticed that something was wrong with the others, and they all put their hands into the goods.

Suddenly, Mi Heng shouted, Childe be careful. Yingdang looked back and saw that they had pulled out their big knives from the cargo and were attacking the three of them. Yingdang dodged, fell off the horse, and hurriedly got up and fought with them.

Yingdang was in a hurry when they came out, and they didn't bring any weapons at all. Mi Heng, Mi Zhong is also good, although there are many people on the other side, but he does not have any upper hand.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

Suddenly, Mi Heng shouted, Childe be careful, Yingdang turned his head, and the big knife was almost in front. Suddenly, he was pushed out and fell to the ground, and when he got up to look again, the big knife had already penetrated Mi Zhong's body.

The man pulled out the knife vigorously, and Mi Zhong's body fell to the ground. Yingdang shouted: Mi Zhong. Mi Heng also shouted: Brother. At this time, the two of them were angry, and they stood up and wanted to fight with them.

At this time, another person slashed at Yingdang, Yingdang dodged, grabbed his arm and clicked, breaking his arm. He snatched the broadsword from his hand and slashed at the gang.

Originally, Yingdang was not easy to deal with, not to mention that now he has a weapon in his hand. One came up, and he cut one. In the end, a dozen of them were killed. But Mi Heng was also seriously injured.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

The two of them rested under the tree, and suddenly a white tiger sprang out of the woods and bit Mi Heng's neck. Yingdang hurriedly got up when he saw it, wanting to pick up the big knife on the ground. Before he could pass, the white tiger pounced.

Yingdang retracted it, and the white tiger pounced. Looking at Mi Heng again, he was lying motionless on the ground. This can make Yingdang anxious, defenseless, just after the battle, and met a white tiger, is my life resting?

Don't worry about it for now, let's figure out how to deal with this white tiger first. Yingdang dodged and dodged in the woods, and the white tiger followed closely behind. Seeing that the white tiger was about to catch up with him, he jumped up and pounced.

Yingdang leaned back, lay on the ground, kicked his feet up, and kicked on the belly of the white tiger. The white tiger roared, turned his head and pounced again. Yingdang dodged sideways, and there was a tree behind him, and the white tiger hit the tree hard.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

Yingdang took the opportunity to jump on the white tiger's back and hit its eyes with his hands, and the white tiger screamed in pain. The white tiger shook it vigorously and threw Yingdang off the tiger's back. Yingdang picked up a stone from the ground and went up to smash the white tiger's eye.

At this time, the white tiger was emitting a blue light, and it was scratching back and forth with its tiger claws. Yingdang didn't dare to step forward, for fear that the white tiger's sharp claws would catch him.

After a while, the white tiger stopped slightly, and Yingdang took the opportunity to go up and smash the white tiger's eyes again. At this time, the white tiger seemed to be crazy, patting the surrounding trees with its claws, and scratches were left on the trees.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

Yingdang saw that the time was ripe, and when the white tiger was grabbing around, he found a big knife, and when he came over, he slashed at the white tiger. After a few slashes, the white tiger was covered in blood, and fell into a pool of blood after taking a few steps.

Yingdang saw the white tiger die, so he relieved his heart. Sitting under the tree and not resting for a while, another group of people came from a distance. He took a closer look, and it turned out to be Qin Jun. They were very surprised when they saw this scene, a 16-year-old child actually killed a spy of the Chu State, and killed such a big white tiger.

Everyone returned to Xianyang with Yingdang, and also brought back the bodies of Mi Heng and Mi Zhong. This battle spread throughout Xianyang. Fight to fame.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

He became famous in the first battle, but the ghost of the white tiger did not disperse, and he kept pestering him, just waiting for an opportunity. Later, after the death of King Qin Huiwen, Yingdang succeeded to the throne.

When he was 23 years old, when he was competing with Meng Shuo to lift the dragon Wen Chiding, the soul of the white tiger found an opportunity. A gust of demonic wind blew, Yingdang didn't stand firm, fell to the ground, Long Wen Chiding smashed on his shins, and died that night.

Qin Wu Wang Yingdang was a very ambitious person, but he never expected that he would form a bond with the white tiger when he was young. He died unexpectedly at the age of 23.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

The white tiger killed a generation of kings, which violated the principles of heaven and was also punished by the thunder. The white tiger was struck by thunder every day, and it has been like this for more than a hundred years. Seeing that the white tiger has a heart of repentance, when Yingdang is reincarnated again, you can help him achieve great things to make up for the mistakes of this life.

Time came to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty in a blink of an eye, and the white tiger was lying in the cave, and suddenly heard a voice coming. White Tiger, Yingdang has been reincarnated, he is going to do a great thing in this life, you can help him.

The white tiger got up and bowed three times, and a white light flew out of the hole. Yingdang was reincarnated as Cao Cao, and the white tiger was reincarnated and became an indispensable general for him who galloped on the battlefield.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

When Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, he killed only two people. One is Chen Gong, Cao Cao wants to subdue Chen Gong, but because of the previous incident, he is unwilling to go along with Cao Cao.

The second person killed was the god of war Lu Bu, because Lu Bu was treacherous, this person could not be kept. Later, I saw that Lu Bu had a tiger general under him, surnamed Zhang, named Liao, and Wenyuan. This person is loyal and righteous, and Cao Cao likes it very much.

At first, Zhang Liaoning was unyielding, but Cao Cao's love for money moved Zhang Liao. Since then, he has surrendered to Cao Cao, made great achievements for Cao Cao, and is also one of the five good generals. In the Battle of Hefei, Zhang Liao only led 800 soldiers to attack the 100,000 troops of Eastern Wu.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

Killed until Sun Quan's boss, and caught Dongwu off guard. When the Eastern Wu withdrew his troops, Zhang Liao led his troops to defeat Sun Quan, Gan Ning, Ling Tong, etc., and almost captured Sun Quan alive.

In this battle, Zhang Liao's name shook Jiangdong, and later Zhang Liao stopped crying. The children in Dongwu kept crying, and as soon as the adults in the family said, if you cry again, Zhang Liao will come to arrest you, and the child will stop crying in an instant.

One day, Cao Cao's head was sick, and he saw the grudge between him and the white tiger in his previous life, so he asked Xun Yu to pass Zhang Liao to see him. Zhang Liao came and asked: What is the prime minister looking for me?

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

Wen Yuan, I had a headache just now, but I saw you and me in my previous life. Zhang Liao asked suspiciously: Our past life? Cao Cao said: In your previous life, you were a white tiger, and I was the Qin Wu King Yingdang.

You are going to attack us, I will beat you to death with my bare hands, and you will turn into a demonic wind when I raise the throne in order to take revenge. The dragon in my hand fell down and stoned me to death.

You have harmed a generation of kings, and God has punished you, and now I am reincarnated to help me to make up for the sins you committed in your previous life. But Wen Yuan, let's not mention it in the previous life, I know enough with you to help me in this life.

After I die, I hope you can continue to help Cao Pi and let him continue to complete my unfinished business. Zhang Liao didn't say anything, just nodded. Cao Cao asked Zhang Liao to go out and called Xun Yu in.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

Wen Ruo, my limit is approaching, and I will rely on you, Xu Chu, and Zhang Liao in the future, and assist Cao Pi well and let him complete my unfinished ideals. Xun Yu just lowered his head and kept silent, and gradually, Cao Cao closed his eyes.

China's outstanding politicians, writers, military strategists, and calligraphers have fallen. What's even more regrettable is that two years later, in 222 AD, he led the army to attack Wu, broke Wu's general Lü Fan, and soon died of illness in Jiangdu. Zhang Liao was admired by all dynasties and became one of the sixty-four generals in ancient times.

King Wu of Qin killed a white tiger, and after being reincarnated, he helped Cao Cao achieve great things, and eight hundred tigers and wolves fought against Sun Quan.

This story is pure fiction.

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