
Chong Chao relied on match-fixing and bribed to become the coach of the national football team! Crazy testing of the red line made Li Tie lose his sense of boundary

author:Brave Sports Forum

#2023 Creation Challenge#Recently, the Chinese football world has once again been shrouded in a shocking scandal. According to reports, Li Tie has successfully become the head coach of the Chinese men's national football team on suspicion of match-fixing and bribery! His frenzied attempt to test the red line has made people worry about the future of Chinese football.

Chong Chao relied on match-fixing and bribed to become the coach of the national football team! Crazy testing of the red line made Li Tie lose his sense of boundary

The dark side of Chinese football has resurfaced, and this time the protagonist is Li Tie. His frenzied attempt to test the red line during his coaching career was unacceptable, and made people angry and disappointed with the current state of Chinese football.

Li Tie was once a legend of Chinese football, and he played an important role in the overtaking process of Guangzhou Evergrande. However, behind the facts lies a dark side of his match-fixing. Match-fixing not only violates the principle of fairness of the game, but also deprives other teams of a fair result of their efforts and struggles.

What is even more shocking is that Li Tie actually obtained the position of head coach of the Chinese national men's football team through bribery. This kind of illegal use of illegal means to obtain high positions has seriously undermined the credibility of the football world and also lost the dignity and honor of the national team.

Li Tie's behavior not only raises huge doubts about his personal morality, but also worries about whether the values and moral bottom line of Chinese football have been lost. If even the national team tolerates illegal acts such as match-fixing and bribery, what will be the future of Chinese football?

Chong Chao relied on match-fixing and bribed to become the coach of the national football team! Crazy testing of the red line made Li Tie lose his sense of boundary

We cannot remain silent on this issue. We need to call on relevant law enforcement agencies to strengthen the supervision of Chinese football, seriously investigate and deal with illegal acts such as match-fixing and bribery, and restore the fairness and impartiality of football matches.

At the same time, we must also fundamentally think about how to improve the overall level and values of Chinese football. Cracking down on illegal activities is only a superficial solution, and real reform also needs to start from youth training, management system, education and other aspects to cultivate more outstanding players and coaches, and build a healthy development of China's football ecosystem.

Chong Chao relied on match-fixing and bribed to become the coach of the national football team! Crazy testing of the red line made Li Tie lose his sense of boundary

Only in this way can we see the hope of Chinese football and make football a proud cause of the Chinese people. Let us work together to contribute to the development of Chinese football, so that justice and fairness can be demonstrated on the football field!

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