
Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

author:Yong A said gossip

In 1994, at the age of 32, he joined the Shenyang Art Troupe and took an important step to change the trajectory of his life. This seemingly ordinary decision opened the door to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for him, and also allowed him to meet the love of his life.

The face with a slight vicissitudes of life but full of joy soon became an indispensable element in the Spring Festival Gala sketches. From playing the downgraded cadre in 1999's "Cheer Up", to the indignant director in "Gift-giving" in 2007, to the mercenary village cadre in "Acting for You" in 2019, full stop uses his unique performance style to fully interpret the ups and downs of life.

Behind each role, there are countless rehearsals and in-depth understanding of the characters. His exaggerated body movements and humorous dialogues close to life can always cause the audience to laugh.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

In this way, step by step, he became the "pistachio" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and used his talent and sweat to go further and further on the road of comedy. The audience may not remember his name, but they will never forget his face that can make people burst into laughter in an instant.

The full stop performance not only brings joy to people, but also conveys the love of life and insight into human nature. He used humor and humor to express the joys, sorrows and sorrows of ordinary people's lives, allowing the audience to find resonance in laughter.

However, behind this glamorous stage, there is an untold story hidden in the heart of the full stop. As a divorced man, he has experienced the failure of his marriage and suffered from his heart.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

But it is these life experiences that make his performance richer and more profound, and also give him a new understanding of love and family. Standing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, the eyes of the full stop flashed with light, which was the love of performance and the expectation of life.

He didn't know that life was about to bring him a surprise, and a sincere love across ages was quietly being conceived, waiting for him to write a new chapter in his life. In 1994, the Shenyang Art Troupe was not only a new starting point for his career, but also a place where he met his true love.

Here, the 32-year-old full stop met Guo Yadan, who was 11 years younger than him, nicknamed "Yadan". When we met for the first time, I was attracted by this lively and lovely girl. However, the age gap and his divorced identity made the full stop slow to show his heart.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

Not only do the two work in the same department, but the dormitory is also opposite the door, and such a coincidence seems to be arranged by fate. The frequent contact between work and life every day gives them the opportunity to get to know each other better.

Full stop often secretly observed Guo Yadan and was attracted by her sunny smile, but the inferiority complex in his heart made him dare to watch from afar. However, fate gave them a chance.

One day, full stop saw Guo Yadan struggling to climb the stairs with a large bucket of water, and he mustered up the courage to come forward to help. Since then, every time I go downstairs to fetch water, I will ask Guo Yadan if he needs to bring a bucket by the way.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

Such carefulness and thoughtfulness slowly melted Guo Yadan's heart. Guo Yadan was grateful for the help of the full stop, and the two gradually became acquainted. The slightly clumsy but sincere concern of the full stop deeply touched Guo Yadan.

She found that in this older man, there was a mature and steady charm, which was completely different from the impetuousness of young people. As time passed, the relationship between the two warmed up day by day.

Full stop's concern for Guo Yadan is meticulous, and this sincere attitude makes Guo Yadan heartbeat. She felt a sense of security and cherished happiness that she had never felt before.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

Despite the age gap, they firmly believe that genuine affection can overcome all obstacles. Full stop carefully cared for this hard-won relationship, for fear that his age and past would become an obstacle.

And Guo Yadan used her sincerity and courage to resolve the anxiety in her heart. In this way, in getting along day and night, a love that spans age quietly blooms. Their story is not only the fate of two people, but also a legend of courage and sincerity.

Full stop and Guo Yadan proved with practical actions that when two hearts are really close, age is just a number, and sincere love is the eternal theme. When Guo Yadan told his parents about the relationship with great anticipation, his father Guo Zhijie's resolute opposition was like a basin of cold water poured on the two in love.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

In Guo Zhijie's eyes, full stop is old, divorced, has children, and is not tall and handsome enough, far from his daughter's ideal partner. This news was like a bolt from the blue, which caught full stop and Guo Yadan off guard.

However, Guo Yadan did not give up easily. She firmly believes that full stop is a down-to-earth, sincere, and reliable person who is worthy of lifelong trust. In the face of her father's doubts, she argued with reason and begged her father to give her full stop a chance.

Guo Yadan's insistence shook Guo Zhijie's heart, he saw the firmness in his daughter's eyes, and decided to find out for himself. In order to understand the personality of the full stop, Guo Zhijie personally went to the unit of the full stop to inquire.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

Unexpectedly, both leaders and colleagues were full of praise for the full stop. The full stop in their mouths is a good colleague with good conduct and hard work. These evaluations made Guo Zhijie's attitude change 180 degrees, and he began to re-examine this prospective son-in-law.

Although Guo Zhijie's attitude has softened, full stop knows that more work is needed to fully win the trust of his father-in-law. He took the initiative to promise Guo Zhijie and his wife that he would treat Guo Yadan wholeheartedly after marriage and never let her suffer the slightest grievance.

The sincerity of the full stop touched Guo Zhijie and his wife, and they saw the sincerity and determination in the eyes of this man. After some careful consideration, moved by his daughter's insistence and full stop's sincerity, Guo Zhijie finally agreed to their marriage.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

This decision not only made Guo Yadan ecstatic, but also made full stop feel extremely grateful. He secretly vowed that he must prove his commitment with practical actions and become a competent good husband and son-in-law.

In 1999, with the blessing of their families, Full Stop and Guo Yadan finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand. At the wedding, Guo Zhijie looked at his daughter's happy smile, and the last trace of worry in his heart disappeared.

He believes that he made the right decision. This arduous journey from opposition to recognition not only tested the love between the full stop and Guo Yadan, but also made their feelings deeper.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

For the full stop, winning the approval of the father-in-law is not the end, but the beginning of a new life. He understands that in the future, he still needs to prove his commitment with actions to make this hard-won happiness last for a long time.

The life after marriage is as sweet as honey, and she takes good care of his wife Guo Yadan. He always remembers his promise, rushes home as soon as he gets off work, and never socializes outside.

His single-mindedness and affection not only won his wife's heart, but also impressed the outside world with this "sister-brother love". The full stop proves that the age gap is not an obstacle to happiness.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

However, the happy life is shattered by a sudden bad news. Guo Yadan's brother died in a car accident at the age of 38, leaving behind a young daughter.

This news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, which plunged the Guo family into great grief. The father-in-law and mother-in-law were grief-stricken, feeling that in their later years, they would have to suffer the pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person, as if they had aged ten years overnight.

In the face of this dilemma, the full stop showed extraordinary responsibility. He was busy taking care of his brother-in-law's funeral until the end of the memorial service. Seeing the grief-stricken appearance of his parents-in-law, he knelt in front of them and solemnly promised that he would regard himself as their biological son in the future, responsible for supporting the second elder and raising his little niece to adulthood.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

The filial piety of the full stop is not only reflected in the material, but also in the details of daily life. Once, my mother-in-law suddenly fell ill in the middle of the night, and without saying a word, she was sent to the hospital overnight, from registration to consultation to taking medicine, she was very busy.

His carefulness and patience made his parents-in-law feel the warmth of a son. These meticulous care made the parents-in-law full of praise for this son-in-law. Guo Zhijie sighed in a program: "A son-in-law is more filial than his son, and his son may not be able to do this!" This sentence is not only an affirmation of the full stop, but also the best response to their "year-old love".

With his own actions, he not only filled the pain of the Guo family's loss of his son, but also won everyone's respect and love with sincere filial piety. He is not only a comedy star on the stage, but also a pillar of life, interpreting what is the real family value with responsibility and responsibility.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

In this challenging time, the full stop shows not only love for his wife, but also a sense of responsibility for the whole family. His dedication and persistence have revitalized this once broken family, and also made his position in the hearts of his parents-in-law more and more important.

The full stop proves with practical actions that he is not only a good husband, but also an excellent son and father. 2010 was a special year for the 47-year-old full stop and Guo Yadan.

This year, they ushered in the crystallization of love - their lovely daughter. Although it is not confusing to get a daughter after the old age, this hard-won little life has brought infinite joy and expectation to the family.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

In order not to overwork his wife, the thoughtful full stop proposed to ask a nanny to help take care of the children. However, the father-in-law and mother-in-law took the initiative to take care of their granddaughter. Their joining not only reduced the burden of full stop and Guo Yadan, but also filled the family with warmth and joy.

The full stop pours all the love into this little life. He is no longer the funny and humorous comedian on stage, but a gentle and considerate father. Whenever I see my daughter's innocent smile, I feel that all the hard work and waiting is worth it.

The arrival of this little life not only brought infinite joy to the family at full stop, but also allowed him to play a new role on the stage of life - a loving father.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

In his own way, he passed on the fun and wisdom of life to his daughter, hoping that she could grow up healthily in laughter. With the help of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, full stop and Guo Yadan were able to balance their careers and families.

They worked together to create a loving and joyful family atmosphere. This hard-won happiness made the full stop cherish the beautiful life in front of him even more, and also gave him more motivation and passion in his career.

While the family is happy, the full stop career is also rising. However, as an actor pursuing art, he was not content with being just a comedian.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

Full stop is eager to have a greater breakthrough and development in his acting career. The opportunity has finally arrived. When accepting the role of Lu Jianshe in the TV series "Breakout", full stop faced great challenges and doubts.

From a hilarious sketch actor to a drama role that needs to be deeply interpreted, this is undoubtedly a huge leap. Many people wonder if an actor known for his comedy can handle such a complex role.

But full stop proved himself with his own strength. He successfully portrayed the controversial role of Lu Jianjian, allowing the audience to see another side of him as an actor. The full stop is no longer the sketch actor who makes people laugh until their stomachs hurt, but a flesh-and-blood character with complex emotions.

Actor's full stop: 2 married 11-year-old girl, 47-year-old old girl, there are tears behind the scenery

This breakthrough not only shows the full stop of multi-faceted talent, but also marks a new height in his acting career. Since then, he is no longer just a comedian, but an all-round powerful actor.

The change of full stop impressed both the industry and the audience, and also opened up a broader path for his acting career.

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