
You may not really know these five practical knowledge related to the eyes!#Universal Life Guide#The first one, can eye drops cure cataracts? The answer is No!

author:A new type of custom glasses

You may not really know these five practical knowledge related to the eyes! #万能生活指南#

First, if you have cataracts, can eye drops cure you? The answer is No!

Eye drops don't make cataracts go away. The only effective way is surgery. This surgery is low-risk, short-lived, and can be done even by people in their 90s.

Second, will you get glaucoma when playing with your mobile phone in the dark?

In the dark, the pupils dilate and the circulation of fluid in the eye is blocked, which can lead to angle-closure glaucoma. So, remember to turn on the lights and turn down the screen brightness when playing with your phone at night.

Third, can I buy reading glasses from roadside stalls?

The reading glasses of the roadside stall have the same power of both eyes, and the interpupillary distance is fixed. If there are problems such as inconsistent prescriptions or astigmatism, wearing it for a long time will cause damage to the eyes. Therefore, reading glasses, like myopia glasses, need to be standardized.

Fourth, does diabetes cause blindness? Yes!

Diabetes can cause many eye complications, so diabetics should have their eyes checked regularly. After being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, check the fundus immediately, and repeat it once a year, even if the fundus is normal.

Fifth, is pink eye contagious at first sight? Of course not!

Pink eye is mainly spread through contact, and you can't be contagious at a glance. However, it is advisable for people with pink eye to wash their hands with running water immediately after contact with their eyes to prevent spreading the infection to others. #Transcendence##Cataract##Turn off the lights and look at your phone, easy to get glaucoma##糖尿病眼病会不会导致失明? #

You may not really know these five practical knowledge related to the eyes!#Universal Life Guide#The first one, can eye drops cure cataracts? The answer is No!
You may not really know these five practical knowledge related to the eyes!#Universal Life Guide#The first one, can eye drops cure cataracts? The answer is No!
You may not really know these five practical knowledge related to the eyes!#Universal Life Guide#The first one, can eye drops cure cataracts? The answer is No!

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