
The first hot search! Tens of millions of fans were reprimanded by their neighbors late at night, and the conflict escalated!

author:Mei Mei told the truth
The first hot search! Tens of millions of fans were reprimanded by their neighbors late at night, and the conflict escalated!
Recently, a real-life version of the "neighborhood war" was staged at the home of the well-known game anchor Chen Ze. During the live broadcast, Chen Ze's neighbors suddenly broke into his home and loudly reprimanded him for his disturbing behavior. This matter quickly became the first hot search on Weibo, which aroused widespread attention from netizens.

The conflict escalated: Neighbors broke into the anchor's home late at night

According to witnesses at the scene, Chen Ze was broadcasting the game live that night when he suddenly heard a fierce quarrel outside the door. Immediately afterwards, a woman (a neighbor) rushed into Chen Ze's home and loudly reprimanded him for his disturbing behavior. Chen Ze tried to explain, but the neighbor was emotional, and the two sides soon fell into a heated argument.

The first hot search! Tens of millions of fans were reprimanded by their neighbors late at night, and the conflict escalated!

The anchor responded: Although there is a voice, it is far from meeting the standard of disturbing the people

Subsequently, Chen Ze issued a response to the incident. He admits that he did make a noise during the live broadcast, but stressed that it was far from meeting the standard of disturbing people. Chen Ze also said that he could buy a decibel measuring instrument to prove that his voice did not exceed the standard of disturbance.

The first hot search! Tens of millions of fans were reprimanded by their neighbors late at night, and the conflict escalated!
The first hot search! Tens of millions of fans were reprimanded by their neighbors late at night, and the conflict escalated!

**Netizens are hotly discussed: public figures should pay more attention to words and deeds**

This incident quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens believe that although Chen Ze's voice may not meet the standard of disturbing the people, as a public figure, he should pay more attention to his words and deeds to avoid causing unnecessary trouble to his neighbors. Some netizens also said that the neighbor's behavior was too impulsive and that the problem should be solved through legal channels.

The first hot search! Tens of millions of fans were reprimanded by their neighbors late at night, and the conflict escalated!
The first hot search! Tens of millions of fans were reprimanded by their neighbors late at night, and the conflict escalated!

In response to this incident, some experts said that public figures should pay more attention to communication and understanding when dealing with their neighbors. They should always remind themselves that although there are certain particularities of being a public figure, they must also respect the rights and feelings of their neighbors. At the same time, experts also advise neighbors to stay calm and rational when encountering similar problems, and avoid taking aggressive actions.

This incident is a wake-up call for us to respect the rights and feelings of others in our daily lives and work together to create a harmonious neighborhood relationship. Both public figures and ordinary citizens should abide by social morality and laws and regulations, and jointly maintain social harmony and stability.

The first hot search! Tens of millions of fans were reprimanded by their neighbors late at night, and the conflict escalated!