
The ridges of my hometown are covered with a layer of concrete, and there is a lack of natural atmosphere!

author:The post-80s who have fallen behind

During the Qingming holiday, it was rainy and rainy, and the air in my hometown was particularly refreshing. Compared to the dirty air in the city, which is full of car exhaust, the air in my hometown is refreshing, and the air exudes the smell of grass and earth, which makes people intoxicated!

The ridges of my hometown are covered with a layer of concrete, and there is a lack of natural atmosphere!

Walking on the country road, I found that the mud ridges of more than 30 years were smeared with a layer of concrete. I hate it very much, and I feel sorry for the ridges with the breath of nature and the coat of modern industry.

The ridges of my hometown are covered with a layer of concrete, and there is a lack of natural atmosphere!

But on the muddy ridges, concrete was poured. It can effectively prevent the loss of water resources and effectively irrigate crops. And the farmer's uncle walks on the hardened ridges, which is not only free of weeds to block the view, but also convenient for work!

The ridges of my hometown are covered with a layer of concrete, and there is a lack of natural atmosphere!

After the farmland in front of the gate was repaired, all the crops were planted with rice, and two crops were planted. Because the local strong laborers have basically gone out to work, this farmland has been contracted to large grain growers.

The ridges of my hometown are covered with a layer of concrete, and there is a lack of natural atmosphere!

I happened to meet two fishers, and I took a closer look. It turned out to be a childhood friend, and everyone exchanged a few words of greeting, and found that everyone had become middle-aged uncles. Although everyone's appearance has changed a lot, a few words can bring back memories of their childhood.

The ridges of my hometown are covered with a layer of concrete, and there is a lack of natural atmosphere!

The young left home and the eldest returned,

The country accent has not changed, and the sideburns have declined.

Children don't know each other,

Smile and ask where the guest is from.