
The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

author:Clever Wind Chimes 008


The drums rumbled in a dreary manner, and the drums broke through the heavy palace gates, passed through the empty front of the hall, and were caught by the guards guarding the palace.

The Su Guard Forbidden Army obviously did not experience this formation, and hurriedly reported to the front of the palace to command the division.

Soon after the world was peaceful, the commander of the palace was still as shreckish as the former emperor Zhao Kuangyin, and after receiving the report of the Su Guard Forbidden Army, he hurriedly went to the sky to listen to the current emperor's holy judgment.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

Zhao Guangyi's face was gloomy, he quickly ruled out the origin of the drum in his heart, but he still hesitated in the attack of the northern enemy and the rebellion in a certain place, the military situation was like fire, Zhao Guangyi did not dare to delay, and immediately ordered the minister to go to the court to discuss the matter.

But before Zhao Guangyi hurriedly changed into a dragon robe, he saw a person bowing his body and approaching him in small steps, and when he came to him, he hurriedly bowed down, this is a big gift, and the officials of the Song Dynasty generally do not need to kneel and bow when they see the emperor, unless something major happens.

Zhao Guangyi's heart froze, and he didn't look carefully at what kind of official uniform was on the person, so he hurriedly asked the other party where it was lost.

The visitor shouted that he was guilty, and muttered to explain the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that not long after the founding of the Song Dynasty, although many official systems of the previous dynasty were divided, the specific affairs of many positions were not standardized, such as the official of the Dengwen Drum Courtyard in front of him.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

Dengwen Drum has a long history, and from the beginning of its establishment, it has been a complaint tool for the people to directly lead to the central government.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a department dedicated to the case of Dengwen Drum, but not long after the establishment of the country in the early Song Dynasty, in order to show that he attached importance to the people's feelings, although the founding emperor Zhao Kuangyin set up the Dengwen Drum Institute and the Dengwen Drum Inspection Institute to accept complaints, whether it was wronged or lost, as long as the drum sounded, he would lead hundreds of officials to the court to personally try it.

Every time in the court, the small people who beat the drums of Dengwen were all panicked, but they were also deeply moved by the spirit of the former emperor Zhao Kuangyin's civil life.

Later, the people understood that the emperor worked hard for the country, and few people went to beat the Dengwen drum again, and slowly, not only the ministers and the Su Guard Forbidden Army forgot the existence of the Dengwen drum, but even the current emperor also forgot about this matter.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

As a result, when the drums sounded, not only were the guards and forbidden troops shocked and mistakenly thought that there was a military situation, but even the emperor was like a great enemy, and he didn't think about the drums at all.

Dengwen Drum Courtyard has been idle for a long time, and no one thought that someone would ring the Dengwen Drum at all, and was also taken aback at first, but quickly thought of the duty, and slowly received the complainant, but saw the palace gate of the imperial city rushing out of a few horses and then made a strict posture, Dengwen Drum Courtyard realized that there was a misunderstanding in the palace, and hurriedly sent someone into the palace to explain.

After Zhao Guangyi listened to the explanation, he was angry in his heart, but his face did not show a trace, and he said warmly, Dengwen drums, hundreds of officials are coming to the court, it is understandable, it is the forbidden army of the guards who made a fuss, and then punished the commander in front of the palace, changed into a dragon robe unhurriedly, and paced to the court.

The ministers in the court were already present, looking at each other, not knowing what had happened in the court.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

Zhao Guangyi was not in a hurry, and waited for all the ministers to arrive before ordering someone to call the person who beat the drum.

That person was probably also a bastard, and when he saw that he had entered the magnificent hall, he bowed down and shouted to the emperor before he could see what the Son of Heaven looked like above.

Zhao Guangyi was stunned for a moment when he saw the man, but quickly adjusted, and asked Wen Sheng what the master was.

When the man heard this, he raised his head suddenly, saying that he was from the capital, named Mu Hui, and sued the house slave for losing one of his own sows and begging the emperor to call the shots.

At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, whether it was a person who sold himself as a slave or a good slave who made a contract with his employer, the master did not have the right to kill......

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

As soon as these words came out, a young official couldn't hold back his laughter, but he quickly realized that he was on what occasion he hurriedly stopped, but he didn't want Zhao Guangyi to look up to the sky and smile, and ordered the internal officials to give thousands of dollars to compensate this person.

After speaking, without waiting for the minister's reaction, he ordered to retreat from the court.

Zhao Guangyi walked very simply, did not care about the ministers who were in place, and did not go to see Mu Hui, who kept thanking him.

The uproar of "The Enemy Attack" ended in this way, except for Mu Hui, who was ecstatic after harvesting a thousand dollars, everyone was puzzled.

Later, the follow-up of this incident is also intriguing, Zhao Guangyi personally punished the palace commander was only beaten a few times painlessly, but he was promoted several times in a short period of time, and the Dengwen Drum Academy was attributed to Kaifeng Mansion after several adjustments.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

Kaifeng is the imperial capital, logically speaking, it belongs to the emperor's direct jurisdiction, but there are many trivial things, the emperor does not want to manage, such as Dengwen Drum Academy, of course, the Song Dynasty has a mediocre lord, but there is no faint monarch, Dengwen Drum belongs to Kaifeng Mansion, some big cases, big injustices reported to the emperor, the emperor will still come forward in person.

More often, it is the Dengwen Drum Courtyard to record the Kaifeng prefect - logically speaking, the Dengwen Drum Courtyard can be fully accepted, but after the emperor ignored the Dengwen drum, the Kaifeng prefect was entrusted with the important task of caring for the people on behalf of the "sky", so it was trivial to knock on the Dengwen drum, and the Kaifeng prefect also had to personally go out to try it, so there was the next strange case.

During the Jiayou period of Song Renzong, Bao Zhengquan knew Kaifeng Mansion.

At this time, decades have passed since Mu Hui's complaint, and the Kaifeng prefect has changed I don't know how many terms, but countless Kaifeng prefects have been pressed by the phrase "at the feet of the Son of Heaven".

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

On this day, he just sat down in the back hall of the mansion, and heard the drums in the front hall, he did not hesitate, called the master, and ordered someone to ascend to the hall.

When Bao Zheng sat down in the hall, he looked down at the hall, and saw that the man was wearing a short beat, and he had a plan in his heart, and then looked carefully, the man was short and simple, although there was some dirt on it, the material was stronger than the ordinary coarse cloth.

Good clothes and mud, this person's family should be good, and the people are considered to have a good life, and then look at this person's entangled expression, with two points of sadness, it should be that there is trouble at home, not some big and urgent case.

Bao Zheng observed and put his heart down for a while.

Before Bao Zheng could speak, a public official on the side asked where the person was, what his surname was, who his name was, and what he was accruing.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

The man answered them one by one, until he asked "what he had complained," and his face became even more sorrowful, and he said, "The despicable man begs the officials for permission to slaughter the cattle of the family!"

As soon as Bao Zheng heard this, he came to the spirit, ploughing cattle is often the most important labor of the farmer, not to mention killing cattle, if the family raises cattle, they would rather not eat enough to plough the cattle in one bite.

In addition, the world is based on agriculture, in order to ensure cultivation and prevent the wealthy families from bullying farmers to slaughter cattle for meat, the imperial court has always been a heavy punishment for slaughtering cattle and killing cattle without permission, and stipulates that those who report selling beef without permission will be rewarded heavily.

In such a context, almost no one dared to knowingly commit a crime, but this person said unabashedly that asking Bao Zheng to allow him to kill cattle can be said to be equivalent to deliberately offending the law.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

The official did not have Bao Zheng's patience, and when he heard this, he shouted "bold" and frightened the man to his knees and shouted "spare his life".

Seeing this, Bao Zheng hurriedly stopped the official, asked the official to help the person up, and asked carefully.

According to this person, he has raised cattle at home for many years, and he usually takes care of them with hundreds of families, and he is also very careful when using them, lest he hurt the cattle.

But a few nights ago, the family was asleep, but the cow outside the house was barking as if it was crazy, and he was afraid that someone would steal the cow, so he hurriedly put on his clothes and went out to check.

Who would have thought that when he went out to check, the cow would be like crazy, restless, and impossible to approach.

After making trouble for a while, when the cow was exhausted and lay down, he dared to come forward to check, and the night was dark, and he came closer to find that the cow's mouth was full of blood.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

It was too dark, he couldn't see clearly, and mistakenly thought that the cow was drugged and was about to die, so without thinking about it, he ran to ask someone to see if it could be saved.

When Lang Zhong arrived, the two worked together to break open the cow's mouth, only to find that the cow's tongue had been cut out.

At that time, Lang Zhong persuaded him not to treat it anymore, the cow could not eat by itself without a tongue, and would soon starve to death, and it would be in vain to save it, so he was reluctant to let Lang Zhong give some medicine to stop the bleeding.

In the next few days, he fed his rations and grass to the cattle every day, but the cattle were still worse day by day, and he was about to die, so he could only endure the pain and beg Bao Zheng to beg Bao Zheng to allow him to kill the cattle to recover his losses.

As for the gangster who caught and cut the tongue of the cow, he didn't see it clearly that night, and he didn't have any hope at all.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

After hearing this, Bao Zheng couldn't help sighing, and couldn't help but regret that all things have spirits, and this master can be regarded as benevolent and righteous, so he had to think of killing cattle as a last resort.

But Bao Zheng didn't believe this person's side of the word, he asked people to stay on the side first, and then sent someone to the address that this person said to check whether this person was lying.

At the time of the inspection, Bao Zheng was not idle, and continued to deal with a few small things.

After the official brought an "unmistakable" reply, he ordered someone to write a document for slaughtering and selling cattle and handed it to the man.

The man was in a hurry to leave, Bao Zheng took him by the hand, whispered, and laughed: "Just go back to slaughter cattle and sell meat according to this method, and the old man will help you catch that hateful tongue thief!"

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

The man was still confused after listening to Bao Zheng's words, and tossed around in Kaifeng Mansion, he was full of thoughts about whether the cow would be dead, so he gave Bao Zheng a salute and left.

Early the next morning, the cattle seller and a few friends picked up a few loads of beef to the market to sell, and the large pieces of meat quickly attracted the attention of the people around them.

Meat in the Song Dynasty was not abundant, but in Bianliang, Tokyo, meat was a sought-after commodity, and people gathered around to buy a little, and even more happy people came up to ask for a whole load, but when he checked out, he was dumbfounded, and sold beef at a price he couldn't even imagine.

The man scolded angrily on the spot, daring to sell cheap meat so expensive, and it was not possible to bully people? After scolding, he didn't finish leaving by himself, and he also blasted away the onlookers.

From this "cheap meat", it was clear that the man was mistaken, and when he saw the large pieces of meat, he thought it was pork, and he didn't think about the "expensive meat" mutton at all, let alone the "forbidden meat" beef.

The cattle seller wanted to explain, but suddenly thought of what Bao Zheng whispered yesterday - don't explain.

He didn't believe it, but when he thought of Bao Zheng's name of "Qingtian", he muttered a little in his heart, but the man didn't give up, and preached it all over the street, and after a while, the cattle seller's stall became crowded.

The cattle seller was a little aggrieved, the person who bought him wronged him, and Qingtian, who allowed him to sell, did not let himself explain, and if he went on like this, all the beef was smashed in his hands, and he talked about recovering the loss, and his own cow died in vain.

Of course, there are still more knowledgeable people in the market, although the Song Dynasty did not allow the sale of beef, but there were not even ploughing cattle to die of old age, so although there are few on the market, there are still some beef.

Therefore, when the person who knew the goods walked down the street and listened to the man's scolding words, he became interested and came to the stall selling beef, and looked at the beef of the cattle seller with great interest.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

The cattle of the cattle seller are in the prime of life, not very old, plus they are slaughtered, not naturally old and dead, the meat is unusually tender, a group of people are amazed, such fresh beef is hard to find, and they are willing to pay for it without thinking about it for a long time.

This group of people is either a businessman, or an official or servant of a wealthy compound, who often messes around in the market, even if they realize that the fresh beef is greasy, they will not ask, so they buy it, and the two have nothing to do with it.

Even if the government investigates it afterwards, you can push it on the head of the beef seller, and bite yourself to death without knowing that you are buying beef.

In this way, people will continue to take risks to sell fresh beef in the market in the future, and they will have the opportunity to buy fresh beef again and have a good time.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

As for the lawsuits, the market in the Song Dynasty was far bigger than people imagined, and there were people who sold everything, but who would be idle and have nothing to do after asking about high-priced meat? As for the people who really bought meat, it was even more impossible for them to sue, and how could they sue if their little abacus was very loud?

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some people with ulterior motives will have the intention of complaining.

Just when the cattle seller was in full swing, outside the crowd, there was a pair of eyes staring at the cattle seller's stall.

Before noon, the meat of the cattle seller was sold out, and he was about to collect the stall and go home to settle the proceeds of this trip, when suddenly a government official found him, he did not have the brain of those people who bought meat, and in the face of the government official did not dare to follow Bao Zheng's "don't explain", he hurriedly rummaged through his whole body and took out the cattle selling paperwork.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

The official did not look at the paperwork handed over by the cattle seller, waved his hand and said, "My father-in-law invited you to go, and the tongue thief caught it." ”

When the cattle seller heard this, he was at a loss, and he couldn't think of how Bao Zheng caught the thief after racking his brains.

It turned out that when the cattle seller was selling meat, someone went to the government to sue the cattle seller for slaughtering cattle and selling meat without permission, and asked Bao Zheng for a reward.

After hearing this, Bao Zheng shouted in the hall: "The tongue thief is here, take it!"

The tongue thief was frightened by this drink, he couldn't have imagined that Bao Zheng directly found out what was on his mind, and kept muttering "no, no......" but he couldn't say why.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

He heard that someone was selling very expensive meat in the market, and asked him what kind of meat he was, but he was vague, but he must have stolen the cow's tongue a few days ago, and he committed suicide and sold meat, so he came to the government to sue the official.

But what he didn't expect was that Bao Zheng was more familiar with the people's situation than him.

Bao Zheng knows that those who can afford beef on the market will not sue, and those who can't afford it will not trace the reason, only thieves with ghosts in their hearts will covet the reward for selling beef, and can't help but be tempted to run to the government to "turn themselves in".

By the time the cattle seller arrived at the government's office, the tongue thief had already confessed to the theft, and according to the law, the thief not only had to compensate the cattle seller for his losses, but also had to endure the punishment of false accusations, theft, and other crimes.

The tongue of the farmer's own cow is cut off, and the thief will turn himself in

After the cattle seller knew the ins and outs, he was grateful, gave Bao Zheng a solid gift, and also publicized all the "tongue theft case", and the name of "Bao Qingtian" became louder and louder among the people.