
No matter how good the relationship with your siblings is, remember not to do these three things, otherwise you will suffer a lot

author:Nan smiled and talked about his heart

Hello everyone, I'm Nanxiao. Ordinary me, thanks to love. Click on the blue word "Follow" above to encourage us.

No matter how good the relationship with your siblings is, remember not to do these three things, otherwise you will suffer a lot

Don't think that siblings have a good relationship, so there is no proportion, so there is no boundary.

Often, the more this is the case, the worse the relationship between siblings is.

Although it comes out of the same stomach, no matter how good the relationship is, there are some things that cannot be done.

Don't do it, if you do it, you are not a person inside and out, and doing it is equivalent to cutting off the way out.

People, we always have to learn to be smart, say what we should say, don't say what we shouldn't say, do what we should do, and don't do what we shouldn't.

What brothers and sisters need is a helper, and what they need is an outsider who knows cold and hot, but they are not outsiders who provoke trouble and put themselves in trouble.

No matter how good the relationship between brothers and sisters is, remember not to do these three things, the relationship can be good, don't believe it.

No matter how good the relationship with your siblings is, remember not to do these three things, otherwise you will suffer a lot

1. Don't do anything that provokes the relationship between husband and wife.

We have to understand that no matter how good the relationship with our brothers and sisters is, we don't care about the affairs between their husband and wife.

You feel that your siblings are too bitter, too tired, and too difficult, but when you see that his wife and husband are too strong, or there are other excessives, don't mix them easily.

The so-called husband and wife quarrel at the end of the bed and, they have no overnight feud.

If you stupidly get involved at this time, and you will become a person inside and out, because in the end they should be reconciled or will be reconciled, and life will always go on.

And you will be embarrassed in front of your siblings, and you will be very inhuman in front of your siblings' husbands and wives.

Even if you see that your siblings are very sad and always speak ill of their wives and husbands in front of you, let's just listen to them at this time.

It is better to demolish ten temples than to destroy a marriage.

To be a peacemaker, in fact, this is not only good for your brothers and sisters, but also for yourself.

If the family of brothers and sisters is harmonious, then they will save worry and effort, and they will be happy for them, so the elders in the family will be truly comfortable.

Therefore, the family affairs of brothers and sisters, should be noisy and noisy, just wait and see what happens, don't have to say too much about your own thoughts, and it is always right to mix less.

No matter how good the relationship with your siblings is, remember not to do these three things, otherwise you will suffer a lot

2. Don't do things under your hands and feet.

No matter how good the relationship with your siblings is, don't go to each other's hands to do things easily.

Because of this level of kinship, sometimes you confuse work with family affection.

Furthermore, it's hard to think of yourself as an employee of your siblings, and it's hard for your siblings to manage you.

There are some things that cannot be said and some things that cannot be done, just because they are related by blood.

However, when you say it, when you do it, then you will pierce the window paper of family affection.

As an employer, you think, I'm paying you, I'm your boss, why can't I give my opinion on your work?

And as an employee, you think, I am your employee, but I am also your relative, and you will always save me some face for some things, right?

How can such a working relationship be harmonious? In fact, after being together for a long time, there will always be problems.

One does not want to be beaten, the other does not want to be affected, and such a partnership is often a failure.

So no matter how good the relationship with your brothers and sisters is, don't go to do things under your brothers and sisters easily, it's good for you and for him.

Of course, if you can distinguish between public and private, and if your siblings can also distinguish between public and private, that is often possible.

But we are all ordinary people, and it is really difficult to do this, so it is better to go with the flow and go straight from the bridge to the bow of the boat.

No matter how good the relationship with your siblings is, remember not to do these three things, otherwise you will suffer a lot

3. Don't say that your siblings are not in front of your parents.

I think I have a good relationship with my siblings.,So sometimes in front of my parents, I'll say that my siblings are not.。

This thing is not done right, that thing is not done right, this thing should be done this way, that thing should be done that way.

In fact, if you really don't agree with the approach of your siblings, then you might as well bring it up tactfully in person, and I think the other party will accept it.

If you say that your siblings are not in front of your parents, often your siblings will think that you are complaining to your parents and giving them small shoes, which is very inauthentic.

Gradually, your siblings will move away from you, and gradually your siblings will begin to rebel against you.

Often a lot of misunderstandings are caused by this, people, no matter who you get along with, you must choose to be honest and relative, only in this way can the relationship be maintained, and the relationship can be good.

Of course, your impression in the hearts of your parents will also be detracted, and your parents will feel that you do not love your siblings, and sometimes they will fight for your siblings, and even sometimes tell your siblings.

Don't be stupid anymore, even if your original intention is right, even if your original intention is kind, but in the end you will become not human inside and out.

Don't do the above three things, so that you can have a good relationship with your brothers and sisters.

No matter how good the relationship with your siblings is, remember not to do these three things, otherwise you will suffer a lot


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