
The good news of China's space station is coming, many countries have applied to join, Australian media: China's success is unstoppable

author:Knowledge of popular science

The progress of the construction of China's space station has made remarkable achievements, and with the continuous development of space technology, China's success in the field of space has attracted the attention of the world. Recently, many countries have expressed their willingness to join China's space station project, and this news has sparked widespread heated discussions. The Australian press even said that China's success in the field of space cannot be stopped.

The good news of China's space station is coming, many countries have applied to join, Australian media: China's success is unstoppable

Since the successful launch of the Tianhe core module of China's space station in April 2021, space agencies such as the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation have been actively promoting related work. The construction of China's space station is divided into three steps: the construction and launch of the core module and the experimental module from 2021 to 2022, the completion of two spacecraft missions from 2022 to 2023 to realize the assembly of the space station in orbit, and the establishment of the basic functions of the space station from 2023 to 2024 to achieve the capability of permanent space station. China's success in the field of space not only reflects China's ambitions in the field of space technology, but also provides new opportunities for global space cooperation.

The good news of China's space station is coming, many countries have applied to join, Australian media: China's success is unstoppable

The success of China's space station has attracted the attention and participation of many countries. According to data released by the China National Space Administration, many countries and regions, including Russia, the European Space Agency and the United Arab Emirates, have expressed their willingness to join China's space station program. These countries hope to share China's achievements in the field of space technology and space science by joining China's space station project and achieve common development.

The good news of China's space station is coming, many countries have applied to join, Australian media: China's success is unstoppable

The Australian media spoke highly of the success of China's space station project and said that China's success in the space field will be difficult to stop. This trend shows that China's influence in the field of space is gradually increasing, and it will play an increasingly important role in future space exploration and utilization.

The good news of China's space station is coming, many countries have applied to join, Australian media: China's success is unstoppable

However, while China's rise in space has been widely praised, it has also raised concerns in some countries. Recently, the 2021 fiscal year report of "Freedom of Navigation Operations" released by the US Department of Defense claimed that from October 2020 to September 2021, the United States challenged 37 "excessive maritime claims" from 26 countries and regions, of which the most were related to China, involving Chinese mainland 5 times and Taiwan 1 time. This shows that the United States is concerned about China's rise in space.

The good news of China's space station is coming, many countries have applied to join, Australian media: China's success is unstoppable

Although some countries are concerned about China's rise in the space field, China has succeeded in attracting more countries to join and support through its open and cooperative attitude and pragmatic actions. This model of multilateral cooperation will help promote the development of global space science research and push human space exploration to a new level.

The good news of China's space station is coming, many countries have applied to join, Australian media: China's success is unstoppable

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