
The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

author:Surgeon Dr. Lee
The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

The morning breeze blows ripples through the leaves.

Li Ming sat on the balcony and drank the strong tea that had been boiling for a long time, while admiring the quiet scene in front of him.

Suddenly, the ringing of his cell phone interrupted his leisurely time.

"Hello, Mr. Li, it's me, your family doctor, Dr. Zhang. Recently, I have found that your blood uric acid level is a little high, and I recommend that you come to the hospital for further examination as soon as possible. "

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

"What? Is my blood uric acid high? How is this possible? I've always been very concerned about my diet and lifestyle. Li Ming suddenly felt a little worried.

"This really needs your attention.

I found some recent reports on the Internet that there is a food that has a very high level of uric acid and is known as a 'uric acid killer'. You may want to pay attention to it. Dr. Zhang said with a hint of tiredness in his tone.

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

"What foods cause high uric acid? Is it the beef I've been eating lately?" Li Ming secretly guessed in his heart.

"No, not beef. In fact, this 'uric acid killer' has 10 times more uric acid than beef.

Many people don't pay attention to this issue and are still blindly eating large quantities. Dr. Zhang said.

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

Hearing Dr. Zhang's words, Li Ming suddenly fell into deep thought.

He has always been strict with his diet and insists on exercising every day, how can this happen? To find out what kind of food was causing his blood uric acid to rise, he decided to look up the relevant information carefully.

Through Internet searches, Li Ming found that there have indeed been many reports about "uric acid killers" recently.

Major media outlets are discussing this topic, saying that there is a food with extremely high levels of uric acid that is known as the "uric acid killer".

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

According to experts, uric acid is a waste product produced in the body's metabolic process.

Normally, the body excretes most of its uric acid through the kidneys, which is maintained at an appropriate level.

However, if you consume too much high-purine food, it will lead to excessive accumulation of uric acid in the body and hyperuricemia.

This not only increases the risk of gout, but can also lead to a range of health problems such as high blood pressure and kidney disease.

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

To Li Ming's surprise, it turned out that this food, known as the "uric acid killer", was actually his favorite ingredient - pork liver.

As an animal offal, pig liver contains a large amount of purine substances, and the uric acid content is much higher than that of ordinary meat products.

Relevant studies have shown that every 100 grams of pork liver contains 700-900 mg of uric acid, which is about 10 times that of beef.

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

Although many people know that animal offal foods usually contain high cholesterol and saturated fat, they do not pay attention to the problem of high purines and high uric acid.

They still regularly eat pork liver, duck liver, etc., thinking that as long as the amount is not too large, there is no problem.

However, doctors have been warning that even a small amount of ingestion can cause great harm to health in the long run.

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

Li Ming realized that he had some misunderstandings about this before.

He recalls that he would eat pork liver several times a week, and even made it into a deep-fried liver tip.

No wonder my blood uric acid is abnormal, it turns out that it is because of this "uric acid killer".

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

Following the doctor's advice, Li Ming began to actively adjust his diet.

He took the initiative to stay away from high-purine foods such as pork liver, and instead ate some low-purine ingredients, such as lean meat, beans, vegetables, etc. At the same time, he also pays attention to drinking plenty of water to help the body metabolize uric acid.

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

After a period of conditioning, Li Ming's blood uric acid level was finally well controlled.

The doctor told him that proper control of the intake of high-purine foods can not only prevent the occurrence of gout, but also avoid the appearance of other complications.

As long as he adheres to a good diet, I believe that his physical condition will definitely get better and better.

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

To Li Ming's relief, through this incident, he not only learned about the dangers of high uric acid, but also deeply realized the importance of a reasonable diet.

He is determined to always be vigilant, stay away from high-purine foods known as "uric acid killers", and strive to maintain his health.

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

Medical studies have shown that hyperuricemia not only increases the risk of gout, but may also lead to a variety of complications such as hypertension, kidney disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.

Therefore, doctors often recommend that if the blood uric acid is found to be high in the examination, it must be paid attention to and effective measures must be taken in time to recuperate.

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

For some high-purine foods, such as animal offal, shellfish, beer, etc., doctors generally believe that they should be consumed as little as possible or avoided completely.

If you do want to eat it, you should also control the portion and not overdo it.

At the same time, measures such as drinking plenty of water and exercising properly can also help promote uric acid metabolism and keep blood uric acid indicators at a normal level.

The "uric acid killer" was found out, 10 times more than beef! Doctor: Many people don't listen to persuasion and eat every day

Through this incident, Li Ming is deeply aware that even some foods that usually seem to be very healthy may cause harm to the body if they are consumed in excess.

He is determined to always be vigilant, develop good eating habits, and maintain his health in the right way.

I believe that as long as I persevere, I will be able to stay away from all kinds of diseases and live a happy life.