
If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

author:Sharp eyes on the world

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

Lao Zhao wandered outside the door of the physical examination room of the community hospital, like a small drum in his heart, "Doctor, why is my blood pressure high again?" he nervously asked Dr. Li, who had just received the report.

56-year-old Lao Zhao works tirelessly to teach and educate people on weekdays, but he didn't expect his body to turn on a red light. Dr. Li read the report carefully, and frowned slightly: "Your blood pressure is indeed high, you have to pay attention." ”

Lao Zhao's face turned pale instantly, and his desire to enjoy his old age seemed to be overshadowed at this moment. "Could it be that high blood pressure came to the door so quietly?"

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

01 Before the onset of hypertension, there are generally 4 precursors

Frequent morning headaches:

Just like the neighbor Aunt Wang always feels her temples pounding when she gets up early every day, she mistakenly thinks it is because she hasn't slept well at night, but later she realizes that it is an early sign of high blood pressure.

Persistent headaches when you wake up in the morning, especially in the back of the head, are often a warning sign of a creepy increase in blood pressure.

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

Blurred vision: People like Xiao Liu, who had always had good eyesight when they were young, suddenly found that their vision sometimes became blurry, and after examination, it was due to temporary retinal insufficiency caused by blood pressure fluctuations.

Tinnitus and rapid heartbeat: When Lao Zhang is quiet, he can always hear a buzzing sound in his ears, accompanied by occasional palpitations, which are non-specific symptoms that can be caused by high blood pressure.

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

Inexplicable fatigue and fatigue: Manager Wang was originally full of energy, but recently he often felt tired and weak, and he was panting when he went up and down the stairs, which may be hidden behind the increase in systemic vascular resistance caused by high blood pressure and the increased burden on the heart.

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

02 "Potassium" generally has four major effects on the prevention of hypertension

Regulates electrolyte balance:

Following the advice of a dietitian, Xiao Chen increased his daily diet with potassium-rich foods such as bananas, potatoes and spinach. Potassium acts as a magician in the body, helping to maintain a good ratio of sodium and potassium ions inside and outside the cell, which indirectly lowers blood pressure.

Relieves vascular tension:

The seaweed soup on Grandma Li's table has become her new favorite, because seaweed is rich in potassium, which helps to relax the walls of blood vessels and reduce blood vessel constriction, thus keeping blood pressure at a stable level.

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

Enhance the function of renal sodium excretion: Since Lao Han paid attention to potassium supplementation, he obviously felt that the phenomenon of frequent urination has improved, and it turns out that sufficient potassium can promote the excretion of excess sodium salt by the kidneys and reduce the impact of sodium and water retention on blood pressure.

Boost heart health: Office white-collar Lili will consume enough potassium every day to maintain the normal functioning of the heart muscle, reduce the workload of the heart, and indirectly prevent the risk of heart disease caused by high blood pressure.

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

03 Top 10 "potassium king" foods to help you stabilize your blood pressure secret

Bananas: The bananas that everyone loves, each one is full of potassium, and a handful can supplement hundreds of milligrams, which is delicious and healthy, and is simply a natural snack for people with high blood pressure.

Potatoes: Don't look at potatoes are ordinary, people's potassium content is very good, and it is easy to absorb after cooking, stewed soup, stir-fried vegetables.

Spinach: Green spinach, not only Popeye likes, high blood pressure friends should also eat more, stir-fried spinach, make soup are good choices for potassium supplementation.

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

Tomatoes: Red tomatoes not only taste sweet and sour, but also rich in potassium, which is good for raw and cooked food, especially home-grown ones.

Beans: All kinds of beans and beans are also big potents, cook a mixed bean soup or fried beans, which can not only satisfy cravings but also replenish potassium.

Sweet potatoes: Sweet sweet potatoes, which are both coarse grains and potassium sources, roasted sweet potatoes and steamed sweet potatoes are both stomach-warming and blood pressure-friendly.

Avocado: Avocado, a fashionable health food, is quite high in potassium and can be eaten for breakfast with whole-wheat bread.

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

Nuts: Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are small but rich in potassium, but they should be eaten in moderation, after all, they are not low in calories.

Fish: Not only is fish a good source of protein, but some fish are also rich in potassium, such as salmon, which is both delicious and beneficial.

Milk and yogurt: Dairy products are also a good source of potassium, and a glass of milk can provide both calcium and potassium supplements.

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

After learning about the precursors of high blood pressure and the important role of potassium, Lao Zhao learned from the pain and adjusted his lifestyle and diet.

He began to eat a low-salt, high-potassium diet, with a banana in the morning becoming a regular supporting role in his breakfast, and leafy greens and whole grains for dinner.

As a result, three months later, when his blood pressure was measured again, Lao Zhao was surprised to find that his blood pressure had fallen back to the normal range, and the invisible "enemy" of high blood pressure seemed to have been successfully repelled by him.

If you don't want to be targeted by high blood pressure, you usually have to eat more "it", and the doctor reminds you: these 10 foods are very suitable

"Prevention is better than prevention, and food is better than medicine. "Through Lao Zhao's story, we deeply realized that preventing high blood pressure is not an unattainable thing, but a real daily life choice.

By grasping the signs of high blood pressure and actively consuming the beneficial mineral potassium, everyone can steer the rudder on their own health path and sail towards a better life in old age.

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