
People with high blood pressure may wish to eat more of these 3 types of foods, which may be effective in lowering blood pressure

author:Panda Medicine

Hypertension is a common chronic disease at home and abroad, and it is also the main cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which is mainly characterized by increased blood pressure in systemic arteries.

According to relevant data reports, there are currently 270 million people suffering from hypertension in the mainland, which can easily lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, kidney disease and other complications.

In daily life, we can regulate high blood pressure through diet to avoid more diseases caused by high blood pressure. There are 3 types of foods that are common in life and can effectively regulate blood pressure.

1. Fruits

People with high blood pressure may wish to eat more of these 3 types of foods, which may be effective in lowering blood pressure

Fruits can supplement various elements and nutrients needed by the human body, and some fruits have the effect of lowering blood pressure. Apples, for example, are rich in pectin, which can effectively lower cholesterol and keep blood pressure and blood sugar stable. Bananas are rich in potassium, which can stabilize blood pressure, help digestion and protect the intestines.

Hawthorn can not only eliminate food, but also dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Persimmon is rich in vitamin C, pectin and sugar, in addition to supplementing the nutrients needed by the human body, it also has the effect of clearing heat and preventing arteriosclerosis.

2. Vegetables

People with high blood pressure may wish to eat more of these 3 types of foods, which may be effective in lowering blood pressure

Patients with high blood pressure should not consume excessive salt in their daily diet, and should mainly eat a low-salt and low-fat diet, not too much pickled food, and should eat more fresh vegetables. For example, celery is rich in potassium, vitamins, apigenin, bergamot lipid and other antihypertensive ingredients, which can effectively lower blood pressure and blood lipids, clear heat and detoxify, help patients with hypertension effectively control their weight and prevent excessive obesity.

Spinach has magnesium, potassium, carotene, dietary fiber and other antihypertensive ingredients, with antioxidant, blood pressure lowering effect, but spinach and tofu can not be eaten together, tofu contains magnesium chloride, calcium sulfate, easy to chemical reaction with spinach oxalic acid, calcium oxalate, magnesium oxalate and other substances, is not conducive to human absorption.

Artemisia chrysanthemum is rich in choline and dietary fiber, which has the effect of stabilizing mood and lowering blood pressure, and can effectively improve symptoms such as palpitations, lack of sleep, and neurasthenia in patients with high blood pressure, while chrysanthemum can accelerate the body's metabolism and absorption of meat and protein.

3. Medicinal diet

People with high blood pressure may wish to eat more of these 3 types of foods, which may be effective in lowering blood pressure

Patients with high blood pressure need to focus on tonifying yin, and should not consume ginseng, deer antler velvet and other acute tonic drugs. For patients with high blood pressure with spleen deficiency, it is suitable to eat foods that strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, such as yams, barley, lentils and other plants. For patients with high blood pressure who are deficient in yin deficiency and hyperyang, in addition to a light and fresh diet, they can also take more yin-nourishing foods, such as our common lotus seeds and lotus leaves, which can be soaked in water and drink, which has the effect of clearing the heart and lowering the liver fire.

Patients with hypertension should pay attention to a balanced diet in their daily life, eat less high-fat and high-salt foods, eat more fresh vegetables and antihypertensive fruits, and exercise appropriately, which can effectively lower blood pressure and blood lipids, prevent more cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases induced by hypertension, and have a healthy and good physique.

[This graphic and text is exclusively produced by "Panda Medicine" new media, the author is Bai Ying, without authorization, please do not reprint or copy]

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