
"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

author:Morning mom food

As the saying goes, "Laughter nourishes the heart, depression 'hurts' the heart." Pay attention to health, first to nourish the heart", the heart is known as the "monarch's official", is the body of the internal organs, if there is a problem with the heart, then the body will be in danger. For people, taking care of their hearts is the foundation of good health, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, which must not be ignored.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

Xia is connected to the heart, and summer belongs to the fire, which matches the heart. In summer, the body often feels sleepy, and there will be insomnia, which has a lot to do with the heart, so it is very important to nourish the heart in summer.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

In addition to developing good living habits, we should eat more heart-friendly foods in our diet.

1. Carrots (protect the heart and strengthen immunity)

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

Recommended Method【Carrot Egg Roll】

Main ingredients: eggs, spinach, carrots

1. Wash and peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices, then steam them in a pot. Once steamed, mash the carrots while they are hot.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

2. Prepare a handful of spinach, wash it and blanch it, so that you can remove the oxalic acid in the spinach. After blanching, chop the spinach into minced pieces, the finer the better.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

3. Crack 3 eggs into a bowl, add a teaspoon of salt and stir well. Then brush the pan with a layer of oil, scoop two spoonfuls of egg wash when the oil is hot, quickly turn the pan and spread it into an omelet.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

4. Spread the carrot puree evenly on the omelet, then spread the chopped spinach on top of the carrot, press it tightly with a spoon, and then slowly roll the omelet from one end. Roll it and cut it into small pieces and serve on a plate.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

5. Add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce and a spoonful of sugar to a bowl and stir well. Pour oil into a frying pan, then add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in the sauce and stir-fry evenly. Finally, pour in the water starch and fry until it is sticky.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

5. The fried sauce is poured directly over the vegetable rolls and ready to serve.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

7. A nutritious and delicious spinach egg roll is ready, the taste is light and fragrant, and children especially like to eat it. If you like it, let's collect it.

2. Red beans (clear heart fire, replenish qi and blood)

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

Recommended Practice【Red Bean Rice Cake】

Main ingredients: honey red beans, sweet potatoes, glutinous rice flour, sticky rice flour

1. Peel a sweet potato and cut it into thin slices first, and steam the sweet potato in a pot on cold water.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

2. While steaming sweet potatoes, spread oil paper in the mold, then pour in a bowl of honey red beans, spread the honey red beans evenly, then spread a piece of plastic wrap on the surface of the honey beans, press the honey beans tightly with a rolling pin, and roll it with a rolling pin, so that it is smoother, and there will be no big gaps in the pressed honey beans.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

3. Then pour 30 grams of sticky rice flour into the bowl, then pour 60 grams of glutinous rice flour, 15 grams of sugar, and stir the flour evenly with about 90 grams of water.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

4. Take out the steamed sweet potatoes and press them into a puree for later use, then we sieve the batter into the mold, shake it to make the batter more even, and then steam it in the pot for 20 minutes.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

5. After steaming, let it cool slightly, then use a knife to scratch it on all sides to facilitate demolding, then spread plastic wrap, turn it upside down to remove the mold, turn the rice cake over, and tear off the plastic wrap.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

6. Cut it in half from the middle, spread the sweet potato puree evenly on one side, fold it in half, tear off the oil paper, cut it into pieces and enjoy.

3. Pig heart (form complements form)

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

Recommended Method【Pork Heart Lotus Seed Soup】

Main ingredients: pork heart, lotus seeds, longan, red dates

1. Cut the fresh pig heart in half first, and then clean the blood in it with water, and wash it several times, because there is more blood in the pig heart. Wash the pork heart, cut it into thin slices and set aside.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

2. Soak the longan and lotus seeds in water, and then remove the core inside the lotus seeds, or you can buy the core of the lotus seeds directly. Wash the jujube and remove the jujube pit.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

3. Cut the pork heart in a pot under cold water, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, boil the water over high heat, blanch until the pig heart changes color, and then rinse it with water.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

4. Put all the ingredients into the stew pot, simmer for 1 hour over the water, and add an appropriate amount of refined salt to taste after leaving the pot.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat more of these 3 foods on dog days to strengthen your heart and immunity

5. A simple and nutritious pork heart soup is cooked, the pig heart is fresh and tender, the soup is salty and sweet, and it is very comfortable to drink. Drinking 2-3 times a week for a period of time is very helpful for insomnia.

Use the simplest ingredients to make the most beautiful dishes, make a meal of love for the family, I am Mommy early, every day you will bring a home-cooked food. If you like me, like it, forward and follow it!

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