
The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

Foraging in the market

2024-06-25 22:31Posted in Henan

As the saying goes, "the heart determines life", the heart is like a battery and engine in the human body, once the power warning or other problems occur, it means that the health is already in a serious danger zone, so you must always pay attention to your heart health, especially in the hot summer.

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

In the sultry temperature environment, the body will sweat excessively, lose appetite, indirectly make the body lack of nutrients, upset and irritable, which is why the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" has been emphasizing the need to "nourish the heart in summer". Now is the height of summer, on weekdays to remember to take care of your heart, from the diet, living habits and other aspects of the heart, especially recommended to eat more of the following four "heart food" to protect your heart, make your body stronger.

1. Soybeans

Soybeans, the "king of beans", contain a variety of amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the human body, which are very beneficial to heart health, so you can buy more soybeans at home and eat them.

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

In the morning and evening, you can use it to make soy milk to drink, or make some soybean stir-fry at noon, and soy products such as tofu, fragrant dry, tofu skin, etc. can also be bought and eaten often.

Recommended method: [Stir-fried soybeans until fragrant]

Ingredients: soybeans, dried fragrant, garlic, millet pepper

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

1. After the soybeans are washed, soak them in water for three hours, rinse them well, cut them into small pieces, and prepare minced garlic and millet pepper rings.

2. Pour two spoons of light soy sauce, one spoonful of oyster sauce and one spoonful of starch into a small bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, pour a little water and stir well.

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

3. Bring water to a boil in a pot, put a spoonful of salt and half a spoon of oil, pour in soybeans and cook for about 15 minutes, then pour in fragrant dry blanching for half a minute.

4. Pour oil into a wok, add minced garlic and millet pepper and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in soybeans and dried fragrant, and stir-fry evenly.

5. Pour the seasoned sauce into the pot, turn on the high heat and stir-fry continuously, and burn until the juice is collected and flavored, and the heat can be turned off and served.

2. Carrots

Carrots, also known as "little ginseng", have high nutritional value, rich in carotene, vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium and other nutrients, which can improve the body's immunity after eating, and also help protect cardiovascular and heart health.

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

In summer, you can often buy some stir-fried soup or stew soup to drink, the taste is delicious and delicious, and it can also supplement nutrition.

Recommended method: [Stir-fried carrot shreds with spinach]

Ingredients: Carrots, spinach, garlic

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

1. Cut off the roots of the spinach and wash it, peel the carrots, slice them first and then shred them.

2. Bring water to a boil in a pot, pour in spinach, blanch for 20 seconds and remove the water.

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

3. Cut the spinach into long sections, peel the garlic and chop the garlic for later use.

4. Heat oil in a wok, pour in minced garlic and cook until fragrant, pour shredded carrots into the pan and stir-fry for two minutes.

5. After the shredded carrots become soft, add spinach, add two spoons of light soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a little salt, chicken essence, stir-fry well, turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

III. Serina

Celery is known as the "patron saint of the heart", and its high content of apigenine, vitamin C and vitamin K can play an important role in the health of the heart.

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

And the summer weather is hot, celery is cool, the water content is as high as 95.4%, eat more can replenish water and relieve summer heat, it is highly recommended to eat more, whether it is with beef, chicken, shrimp, or with white fungus, fungus, dried and other ingredients are particularly delicious.

Recommended method: [Stir-fried white fungus with celery]

Ingredients: celery, white fungus, garlic, wolfberry

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

1. Soak the white fungus in water in advance, remove the roots, tear into small florets and wash them, remove the celery leaves, wash and slice them with an oblique knife.

2. Bring water to a boiling pot, put half a spoon of salt and oil, boil, pour in celery, blanch over low heat for two minutes, remove the water.

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

3. Heat oil in a wok, add garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, put the white fungus in the pot, fry over high heat for one minute, and then pour in celery and stir-fry over low heat.

4. Take water in a bowl, put a spoonful of soy sauce and starch, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, stir well and pour it into the pot, stir well and put in the wolfberry, and then put it on a plate after collecting the juice over high heat.

Fourth, peanuts

Peanuts, which enjoy the reputation of "longevity fruit", are not in vain, its nutritional value is really high, containing a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, lecithin, trace elements, etc., these nutrients are delivered into the body, which can take care of heart health in many ways.

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

So if conditions permit, you can develop the habit of eating a small handful of peanuts every day, whether it is boiled or eaten, or it can be drunk in porridge, soup, or peanut cheese, but remember not to eat unhealthy fried peanuts.

Recommended method: [Peanut cheese]

Ingredients: peanuts, walnuts, glutinous rice

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

1. Prepare 100 grams of peanuts, 30 grams of glutinous rice and 30 grams of walnuts, wash them separately and soak them in water for two hours.

2. After soaking, peel off the peanut skin and walnut skin so as not to let the peanut skin and walnut skin affect the final taste.

The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

3. Pour the peanut kernels and walnut kernels into a waterless and oil-free pot, stir-fry slowly over low heat until the surface is slightly yellow, and turn off the heat.

4. Pour the fried peanuts, walnuts and glutinous rice into the wall breaker, add 500 ml of water, and choose the rice paste button to beat.

5. Whip for about 15 to 20 minutes, add a little rock sugar or honey while hot, stir well and blend, pour it into a bowl and sprinkle dried osmanthus flowers to increase the fragrance and drink.

- Lao Jing said -

If you want to take care of your heart in summer, in addition to eating more heart-friendly ingredients in your diet, you should also remember to maintain a moderate amount of exercise, don't be too lazy to go out to exercise because the weather is hot, take advantage of the early morning and evening when it is a little cooler, go for a walk outdoors, or go cycling, swimming, regular exercise is very helpful to heart health. In addition, it is also necessary to develop good sleep habits, reduce staying up late, and try to go to bed early and get up early.

I am a foraging agent in the market, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! I like to focus on eating, drinking, and having fun in the market, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, follow me, enjoy the food and don't get lost.

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  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger
  • The heart determines the life expectancy, and it is recommended to eat more of these 4 "heart-strengthening foods" in summer to protect the heart and make it stronger

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