
What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: Everyone aspires to have a long physique, however, the mystery of life is not easy for everyone to uncover. The first priority to achieve good health is to stay away from chronic diseases.

When we look around the world and look for the secret of longevity, we can't help but be attracted by the average life expectancy in Japan. Why do Japan have such a reputation for longevity, and what makes them unique compared to us?

In Japan's daily life, a striking habit is quietly prevailing - that is, drinking notoginseng powder. For many Japanese people, notoginseng powder is not just a drink, but also an attitude to life. It doesn't just nourish their bodies, it becomes part of their culture. So, what is the mystery of this miraculous notoginseng powder?

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

Let's first understand the nutritional value of Panax notoginseng powder

Panax notoginseng powder, as a traditional Chinese medicinal material, has been widely used in the clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine. In addition to its unique medicinal properties, Panax notoginseng powder is also rich in nutrients and has many benefits for human health.

amino acid

Panax notoginseng powder is rich in a variety of amino acids, including eight essential amino acids. These amino acids not only provide essential nutrients for the human body, but also promote the synthesis of human proteins, enhance immunity, and play an important role in maintaining the normal physiological functions of the human body.

Mineral elements

Panax notoginseng powder is rich in mineral elements, such as calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, etc. These minerals play important physiological functions in the human body, such as bone building, hemoglobin synthesis, antioxidant and so on. Moderate intake of Panax notoginseng powder can help replenish the mineral elements needed by the human body and maintain good health.

A variety of active ingredients

Panax notoginseng powder also contains a variety of active ingredients such as notoginseng saponins, flavonoids, etc. These active ingredients have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fatigue and other effects, which are of positive significance for improving human health and delaying the aging process.

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

In a 2019 life research experiment conducted on long-lived elderly people in Japan, a striking phenomenon emerged:

More than 98.5% of the elderly population showed a strong preference for seafood and the number of meals, which was about 0.8 times higher than that of the elderly group over 75 years old in the mainland.

This data not only reveals the uniqueness of the eating habits of the elderly population in Japan, but may also hint at some positive role of seafood in maintaining a healthy and long life.

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

At the same time, the Japanese people have also shown great enthusiasm for traditional Chinese medicine and health preservation methods. According to the data, more than 75.6% of the Japanese population has the habit of drinking notoginseng powder for a long time.

As a traditional Chinese medicinal material, Panax notoginseng powder is widely used in the field of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation. In order to gain a better understanding of the specific effects of Panax notoginseng powder on human health, the medical community conducted a 12-month survey of survey data.

The results of the survey showed that the elderly population who had been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time showed positive changes in several aspects:

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

What happened to people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time?

Improves blood circulation

Panax notoginseng powder, as a traditional Chinese medicinal material, has always been favored by people. Its unique medicinal effect is due to the abundance of ingredients it contains, the most representative of which is notoginseng saponin. As the main active ingredient of Panax notoginseng powder, notoginseng saponin has significant pharmacological effects, one of which is to promote blood circulation.

Panax notoginseng saponins can promote the dilation of blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity, and thus improve blood fluidity. This means that blood flows more smoothly through the blood vessels and is less likely to form clots or blockages. For patients with high blood pressure, this effect of Panax notoginseng powder can help lower blood pressure, reduce the burden on the heart, and thus alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms caused by high blood pressure.

In addition, Panax notoginseng powder can also effectively prevent and treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is a type of heart disease caused by myocardial ischemia due to insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries. Panax notoginseng saponins can dilate the coronary arteries and increase the blood supply to the myocardium, thereby relieving the symptoms of myocardial ischemia. At the same time, Panax notoginseng powder can also inhibit the aggregation of platelets, reduce the formation of thrombosis, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

Lowers blood lipids

Hyperlipidemia is a common metabolic disease, which is mainly manifested by the increase in the level of lipid substances such as cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and long-term hyperlipidemia will accelerate the process of atherosclerosis and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Panax notoginseng powder is rich in active ingredients such as notoginseng saponins, which can effectively regulate blood lipid metabolism, inhibit the synthesis and absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides, and promote their decomposition and excretion.

In this way, Panax notoginseng powder can help patients with hyperlipidemia reduce the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, thereby reducing lipid deposition on the blood vessel wall, improving the elasticity of blood vessels, and delaying the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis.


Panax notoginseng powder not only shows unique effects in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also provides strong support for anti-aging and improving immunity due to its rich polyphenols.

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

As a class of natural antioxidants, polyphenols occupy an important position in Panax notoginseng powder. They have excellent antioxidant capacity and are able to effectively inhibit the production of free radicals, thereby slowing down the rate of cell aging and helping people delay aging.

Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals that can cause damage to the body's cells and tissues, accelerating the aging process. The polyphenols in Panax notoginseng powder act like a solid barrier, which can capture and neutralize these free radicals and reduce their damage to the body, which not only helps to maintain the healthy state of cells, but also promotes the body's metabolism and delays aging.

Protects the liver

The liver is an important metabolic organ of the human body, responsible for many important physiological functions such as detoxification, synthesis, and decomposition. However, factors such as poor living habits and environmental pollution in modern life often bring a huge burden to the liver, leading to frequent liver diseases.

Panax notoginseng saponins have antioxidant effects, which can scavenge free radicals in the body and reduce oxidative stress damage to liver cells. Secondly, notoginseng saponins can promote the regeneration and repair of liver cells, so that damaged liver tissues can be restored in time.

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

In addition, notoginseng saponins can also regulate the metabolic function of the liver, promote the normal metabolism of cholesterol, triglycerides and other lipids, and prevent excessive deposition of lipids in the liver, thereby protecting the liver from fatty liver and other diseases.

Improve physical condition

Panax notoginseng powder not only shows unique curative effects in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, liver diseases, etc., but also its role in promoting human gastrointestinal function and enhancing body immunity cannot be ignored. Modern life is fast-paced, and many people often experience gastrointestinal problems such as stomach pain and indigestion due to irregular diet, stress and other reasons.

The active ingredients in Panax notoginseng powder can stimulate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, promote the digestion and absorption of food, and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort. At the same time, Panax notoginseng powder can also protect the gastric mucosa, reduce the irritation of gastric acid to the gastric mucosa, and prevent the occurrence of gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases.

In addition, immunity is an important mechanism for the body to resist the invasion of external pathogens, and the various active ingredients in Panax notoginseng powder can activate and enhance the activity of immune cells, improve the production of antibodies, and thus enhance the body's immunity. The boost of immunity helps prevent common illnesses such as colds and coughs, and improves the overall health of the body.

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

Who is not suitable for drinking Panax notoginseng powder?

Pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant and lactating women have certain physiological peculiarities, and their bodies need more nutrition and attention. Panax notoginseng powder has certain pharmacological effects and may have adverse effects on the fetus or infant. Therefore, pregnant and lactating women should avoid the consumption of Panax notoginseng powder to ensure the health of the mother and baby.

Patients with bleeding diseases

Panax notoginseng powder has the effect of invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and for patients with bleeding disorders, the consumption of Panax notoginseng powder may aggravate bleeding symptoms. For example, people with hemorrhoids, gastric ulcers and other diseases may cause aggravation of bleeding after consuming Panax notoginseng powder, which is not conducive to the control of the disease.

Patients with hypotension

Panax notoginseng powder has a certain antihypertensive effect, and for patients with low blood pressure, the consumption of Panax notoginseng powder may cause further blood pressure drops, causing dizziness, fatigue and other uncomfortable symptoms. Therefore, patients with hypotension should avoid the consumption of Panax notoginseng powder to avoid aggravating the condition.

People with allergies

People with allergies are prone to allergic reactions to various substances, including Panax notoginseng powder. After consuming Panax notoginseng powder, people with allergies may experience allergic symptoms such as rash, itching, and difficulty breathing, and in severe cases, it may even lead to shock. Therefore, people with allergies should be cautious about consuming Panax notoginseng powder, and should seek medical attention immediately if they have allergic symptoms.

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

There are 3 misunderstandings about taking Panax notoginseng powder, I hope you can rest assured

Myth 1: Thinking that Panax notoginseng powder is a panacea

Although Panax notoginseng powder has certain medicinal value, it is not a panacea for all diseases. It is mainly used to stop bleeding, disperse blood stasis, fix pain, etc., and has an adjuvant treatment effect on some diseases, but cannot replace formal medical treatment.

Myth 2: Overdose

Some people believe that Panax notoginseng powder is a natural herb, so it doesn't hurt to take more of it. However, an overdose may cause adverse reactions in the body, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Therefore, be sure to take it according to the recommended dosage as stated by your doctor or on the leaflet.

Myth 3: There are no side effects when taken for a long time

Although Panax notoginseng powder has certain health benefits, it does not mean that it can be taken for a long time without restrictions. Taking large amounts over a long period of time may be taxing on the body and even lead to some underlying health problems. Therefore, it is recommended to take it intermittently and discontinue it appropriately after taking it for a period of time.

What happened to the health of people who have been drinking Panax notoginseng powder for a long time? The Japanese have already given the answer

Read more: How to distinguish the authenticity of Panax notoginseng powder?

Observe the appearance of Panax notoginseng powder

High-quality notoginseng powder is light yellow or light brown, with a delicate texture and no impurities. Inferior or counterfeit notoginseng powder often has uneven color, rough texture, and even contains impurities.

Smell the smell of notoginseng powder

Genuine Panax notoginseng powder has a certain medicinal fragrance, while counterfeit products may have a weak odor or no medicinal fragrance.

Try brewing Panax notoginseng powder with water

Put an appropriate amount of notoginseng powder into clean water and stir, genuine notoginseng powder will dissolve quickly to form a uniform suspension. Inferior or counterfeit products may not be soluble, precipitate and other phenomena.

In addition, when buying Panax notoginseng powder, it is important to pay attention to the origin and source of the product. High-quality notoginseng powder is often produced in the formal medicinal material planting base, with a clear origin identification. At the same time, choosing reputable brands and merchants is also the key to avoiding buying counterfeit and shoddy products.

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