
Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Can fish oil lower blood lipids? Beware! These health care products are specially designed to harm the elderly

author:Pharmacist Wang's Cardiovascular Lecture Hall

A few days ago, a patient with a sudden cerebral hemorrhage came, only 58 years old, which is quite regrettable.

The patient, Lao Hu, was sent by the 120 ambulance, and he was unconscious when he came. I heard that when Lao Hu was playing mahjong with his family, he suddenly fell to the ground, convulsed, foaming at the mouth, and his wife was so frightened that he cried. The son was calmer and quickly called the 120 emergency number, but it was too late when the person arrived. A good person said no, and it was gone.

The cause of the sudden cerebral hemorrhage is also obvious:

  • One is high blood pressure, which has been going on for many years, and as for how well it is controlled, the family can't say clearly;
  • The second is emotional agitation, which is a direct inducement, the patient is the kind of person who takes it seriously as soon as he plays mahjong, wins a game, can be excited for a long time, loses a game, and is so angry that he can't do it.

In short, vascular lesions caused by high blood pressure for many years, coupled with a sudden increase in blood pressure due to emotional agitation, eventually occurred cerebral hemorrhage.

Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Can fish oil lower blood lipids? Beware! These health care products are specially designed to harm the elderly

The question is, how well is Lao Hu's high blood pressure controlled?

In fact, from this sudden accident, it can be known that Lao Hu's blood pressure is not well controlled, but his son insists that his father has been taking blood pressure medication all the time, and his blood pressure must be up to standard. In the end, it was Lao Hu's wife who told the truth, it turned out that Lao Hu had indeed taken blood pressure medicine for a period of time, but then I didn't know where I heard that this blood pressure medicine would hurt the liver and kidneys, it was better to use Panax notoginseng powder, the blood pressure lowering effect is good, and there are no side effects. That is, since then, Lao Hu completely stopped blood pressure medication and only took Panax notoginseng powder.

Having said that, the doctor also knew that using Panax notoginseng powder instead of antihypertensive drugs was the biggest mistake patients made.

Be wary: these supplements really don't have such miraculous curative effects!

[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

1. Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure?

In fact, Lao Hu's experience is enough to prove everything. As for whether this notoginseng powder has a hypotensive effect, the doctor said that it doesn't matter, the patient can use it really well, but it has been proved that so far there is no guideline recommending Panax notoginseng powder for lowering blood pressure, and no patient can stably control blood pressure by using Panax notoginseng powder alone.

Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Can fish oil lower blood lipids? Beware! These health care products are specially designed to harm the elderly

Why, then, is there such a rumor? Of course, it is not groundless. After all, there are indeed studies that have done animal experiments with Panax notoginseng powder, and it has been found that it can play a certain role in lowering blood pressure when used in animals. However, there is indeed a lack of relevant evidence when it comes to people. If it is really effective, it is estimated that blood pressure medicine will be withdrawn from the market a long time ago!

Therefore, don't expect to use Panax notoginseng powder to have much effect on blood pressure, let alone replace the use of antihypertensive drugs, if you really want to use it, but you have to insist on taking the medicine, Panax notoginseng powder is at best the same as daily diet management, used to help lower blood pressure.

However, I still do not recommend that you use Panax notoginseng powder casually, for the use of traditional Chinese medicine, it is best to use it under the guidance of professional Chinese medicine, syndrome differentiation and treatment, especially for people with risk of bleeding, long-term use of Panax notoginseng powder may cause bleeding. Of course, if you use it for a long time, you have to control the amount, 1-3g a day is enough, and you should also beware of side effects and check the liver and kidney function regularly.

Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Can fish oil lower blood lipids? Beware! These health care products are specially designed to harm the elderly

[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

2. Can fish oil lower blood lipids?

Fish oil is also one of the most popular health products for middle-aged and elderly groups, a few days ago my mother saw fish oil on TV, saying that it was very cheap, only 19.9 yuan a bottle, I had to buy it, I said it badly, people just didn't listen. My mother is okay, I don't have any purpose in eating fish oil, I just think that this thing has to be eaten when I am old, but some people eat fish oil to lower blood lipids, and think that fish oil is safer than statins, so they use fish oil instead of statins, and even many elderly people with a history of cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease and other diseases are unwilling to take statins, so they eat fish oil, and the results can be imagined.

Fish oil, as the name suggests, is an active ingredient extracted from deep-sea fish, mainly omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, including EPA and DHA. Studies have found that these two types of ingredients do have some lipid-lowering effects, but they mainly target triglycerides, not cholesterol. For many patients taking statins, the purpose of the medication is to lower LDL cholesterol, and of course, to delay the growth of atherosclerotic plaques and stabilize plaques, which fish oil does not have.

In short, for patients with hypertriglyceridemia, fish oil can be taken, but it is limited to adjuvant therapy, combined with statins, fibrates, etc., and for patients with cardiovascular disease or high-risk groups, fish oil should never be used instead of statins. Long-term use of fish oil is also not recommended for healthy people to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Can Panax notoginseng powder lower blood pressure? Can fish oil lower blood lipids? Beware! These health care products are specially designed to harm the elderly

[Breeze] [Breeze] [Breeze]

3. Can salvia open blood vessels?

When it comes to salvia, it is estimated that many people are no strangers, such as many old people are accustomed to drinking salvia tea every day, and even eating salvia tablets as health products, thinking that salvia can pass blood vessels, which is also a big taboo.

First of all, Danshen Tablets is a kind of Chinese patent medicine, the effect is to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and the main treatment is chest paralysis caused by blood stasis obstruction, which is coronary heart disease and angina pectoris as Western medicine says. This also means that as a Chinese patent medicine, Danshen tablets can only be taken with indications, and cannot be taken as a health care product for a long time. As for salvia tea, it is also a traditional Chinese medicine, and if you drink it in large quantities for a long time, your body will not be able to stand it, and it also needs to be treated with syndrome differentiation, rather than indiscriminately.

Secondly, the blood vessel itself is also a paradox, what we call the blood vessel is actually the elimination of plaque in the blood vessel, and once this plaque is formed, it is difficult to reverse, unless it is a small plaque, through statin treatment and lifestyle intervention, it may be reversed, but it does not mean that it will disappear completely, because it can reappear at any time. For most plaques, there is no way to completely eliminate them, they can only be stabilized and delayed, so it is impossible to count on salvia to open blood vessels.

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