
The 65-year-old uncle took a spoonful of Panax notoginseng powder every day, what happened later? Reminder: 4 consequences must be recognized

author:Doctor Director Guo

In our traditional concept, traditional Chinese medicine is often regarded as safe and harmless, especially those herbs known as "sacred herbs", which are trusted by countless families.

Panax notoginseng powder is such a "famous medicine", and there are countless health legends in the folk. But is it really what the legend says?

The 65-year-old uncle took a spoonful of Panax notoginseng powder every day, what happened later? Reminder: 4 consequences must be recognized

1. The traditional application and modern misunderstanding of Panax notoginseng powder

Panax notoginseng powder, as a member of Chinese herbal medicine, has a long history and is widely used in the treatment of various bruises and injuries due to its effect of invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

But in modern times, Panax notoginseng powder is often crowned with the honor of "omnipotent", from controlling blood pressure to preventing cancer and fighting diseases, as if it can't do without it. Such misunderstandings stem from the exaggeration of the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine and the neglect of the understanding of side effects.

Panax notoginseng powder does have its certain medicinal value, but it is not suitable for everyone, the key is to eat it right.

This means that when we use Panax notoginseng powder, we should not blindly pursue the so-called "health care" effect, but should use it in a targeted manner and under the guidance of a doctor.

The 65-year-old uncle took a spoonful of Panax notoginseng powder every day, what happened later? Reminder: 4 consequences must be recognized

2. The potential effects of Panax notoginseng powder on patients with hypertension

For patients with high blood pressure, Panax notoginseng powder seems to be a good choice because it can dilate blood vessels and reduce coronary resistance, thus having a certain antihypertensive effect. However, the situation becomes dangerous when patients use Panax notoginseng powder as the main blood pressure lowering method, or even stop taking the blood pressure medication prescribed by the doctor.

Studies have pointed out that although Panax notoginseng powder has its unique pharmacological effects, it is not suitable for all patients with hypertension, especially in the case of not fully understanding the individual differences of patients, blind long-term use may cause unstable blood pressure fluctuations and even lead to serious vascular events.

Here, we would like to remind that any drug, including traditional Chinese medicine, has its indications and contraindications. Patients with high blood pressure should strictly follow the doctor's instructions when using Panax notoginseng powder, and must not stop the drug on their own to avoid unpredictable consequences.

The 65-year-old uncle took a spoonful of Panax notoginseng powder every day, what happened later? Reminder: 4 consequences must be recognized

3. Side effects and risk perception of Panax notoginseng powder

The side effects of Panax notoginseng powder are a topic that is not very willing to mention in the health circle. However, as a medical professional, it is our responsibility to lift the veil of inattention.

Panax notoginseng powder, although it is known as good for health, its side effects should not be ignored. In the case of drug-induced esophagitis, which is inflammation caused by direct irritation of the esophageal mucosa by the drug, this risk may increase if Panax notoginseng powder is not taken properly, such as if it is not stirred well enough or if it is taken immediately after taking it.

More seriously, Panax notoginseng powder can cause allergic reactions and epidermolytic drug eruptions. Although these side effects are less likely to occur, when they do occur, the consequences can be quite severe. The disease is characterized by widespread skin shedding, which can be even life-threatening in severe cases. Therefore, every user should conduct an allergy test before choosing to take Panax notoginseng powder to ensure safety.

In addition, some of the ingredients in Panax notoginseng powder have anticoagulant effects, which can be a double-edged sword for patients who need to prevent blood clots. Especially for those who are taking anticoagulant medications, Panax notoginseng powder may increase the risk of bleeding, leading to difficulty in hemostasis after trauma, and even triggering serious consequences such as gastrointestinal bleeding.

The 65-year-old uncle took a spoonful of Panax notoginseng powder every day, what happened later? Reminder: 4 consequences must be recognized

Fourth, correctly identify the difference between Panax notoginseng and Tu Panax notoginseng

In the market, the sources of notoginseng powder are not all authentic notoginseng, and there is also a plant called notoginseng that is often mixed in. Although the names of the two are similar, the efficacy of the medicine is very different. Panax notoginseng is not a real notoginseng, its medicinal effect is far less than that of real notoginseng, and it even contains ingredients that are harmful to the liver.

According to the report of "Hunan Old Man Seriously Injured Liver Caused by Long-term Use of Panax Panax Panax, and the Use of Panax Panax

There are subtle differences in appearance between real Panax notoginseng and Earth Panax notoginseng, and professional herb discriminators can distinguish them by their color, texture, and other characteristics. For ordinary consumers, choosing formal channels to buy and asking for quality inspection reports is an effective way to avoid buying Tusanqi. At the same time, consumers should choose and use Panax notoginseng powder through the guidance of formal medical institutions or professionals to ensure its safety and efficacy.

When using Panax notoginseng powder, we must have a scientific attitude, neither blindly superstitious about its miraculous health effects, nor ignore its potential risks. Everyone's physique is different, and the reaction to Panax notoginseng powder will also be different. Therefore, under the guidance of doctors, we should use Panax notoginseng powder prudently in combination with our own actual situation, so that we can truly achieve both health care and safety.

The 65-year-old uncle took a spoonful of Panax notoginseng powder every day, what happened later? Reminder: 4 consequences must be recognized

5. The adaptability of Panax notoginseng powder to patients with specific diseases

Patients with specific medical conditions need to be extra careful before considering the use of Panax notoginseng powder. For example, for those with blood disorders, such as thrombocytopenia or coagulation disorders, the anticoagulant effect of Panax notoginseng powder may exacerbate the risk of bleeding.

Therefore, such patients should consult their doctor before using Panax notoginseng powder to determine whether it is suitable for use.

Patients with liver disease also need special attention. Some of the ingredients in Panax notoginseng powder may place an additional burden on the liver. The case of a Hunan elder who suffered severe liver damage from long-term consumption of Panax notoginseng reminds us that even natural medicinal herbs may be unfavorable to some patients. Therefore, patients with hepatic insufficiency must undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation before considering the use of Panax notoginseng powder.

The 65-year-old uncle took a spoonful of Panax notoginseng powder every day, what happened later? Reminder: 4 consequences must be recognized

6. Reasonable dosage and medication time of Panax notoginseng powder

The safe and effective dosage range of Panax notoginseng powder is determined by a variety of factors, including an individual's health status, age, gender, etc. It is generally recommended that the daily dosage should not exceed 3 grams, and excessive use may pose unnecessary risks.

At the same time, Panax notoginseng powder should not be used continuously for a long time, and it is recommended to make periodic medication adjustments under the guidance of a doctor to avoid possible side effects or drug tolerance problems.

In modern medicine, the emphasis is on evidence-based treatments. Therefore, even if traditional medicinal herbs such as Panax notoginseng powder are used, this principle should be followed.

When using Panax notoginseng powder, users should seek the advice of a doctor, combined with the results of modern medical testing and evaluation, to determine whether it is appropriate to use Panax notoginseng powder and how to use it safely and effectively.

The 65-year-old uncle took a spoonful of Panax notoginseng powder every day, what happened later? Reminder: 4 consequences must be recognized


As a traditional medicinal material, Panax notoginseng powder is indeed beneficial to human health in some ways. However, this does not mean that it is available to everyone, or that it can be used without restrictions.

Understanding the proper use of Panax notoginseng powder, its potential risks, and its indications and contraindications is a must-do homework for every potential user.

With rational use, we can maximize the positive effects of notoginseng powder while avoiding possible negative effects.

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