
Gallery: Evacuation before a rainstorm

author:Yangcheng faction

"It is important to evacuate all residents before the rainstorm comes. "At 13:35 on April 24, just after attending the joint command meeting, Yang Zhong, head of the Shaoguan detachment of the Guangdong Armed Police Corps, ran to the forward command post to inquire about the progress of the mass transfer.

According to the forecast of the meteorological department, from the evening of April 24, there will be a new round of heavy rainfall in Guangdong Province. Due to the continuous heavy rainfall in the affected areas in the early stage, the soil moisture content is extremely high, which is easy to lead to secondary disasters, in order to ensure the safety of people's lives and property, the local government decided to evacuate all residents of Jiangwan Town.

Gallery: Evacuation before a rainstorm
Gallery: Evacuation before a rainstorm

"At 6 o'clock in the morning, before dawn, all the officers and soldiers took dry rations and set off to evacuate the masses in various villages. Yang Zhong told reporters that there are 43 large and small natural villages in the six administrative villages under Jiangwan Town, and in addition to Liangwu Village, which is the most serious situation, sent 60 people, Guoxi Village, Weiping Village, and Jiangwan Central Primary School each sent 30 troops, and Huwu Village sent 40 troops.

Gallery: Evacuation before a rainstorm

"Chief of Staff Yan Ji Chonggang led people to transfer the last 40 people from the three administrative villages of Huwu, Weiping, and Guoxi. "In the forward command post, Wang Chuang, the head of the reconnaissance unit, walked to the map to report the progress of the transfer. "There are some elderly people who refuse to leave, and an elderly man in his 90s in Huwu Village is very weak and refuses to leave his home where he has lived for decades, no matter how much he persuades him. ”

"The old man has his concerns, but we have to find a way to persuade him to evacuate. Yang Zhong immediately called the satellite phone to the search team in the village, and asked them to work with the nearby village committee cadres and emergency rescue personnel to do ideological work for the elderly to evacuate.

Doing ideological work among the masses is only the first step. Lai Liang, head of the propaganda and defense unit of the detachment that went to Weiping to assist in transporting the masses, told reporters that how to bring the masses to Jiangwan Town is also a difficult problem.

Gallery: Evacuation before a rainstorm

The most onerous transfer task is from Liangwu to Wudong, only 2 kilometers of the road has 9 large collapse points, and it will definitely be too late to enter and transfer when the machine opens the road. Yang Zhong immediately decided to send 40 troops to the village on foot to search for and transfer, and coordinated the joint assignment to send a helicopter for the transfer.

"Stand up! Move closer to me! Second Route Column!" This was the command given by Li Liang, deputy squadron leader of the special operations squadron, to the fighters of the squadron in sign language. As the rescue helicopter slowly landed, the huge roar of the engine made everyone present temporarily lose their hearing. Li Liang used a skillful set of tactical sign language maneuvers to assemble the troops, and at this moment, their task was to assist the helicopter in moving the crowd.

"In just one morning, we assisted in the helicopter transfer of 23 groups of more than 230 people. Yan Mingming, head of the combat logistics planning unit in charge of the transfer task at Jiangwan Middle School, said that considering that the wind was too strong when the helicopter took off and landed, the officers and men lined up in a row to shield the masses from the wind when landing, and surrounded the masses and quickly moved to the helicopter during the transfer. "This not only speeds up the transfer, but also minimizes the panic of the masses. ”

Gallery: Evacuation before a rainstorm
Gallery: Evacuation before a rainstorm

Among the transferred crowd, an old man about 60 years old attracted the attention of the soldier Li Chuanhong. The old man had inconvenient legs and feet, and looked at the crowd around him with a blank expression. "Uncle, you have inconvenient legs and feet, I'll carry you. Li Chuanhong stepped forward to communicate, but the old man pointed to his ear and waved his hand. It turned out that this was a deaf and dumb old man with no children and no daughters. Seeing this, Li Chuanhong immediately picked up the old man and boarded the helicopter and handed him a piece of bread.

Gallery: Evacuation before a rainstorm

"Seeing the safe evacuation of the masses makes sense of what we have done. Yan Mingming said that when he went to Jiangwan Central Primary School to assist in the helicopter evacuation of the masses, someone suddenly shouted, "The armed police officers and soldiers are coming, everyone should not panic," and the restless crowd instantly quieted down, "After getting on the plane, the masses waved to us, and some even saluted us, and the masses trust us so much, we must persevere to the end and ensure the safety of people's lives."

Gallery: Evacuation before a rainstorm

It is reported that on April 24, the Shaoguan detachment of the armed police investigated more than 500 houses, searched more than 3,000 rooms, assisted in transporting more than 600 people, grabbed 7.2 kilometers of roads, cleaned up more than 5,000 cubic meters of silt, and waded to transfer 5 trapped people.

"Once the crowd was safely moved, we evacuated. At 17:30 on the 24th, the head of the Yang Zhong detachment told reporters, "Not only to ensure the safety of the masses, but also to bring every comrade-in-arms back safely." "As night fell, torrential rain poured down, and the officers and soldiers who had finished transporting the masses lined up in a long line and marched in the direction of Shaoguan City.

Text, Picture | Reporter Hou Mengfei Correspondents: Liao Binhua, Li Yuchen, Liu Jialiang