
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today

author:Mobao calendula

Time flies by like a white horse, fleeting. When we talk about the distant Qin Dynasty, it seems that it was an ancient era that has nothing to do with us. However, when we look at this period of history from a perspective closer to life, we will find an astonishing fact: the Qin Dynasty is actually the life of 20 people from today.

Yes, the lives of just 20 people have closely connected us to the legendary Qin Dynasty. This can't help but make us think deeply: how many unique and precious things will a person experience in his life? And how many historical changes and cultural accumulation can be witnessed in the life of 20 people?

A person's life, from croaking to dying, will experience countless firsts. The first time I learned to walk, the first time I carried a schoolbag to school, the first time I stepped into society, and the first time I met love...... Every "first" is an irreproducible moment in life, and they constitute our unique life trajectory.

And in these countless "firsts", how can we ignore those moments that are closely connected with history? When we stand at the foot of the Great Wall and feel its unchanging vicissitudes for thousands of years, can we imagine the hardships and tenacity of those laboring people during the Qin Dynasty when they built this great project with their sweat and lives?

When we walk into the museum and gaze at the cultural relics of the Qin Dynasty, can we feel the cultural atmosphere and national spirit of that era? Those pottery, jade, and bronze wares are not only objects, but also witnesses of history and cultural inheritance.

Although a person's life is short, it is enough to witness the rise and fall and changes of an era. Some people may become outstanding scholars, delving into history and culture, some people may become excellent artists, using their talents to depict the style of the era, and some people may become ordinary laborers, creating their own value with their own hands.

Whoever it is, their whole life will have some kind of connection with this era, he will experience his own era, wars, plagues, earthquakes, the great unification of the country, the industrial revolution, the age of steam, and so on. And we are living through our own time.

Time is unforgiving, and it doesn't stop because of our nostalgia. In this inexorable time, human beings have preserved those precious histories and cultures through the efforts and inheritance of generations after generations.

No matter how ruthless time is, we will also leave our own traces in the long river of history.

The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today
The Qin Dynasty is only 20 people's lives from today

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