
The tranquility of the countryside

author:Mobao calendula

The morning light is slightly broken, and the mist is light,

The rice field wakes up in a deep sleep, and the dew kisses the tip of the rice,

The rooster crows to break the silence of the night and awaken the pulse of the earth,

In the morning in the countryside, the rhythm of life is revealed in the tranquility.

Stone paths, traces of time,

The old trees are towering, and the branches and leaves are sprinkled with dappled light and shadow,

The breeze shuttles, whispers with the green leaves,

Take away the hustle and bustle, leaving behind the peace and tranquility of the deep countryside.

The brook is murmuring, and the whispers are singing,

Telling ancient legends, flowing with the songs of the years,

The grass on the shore is swaying in the wind,

It is full of greenery, telling the tenacity and hope of life.

The shepherd boy flute, melodious tune,

Through the fields, echoing in the blue sky and white clouds,

In the sound of the flute, there is a story of the countryside,

It also hides people's yearning and pursuit of a better life.

The afternoon sun, sprinkled with golden,

In the rice field, the ears of rice are hanging low, full of hope for a good harvest,

Children frolicking in the fields, laughter is crisp,

In the afternoon in the countryside, the tranquility is filled with the joy and vitality of life.

The sunset shines obliquely, dyeing half the sky red,

The cattle and sheep returning home, leisurely walking through the fields,

The smoke curls, raising the warmth and concern of home,

In the evening in the countryside, the tranquility reveals the warmth and tranquility of home.

When night falls, the starry sky shines,

Frogs and insects sing, playing the music of the night,

In this boundless night, we feel the depth and vastness of the countryside,

I also feel the infinite power and wisdom contained in the tranquility of the countryside.

The tranquility of the countryside is the gift of time,

It is the gift of nature, the psalm of life,

It goes deep into our hearts and touches our emotions,

Let's find inner peace and tranquility in the hustle and bustle of the world.

The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside
The tranquility of the countryside

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