
Shopee skin and bone broth do not supplement calcium! The real calcium supplement food ranking is collected, don't spend money indiscriminately!

author:Tomato health

Have you ever had these feelings? Your physical condition is not as good as before, you often feel weak, easy to have bone headaches, maybe you are just deficient in calcium, calcium supplementation has always been a topic of great concern. Although everyone is aware of calcium supplementation, not everyone really understands how to properly supplement calcium. Some people even think that young people don't need calcium supplements, and only children and the elderly need calcium supplements, but this belief is wrong.

Calcium supplementation is not only for people of a certain age, but middle-aged and elderly people need to pay more attention to calcium supplementation, because as the body ages, the body's ability to absorb calcium will gradually decline.

Shopee skin and bone broth do not supplement calcium! The real calcium supplement food ranking is collected, don't spend money indiscriminately!

Is it true that calcium deficiency is prone to fractures?

Scientific studies have shown that calcium deficiency may be associated with an increased risk of fractures. A study published in The Lancet found that low calcium intake was associated with an increased risk of fractures. As we age, the bone mass of the body's bones slowly wears away, and the risk of osteoporosis and fractures increases. The age factor may be one of the more important factors that contribute to fractures.

Can shrimp, kelp, and bone broth supplement calcium?

Drinking bone broth, drinking milk, and eating shrimp skin are all ways of food supplements that we usually hear a lot, but they all have certain defects. We can supplement the nutrients we need by choosing other foods to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

If we usually encounter fractures or broken muscles and bones, we will drink bone broth to supplement calcium, but in fact, the calcium they can replenish is actually very small. Bones do contain a lot of calcium, but more of them are purines, and if calcium can be absorbed, it needs to be released with various hormones in the human body. In addition, bone broth that has been boiled for a long time does not contain 1/10 of the calcium in milk

Shopee skin and bone broth do not supplement calcium! The real calcium supplement food ranking is collected, don't spend money indiscriminately!

The calcium content of shrimp skin is as high as 2000mg/kg, which makes many people think that shrimp skin is a good calcium supplement. However, in reality, it is not realistic to supplement calcium through Shopee.

Although the calcium content of shrimp skin is high, the amount we consume is too small to meet the body's calcium needs. According to nutritionists, adults should consume between 800-1000 mg of calcium per day, while pregnant women, lactating women, and the elderly have higher calcium needs. It is not enough to rely solely on shrimp skin to supplement calcium.

In addition, dried shrimp is also rich in sodium, which may lead to the risk of high sodium when consumed in excess, so it is not suitable as a choice for calcium supplementation.

Shopee skin and bone broth do not supplement calcium! The real calcium supplement food ranking is collected, don't spend money indiscriminately!

It's these five foods that really replenish calcium

dairy product

Dairy products are one of the most common calcium-supplementing foods in people's daily lives. Milk, yogurt and cheese are all rich sources of calcium, and the calcium in these dairy products is not only easily absorbed by the body, but also provides other important nutrients such as vitamin D and protein, which play a vital role in the healthy development and maintenance of bones.

For some people, they may be intolerant to dairy products and unable to consume enough calcium. At this point, they can opt for plant-based dairy products as an alternative. Soy milk and almond milk are common plant-based dairy products, and they are also rich in calcium and other nutrients.

Shopee skin and bone broth do not supplement calcium! The real calcium supplement food ranking is collected, don't spend money indiscriminately!


Seafood, especially fish, is another important calcium-supplementing food. Fish is not only rich in high-quality protein, but also rich in vitamin D and calcium. Both bones and cartilage in fish are good sources of calcium. For example, salmon, sardines, and cod are all fish that are high in calcium. At the same time, seaweed foods such as kelp and seaweed are also rich in calcium, which is a good choice for vegetarians to supplement calcium.

Beans and legumes

Beans and legumes are not only rich in high-quality protein, but also a good source of calcium. Tofu, soy milk, soybeans, black beans, etc. are all common calcium supplements. In addition to being rich in calcium, these foods are also rich in phytoestrogens, which can protect bones. For vegetarians, beans and legumes are essential calcium-supplementing foods.

Shopee skin and bone broth do not supplement calcium! The real calcium supplement food ranking is collected, don't spend money indiscriminately!

Nuts and seeds

Eating more nuts can be a good choice. Not only are nuts high in healthy unsaturated fatty acids and fiber, they are also a good source of calcium. It is rich not only in calcium, but also in vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids. Studies have shown that almonds can help lower cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health. In addition, almonds are also rich in fiber, which helps promote digestion and maintain intestinal health. Remember to eat in moderation and stick to a balanced diet to maintain good health.

Shopee skin and bone broth do not supplement calcium! The real calcium supplement food ranking is collected, don't spend money indiscriminately!

Leafy greens

Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, etc., are good choices for calcium supplementation. Although relatively low in calcium, they are rich in other important nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C, and folate, which are also very important for bone health.

In summary, proper calcium supplementation is key to maintaining bone health. Calcium tablets and calcium supplements can be used as adjuncts, but natural calcium intake from food is the easiest and most effective way to supplement calcium. A combination of these foods can meet your calcium needs and maintain strong and healthy bones. Healthy bones start with the right diet.

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