
#记录我的2024##头条创作挑战赛##在头条看见彼此#今日份早餐...... White porridge ~ steamed egg with shrimp skin ~ fried chicken thigh fish ~ fried hemp leaves.

author:Idle fish are not idle




Today's breakfast......

White porridge ~ steamed egg with shrimp skin ~ fried chicken thigh fish ~ fried hemp leaves.

#记录我的2024##头条创作挑战赛##在头条看见彼此#今日份早餐...... White porridge ~ steamed egg with shrimp skin ~ fried chicken thigh fish ~ fried hemp leaves.
#记录我的2024##头条创作挑战赛##在头条看见彼此#今日份早餐...... White porridge ~ steamed egg with shrimp skin ~ fried chicken thigh fish ~ fried hemp leaves.
#记录我的2024##头条创作挑战赛##在头条看见彼此#今日份早餐...... White porridge ~ steamed egg with shrimp skin ~ fried chicken thigh fish ~ fried hemp leaves.
#记录我的2024##头条创作挑战赛##在头条看见彼此#今日份早餐...... White porridge ~ steamed egg with shrimp skin ~ fried chicken thigh fish ~ fried hemp leaves.

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