
When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

author:Xiao Chen chatted about collocation

As the two most popular female stars in the film and television industry in the 80s, the 70-year-old Pan Hong and the 68-year-old Liu Xiaoqing are of similar age, but their temperament and reputation are very different. When they were young, their appearance, temperament, and acting skills were excellent, and they naturally won the popularity and love of countless fans.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

But as time passes, every beauty invariably shows an old state, when the appearance is no longer beautiful, what is left to attract fans to follow?

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

Today's Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, the temperament and style are very different, one is "gorgeous and open", the other is "conservative and dignified", both are post-50s, and the difference between the state of natural aging and the state after scientific and technological maintenance is still very big. But compared with Liu Xiaoqing, who has exquisite and gorgeous makeup and full cheeks, Pan Hong, who seems to be slightly powdered and dressed simply and generously, is even more amazing.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

1. Pan Hongfa is always coiled up, wears a long skirt, and is dignified and generous in her ancient years

1. When you are young VS when you are old

In Pan Hong, I really felt the true meaning of the undefeated beauty of the years. Although time has carved the annual rings on her, it has also given her a more elegant and harmonious charm.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

It is said that only if you love someone will you understand a person, in the eyes of fans, Pan Hong is like this: "Don't fiddle, always be your own protagonist, dress decently, elegant and confident." ”

It is also like this: "The real beauty is naturally carved and decorated, and the beauty of nature is the height of each age!

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

2. Dress generously and decently, dignified and not greasy

With the passage of time, Mr. Pan Hong has also stepped into the age of antiquity. But whether she was young or old, she still dressed with that dignified and generous dress, and did not become greasy or out of place because of age.

On the contrary, in her old age, she pays more attention to the quality and details of her clothes in order to show her elegance and taste.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

Looking at her old age, I found that she always has the right grasp of elegance and simplicity. The clothes she chooses are not only generous and appropriate, but also accentuate her temperament and taste. It never looks greasy or overly ostentatious, but rather gives a cosy and natural feel.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

3. The hair is always coiled up, and the appearance is more beautiful

What's even more impressive is that Pan Hongfa's hairstyle has always been coiled. This hairstyle not only looks neat and neat, but also makes her appearance more beautiful and refined.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

Her eyes are large and deep, her facial features are delicate and three-dimensional, and even though the years have left traces on her face, her beauty remains the same as it was back then. Even in her prime, her hairstyle still makes her look energetic and dignified.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

Second, if middle-aged and elderly women want to age elegantly, they must be greasy and rustic

1. Sexual ≠ exposure of middle-aged and elderly women

When two goddesses of the same era are in the same frame again, they always give people a feeling that things are wrong. One was dressed generously and decently, while the other was tight-fitting and exposed, making the eyes of those around him look puzzled and puzzled.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

For middle-aged and older women, sexiness is not shown by exposing the body, but by an expression of inner temperament and self-confidence.

Just like Pan Hong wearing a sleeveless dress with a tulle shawl, she is transparent but still attracts everyone's attention.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

At the age of 60+, being dignified and decent is far more important than being sexy, middle-aged and elderly women can show their charm by choosing the right clothes, such as choosing close-fitting but not tight clothes, highlighting the curves of the body, not being too exposed, looking frivolous and flamboyant, and no one wants to look at it.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

2. Don't have a complicated design, just be simple

In the choice of clothing, we should uphold the principles of simplicity, generosity and classicism, and avoid overly complex or fancy designs, which are often easy to make people look too cumbersome and not concise enough.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

You can choose clothes with smooth lines and well-cut fits, avoid too many decorations and patterns, and make the overall look more refreshing and generous. In order to show their unique temperament and taste.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

3. Don't pretend to be tender/not fancy/refuse rustic items

Don't deliberately pretend to be young in order to reduce age, such as choosing some pink clothes + childlike patterns, which is not only easy to look unnatural, but also may make people look inappropriate for age, making others smile and be generous.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

Similarly, fancy items should also be avoided as much as possible, and it is easy for people to look too flamboyant and not stable enough to control fancy clothing. When choosing clothes, middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to the classic and versatile characteristics of the style, and at the same time avoid too bright or dazzling colors to prevent people from feeling uncomfortable.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

Finally, learn to streamline your wardrobe and ditch rustic pieces. Rustic pieces are outdated, tacky clothing styles (e.g., leopard print) and age-sensitive granny outfits (e.g., dark red and dark purple tunics).

Not only do these items fail to highlight the elegance of older women, but they may also make people look lacking in aesthetics and taste.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

3. For 60+ women, hairstyle is the key to determining "visual age + temperament".

1. Bangs

In addition to dressing, hairstyle is also the key to determining a person's uneven image. Take bangs, for example, this hairstyle usually gives a youthful, cute look.

But for women in their 60s, overly heavy Qi bangs may look unnatural and even greasy. This is because as we age, our facial contours and skin condition change, and an overly youthful hairstyle may exacerbate this ageing pattern.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

For middle-aged and elderly people, hairstyles that expose the forehead tend to be more refreshing and generous. This hairstyle can highlight the mature charm of a woman without looking too tender. Of course, the specific hairstyle also needs to be chosen according to the individual's face shape, temperament and preferences.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

2. The black length is straight to expose the shortcomings of the face

A Yida advertisement made Hei Changzhi a "goddess standard", but for 60+ women, such as Liu Xiaoqing, she had obvious shortcomings in her face (such as wide jaw, high cheekbones, etc.) due to collagen loss in her old age.

This naturally draped black long straight further exposed these shortcomings, making her even more tired and old. In addition, hair may become thinner as we age, and long straight hair may exacerbate this problem.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

3. Ultra-short hair needs to be cautious, like a man's wife

Although many hairstylists recommend that women cut their hair short when they get older, because short hair can look neat and neat, if it is cut too short or too tough, it may give the impression of a "man's wife". Therefore, when choosing ultra-short hair, it is advisable to consider some styles with soft lines or layering to balance out the stiffness that comes with short hair.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

4. Compared with Xiaoqing's hairstyle, Pan Hong's hairstyle is the object worth imitating and learning from middle-aged and elderly people

(1) Elegant hair

Not every middle-aged and elderly woman is suitable for short hair, as long as the amount of hair is sufficient, it is still recommended that everyone coil up their hair like Pan Hong, which looks intellectual and elegant, and has a sense of wealth.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

(2) Micro-curly temperament

If you want to be more feminine, you can also try this side-parted micro curls, but you must pay attention to two points, that is, curls and length, too much curl or too long will affect the visual effect, try to choose a large volume + collarbone length, which can not only modify the face shape, but also will not press the height.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

(3) Short hair is lively

However, if you have thin hair and are still losing it, it is recommended that you cut your long hair short, and protecting your hair should be the first priority. Like Mr. Pan Hong's short haircut, it is very good, it has a "juvenile" sense of youth and vigor, and wearing glasses shows more connotation and cultivation.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

Fourth, the secret of Pan Hong's older and more elegant lies in the following points

1. White hair is not dyed, and the perm is more temperamental

As she grows older, gray hair is a natural physiological phenomenon, and Pan Hong chose to keep her gray hair, which not only shows her confidence and calmness, but also makes her look more charming.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

At the same time, the curly hairstyle design makes the overall look more layered and more in line with her elegant temperament. This attitude of reconciling with the years and calmly facing aging allows people to see the beauty and charm of the precipitation of the years.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

2. The outfit is minimalist and far away from the smell of aunts

Pan Hong's style has always been simple, and she is good at using basic items to create a sense of luxury. In terms of color selection, she prefers low-key colors, such as black, gray, etc., and avoids overly fancy patterns and colors, making the overall look more coordinated and tasteful.

In addition, she also pays attention to the texture and cut of the clothing, and chooses a style that suits her figure and temperament, avoiding the embarrassment of "aunty taste".

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

3. Exquisite accessories to create a good taste

Accessories play a vital role in the overall look. Pan Hong is also good at using exquisite accessories to enhance the texture of the look.

For example, glasses, silk scarves, necklaces, etc., can not only embellish the overall look, but also not look too cumbersome. These accessories not only show off her good taste, but also allow her to exude elegance in the details.

When Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong were in the same frame, they found out: 60+ women really determine their temperament by "hairstyle + dressing".

Conclusion: The end of the era is often accompanied by the curtain call of beauties, but after looking at the comparison between Pan Hong and Liu Xiaoqing, I found that it is not a problem to age elegantly and decently, the mentality determines the state, and it is not that you can compete with the years if you have money. As the saying goes: whether you are beautiful or ugly, young or old, you can face aging calmly, as long as you are yourself. Don't easily define yourself as a "grandmother", and don't accept being defined by outsiders and the outside world, in order to be better yourself. Okay, that's all for this issue, we'll see you next time!

If you want to unlock more dressing ideas, and want to make yourself more age-reducing and temperamental through makeup, don't forget to pay attention, we will share it with you~ The picture comes from the Internet, if the infringement contact must be deleted!

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