
It's a big fuss! Circus performance accidentally fell and killed 1 and injured 2! Informed netizens: There are no protective measures

author:Leisurely summer


Recently, an accident that occurred in Xiamen Lingling Circus touched the hearts of countless people. On May 2, some netizens posted a video saying that when watching the "Air Ballet" performance, they witnessed the unfortunate moment when the actor fell, and then learned that an actor died after being sent to the hospital for rescue. This news quickly aroused widespread attention and discussion from all walks of life.


What happened

It is understood that the accident occurred at the Xiamen Lingling Circus on the afternoon of April 26. At that time, five actors were performing "Aerial Ballet" on stage, a program that requires actors to perform difficult movements while hanging upside down in the air. However, during the performance, there was a sudden accident, first one of the performers fell, and then the two performers above lost their center of gravity and fell with it. According to the video report, the performers were all head-to-ground and there was no protection on the ground, the first one fell and his head touched the ground first, and the last two were thrown off because they lost their center of gravity, and the whole person fell horizontally.

It's a big fuss! Circus performance accidentally fell and killed 1 and injured 2! Informed netizens: There are no protective measures

Things turned out

It is understood that after the incident, all three were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, but in the end, one person died due to serious injuries, and the remaining two were not lightly injured according to the video. After the accident, the Xiamen Lingling Circus immediately suspended the performance of the "air ballet" project and actively cooperated with the relevant departments to investigate and deal with it. The attraction said it would conduct a comprehensive inspection of the circus' safety measures to ensure that similar accidents do not happen again.

It's a big fuss! Circus performance accidentally fell and killed 1 and injured 2! Informed netizens: There are no protective measures

At the same time, the relevant departments of Xiamen City also attached great importance to the accident and quickly organized forces to investigate. After a preliminary investigation, the accident was determined to be an accident during the performance. The relevant departments will deal with the accident in accordance with laws and regulations, and urge the circus to strengthen safety management to ensure the safety of tourists and performers. And do a good job of compensation and follow-up comfort work for the relevant families

It's a big fuss! Circus performance accidentally fell and killed 1 and injured 2! Informed netizens: There are no protective measures

As soon as this matter was issued, it quickly attracted heated discussions among the majority of netizens

Some informed netizens said that the main reason for the accident was that the performers were wearing high heels at that time, and one person's shoes fell off at that time, so the person did not have any connections and fell down, and it was stipulated that the person who wore high heels to perform was responsible

I've seen the original video, and the reason is that one of the above, which was hung by his feet, fell off his high heels, so it fell off. The question is, does it make sense to wear high heels for such a difficult performance? I can't see it at all, and no one will pay attention to it. Whoever is prescribed to wear high heels is responsible.

It's a big fuss! Circus performance accidentally fell and killed 1 and injured 2! Informed netizens: There are no protective measures

There are also informed netizens who said that they have watched this kind of performance, and there are no protective measures at all, and there is no safety rope at all. Their movements are very difficult, and they can't do it with this kind of safety equipment, so they don't protect them at all

I've seen that they can't use safety ropes and rope nets at all for those movements. After use, the program and action can't be done at all. Just one spin, you tie a safety rope around your waist, and when you move down, you become a twist.

It's a big fuss! Circus performance accidentally fell and killed 1 and injured 2! Informed netizens: There are no protective measures

Some netizens think that this type of dangerous performance should be canceled, not that it can't be performed, but this kind of aerial work is really too dangerous, don't die for the sake of ornamental money

This dangerous show should be outlawed.

It's a big fuss! Circus performance accidentally fell and killed 1 and injured 2! Informed netizens: There are no protective measures

Some netizens also said why this kind of performance accident occurs so many times, all kinds of regulatory departments do not learn a lesson, almost every year there is such a high-altitude fall, but as long as a little protection is done, no one will die

Spread some thick protective mats on the floor... , or a large protective net on the ground... , or, the actor with a seat belt on his body... Every year, high-altitude acrobats fall unexpectedly from a height...

It's a big fuss! Circus performance accidentally fell and killed 1 and injured 2! Informed netizens: There are no protective measures

Some netizens think that the organizer is doing this kind of dangerous performance project to attract people to watch, but people are made of blood, and everyone sweats for the performers after watching it, and the action is really dangerous

The organizers don't think that the more difficult and dangerous the action, the more people will watch it, the audience's heart is also long, and they are really worried about the safety of these actors.

It's a big fuss! Circus performance accidentally fell and killed 1 and injured 2! Informed netizens: There are no protective measures

Editor's opinion

If it is true, as netizens said, the official has not done any security protection measures, then the organizers and the circus involved have to bear full responsibility. Who can ensure that there will be no mistakes in this kind of difficult action, and the machine cannot, let alone a human. What's more, this kind of accident is the high heels worn, the shoes fall off and people fall off, and the circus side does not check the performers' equipment, if there can be some tape or stickers to stick the shoes and feet firmly, this accident can be avoided. In addition, the frequent occurrence of such accidents also confirms that the supervision of the relevant departments is not rigorous, and it is hoped that the relevant departments can increase their efforts to avoid the recurrence of such accidents.

What do you think is the main cause of this accident? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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