
Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

author:Rice rice mom childcare

Every child is the heart and soul of parents, after all, they are all conceived in October and fell from their own bodies, if their children have any health problems, parents are bound to be very sad.

Therefore, any parent wants their children to be healthy and healthy, but the world is impermanent, and there are always some children who have some congenital defects at birth.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

thought it was a "happy son", but after the child was born, the couple was stunned

On an ordinary day in 2009, Xiao Liang in Hunan was anxiously waiting because Lao Liang's wife, Xiaolian, was giving birth at this time.

The whole delivery process is still very smooth, after all, this child is also the second child in the family.

However, although the delivery went well, Xiaoliang was not happy, not because of any problems with his wife Xiaolian, but because of the child.

When the child was born, the medical staff who delivered the baby were directly startled, and Xiaolian and Xiaoliang almost couldn't believe that it was their own child after seeing the child.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

Why is that? Because the child is too "ugly".

Some people may say that the child is very ugly when it is born, and it will be good to grow up in a few years.

But Xiaoliang's two treasures are not ordinary ugly: the body length is only 30 cm, the weight is only 2 catties and 1 tael, not only the body is thin, but also the facial features are weird, the mouth is pointy, and the eyes are also bulging, which makes people feel very weird at a glance, not the kind of ugliness of a normal newborn at all, but there are obvious abnormal problems.

Because Erbao's appearance is very peculiar, after being known by the villagers, the villagers call this child "monkey child", because they think that this child's appearance and posture are very similar to monkeys.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

When there was such a problem with his own flesh and blood, Xiaoliang and Xiaolian were extremely heartbroken.

So, even if the family had poor financial ability, they still took their children to see a doctor, and finally learned that the reason why his second treasure had such a peculiar appearance was because he suffered from "Secker's syndrome", also known as "bird's head dwarfism", which is a rare disease, and the total number of patients in the world may only be about 100 cases, and there is no cure.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

To put it simply, this disease is not good, and people with this disease will also have a certain impact on their lifespan, which can be as short as a few years......

Moreover, according to doctors, after suffering from this disease, not only will the appearance be strange, but the intelligence will also be affected in the next year, and the physique will be abnormally weak.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

After knowing this, although Xiao Liang and his wife were very sad in their hearts, they still did not choose to give up, but took care of Erbao more carefully.

What Xiaoliang and his wife need to bear is not only the sadness caused by the child's illness, but also the malice of the villagers, because many villagers rumor that their family has given birth to "monsters", which is the result of evil in their previous life, and the consequences of radiation in their families.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

What's even more excessive is that after a circus heard about the two treasures of the Xiaoliang family at that time, it actually wanted to buy the two treasures at a price of 50,000 yuan and bring them back to the circus for exhibition.

This made Xiao Liang and his wife angry, Xiao Lian scolded the people in the circus, and Xiao Liang directly kicked the broom out of the house.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

Why did Erbao show such a different phase after he was born?

Obviously, the big treasure in the family is very healthy and normal, but why is the second treasure like this?

According to doctors, the cause of this disease is mostly related to genetic abnormalities, which are already abnormal when the fetus is still in the embryonic stage.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

In fact, abnormal fetal development can be detected through a normal pregnancy test, so that the pregnancy can be terminated before the fetus is fully formed, so as to avoid the occurrence of such situations.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

However, if there is no pregnancy test, the pregnant mother will not know that the fetus is abnormal, and the child may face endless suffering as soon as it is born.

Therefore, the pregnancy test on time is a must for pregnant mothers, and it is also the responsibility of pregnant mothers.

However, due to the poor economic conditions of Xiaolian and Xiaoliang's family, Xiaolian usually lives very frugally.

Not only did he not take a pregnancy test because he was afraid of spending money, but he also did not eat high-nutrient food during pregnancy, and even went to work in the field with his pregnancy. And these are not good for the development of the fetus.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

After the pregnant mother is confirmed to be pregnant, she must pay attention to three things, each of which cannot be careless

First things first: stick to regular pregnancy tests

Generally speaking, after pregnancy, different stages of pregnancy examinations should be carried out, such as 6~7 weeks of pregnancy, color ultrasound examination is required to determine the pregnancy status.

When you are 12~28 weeks pregnant, you need to have a check-up every 4 weeks, including routine check-ups, deformity check-ups, and Down's screening.

At 28~36 weeks of pregnancy, the examination is conducted once every 2 weeks, including routine examination, B-ultrasound examination, fetal heart rate monitoring examination, etc.

After 36 weeks of pregnancy, the examination is done once a week, usually to assess the size of the fetus, monitor the fetal heartbeat, etc., in preparation for childbirth.

Any stage of the examination has its necessity, so pregnant mothers should never skip the examination in order to save money.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

The second thing: proper nutrition during pregnancy

After pregnancy, because the development of the fetus requires a certain amount of nutrition, even if we are usually frugal, we should not be frugal in terms of diet and nutrition.

(1) Folic acid must be supplemented in the first trimester, which can effectively avoid fetal malformations, promote placental growth, promote fetal development and prevent anemia in pregnant women.

(2) Quit smoking and drinking, pay attention to nutrition, tobacco and alcohol will affect embryonic development, must be stopped. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen nutrition, and it should be noted here that it is not enough to eat enough, but to achieve scientific nutrition matching.

(3) In the second and third trimesters, eat less and more meals, due to the pregnancy reaction and the fetus's squeezing of the pregnant mother's internal organs, the pregnant mother may not be able to eat too much food at a time.

In order to ensure adequate nutritional intake, you need to eat small and frequent meals, and do not pay too much attention to dietary rules.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

The third thing: take rest during pregnancy

Pregnant mothers should not do too much and too heavy work during pregnancy, because when pregnant mothers are doing physical output, it is likely to affect the normal development of the fetus, which will lead to some accidents.

Therefore, after pregnancy, it is best for pregnant mothers not to work in the field anymore, even housework needs to be decided according to the actual situation.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

What happened to the "monkey child" 15 years ago?

Now, 15 years have passed since Erbao was born, and the original "monkey child" has grown up. Although the 15-year-old Erbao is only 60 centimeters tall, weighs less than 30 pounds, and has mental defects, his body seems to be very healthy, and there is no problem, and he can also eat and dress by himself, realize self-care, and also study in a special school.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

At the same time, the people around her have become more friendly to the "Monkey Child", and the "Monkey Child" often puts on a cute smile when she sees other people, as if in her eyes, the whole world is beautiful.

It can be said that although the current "monkey child" is a little different from ordinary people, she is full of happiness.

Fifteen years ago, the "little monkey baby" that a circus wanted to buy and exhibit, what happened now?

Write at the end

After the child is born, whether it is healthy or sick, we as parents should be responsible for it to the end, and Xiaoliang and Xiaolian have done this very well.

However, I would like to advise everyone here that if you are pregnant, you must take a pregnancy test on time, and don't let your child start suffering as soon as she is born, after all, it is also very unfair to them. So, what do you think about this?

(The pictures in this article are all from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted immediately)

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