
How long has it been since you've seen the big circus? Do you remember watching the scene of the big circus before?

author:Zhou Xiaobai Studio

During the May Day holiday, my wife and I took the baby to see the big circus. To be honest, I haven't been to the big circus since I was an adult. When the big circus in the impression was still small? A certain circus came to our village to perform, set up a shed on a venue, and then started to perform.

To be able to have a prime location in the capital of Anhui Province like Hefei. Hold a big circus, that is absolutely powerful. As expected, the performers of this big circus were of a very high standard, especially a group of children, whose faces were full of energy, and this kind of spirit was not found on the faces of the children who were tormented by memorizing test papers and books in our current schools.

As the saying goes, ten years of work off the stage, one minute on the stage. Every child has suffered a lot, especially performing acrobatics, to start practicing before the age of three, this is not overnight, the previous job market is not so narrow, not so broad, or according to the previous way of craftsmanship. Mix up and eat. Therefore, learning a craft was a common rule in the countryside many years ago.

These children are full of energy, which reminds me of a sentence in traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, which is true. My earliest contact with the big circus was not the kind of big circus that we performed in the countryside, but it was on CCTV's "Quyuan Miscellaneous" that the host at that time was Dong Wenhua.

The big circuses on the stage are basically very ornamental and have large equipment. It's a more humane performance, but when I was a kid in the countryside, it was a bit bloody and violent when I saw a big circus. For example, a strong man with five big and three thick is there to wrap his neck with steel bars, and for example, he goes down to the oil pot with his hands to touch the copper plate. The little girl drilled through a very narrow hole to show the flexibility of her body, often stuck halfway, and then everyone cheered him up, and even some needed to dedicate love This kind of bitter drama is more, which makes people cry and can't bear it, and the main thing is to win sympathy. And what kind of vase girl, my mother still thinks that the picture girl is real, the little girl has always grown up in the vase.

How long has it been since you've seen the big circus? Do you remember watching the scene of the big circus before?

The game we watched on Labor Day, the performance was really hearty, very good-looking, especially some difficult movements, which required very tacit understanding and cooperation, especially the big hoop, the two actors kept rolling in it, looking for balance, almost 0.5 seconds, the actor almost fell from high school, I could clearly feel that he took a long breath after coming down, there was no danger, this is really taking his life to win laughter.

On paper, I finally feel shallow, and I never know that I have to do it, and the feeling of watching it on the spot is completely different, and it is indeed quite shocking. Of course, if you look at your classmates in your mobile phone, it's almost the same, because our aesthetics have been elevated.

How long has it been since you've seen the big circus? Do you remember watching the scene of the big circus before?

The most exciting finale of the whole circus is the death car, I watched it on TV when I was a child, which is also the most difficult, three people ride a motorcycle to chase inside, in a closed, very narrow iron ball, you chase me a lot, but where there is an error, two cars collide, there will be an explosion.

Nowadays, unlike in the past, there are very few children who learn a craft, especially such a very difficult handicraft. Just like when we were young, if you couldn't find a job, there were all kinds of training schools, such as computer training schools, cooking schools, Shaolin martial arts schools, and so on.

Later, with the change of parents' cognition, people increasingly feel that education is the only formal way, and only after having a good education can they have a better foothold in society. A lot of technical training has already ended.

How long has it been since you've seen the big circus? Do you remember watching the scene of the big circus before?

As the saying goes, the artist is bold. This thing that our normal audience can't accept can be commonplace and commonplace for them, but as everyone knows, they have also paid a hundred times or even a thousand times more sweat. Constant training can be amazing for that short minute on stage.

How long has it been since you've seen the big circus? Do you remember watching the scene of the big circus before?

Many parents like to take their children to see the big circus, which is very lively, and they can also find memories back to their childhood. Personally, I like to take my children to see these lively, traditional cultural handicraft performances, but for animal performances, I still reject, I think every life deserves to be respected, fortunately, this big circus performance, basically there is no animal participation, only at the beginning of the horse racers on the horse to do those difficult movements, breathtaking, did not hurt the animals, acceptable.

How long has it been since you've seen the big circus? Do you remember watching the scene of the big circus before?

The most popular among the children in the big circus is definitely the clown, the clown is at the bottom of society, but in the eyes of the children he is the king, he can bring laughter, there is a saying, the clown is better than a dozen doctors, he can bring a lot of psychological comfort to people. It's refreshing. Our lives need sunshine and such nourishment.

Have you ever watched a circus? Are there any shows that stand out to me? Let's share it.

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