
DNF Mobile Game: Circus Load Reduction, 7 times the explosion rate, and otherworldly equipment at your fingertips

author:DNF Player Show

Version 6.20, the circus dungeon is reduced, and it is no longer a daily challenge, but it has become "1 time per week for the character and 3 times the account per week", enjoying a 7-fold explosion rate, making specialized equipment readily available, and at the same time, the circus otherworldly equipment can also be upgraded to level 55, making the circus popular again, especially the auxiliary profession, wearing circus equipment to play the group, are very popular.

DNF Mobile Game: Circus Load Reduction, 7 times the explosion rate, and otherworldly equipment at your fingertips

Circus dungeon,There are 7 rooms,The 1st room has no monsters,2-6 rooms,5 of the 10 kinds of green monsters are randomly drawn,The last Boss room,1 of the 3 bosses is randomly drawn,So,Every time you challenge,The monsters encountered will be different.,Most of the monsters can be output directly.,But there are also some trickier bosses.,Teach you a lesson.。

DNF Mobile Game: Circus Load Reduction, 7 times the explosion rate, and otherworldly equipment at your fingertips

[1] Tricky green name strategy

[1] Catch moles

"Mole, Tent, Alarm Clock" appears in the dungeon, and the Mole needs to be driven into the tent.

Use the "Ping X" or "Suck Monsters" skill to chase the mole, and don't use the knockdown skill, otherwise the mole will burrow back to its starting position.

The alarm clock explodes 1 time every 60 seconds, killing the character in seconds, and it is recommended to dodge with invincible skills.

After all the moles rush into the tent, a hood appears, and then the fullscreen explodes, and the character immediately stands inside, dodging the subsequent fullscreen spike.

DNF Mobile Game: Circus Load Reduction, 7 times the explosion rate, and otherworldly equipment at your fingertips

[2] Lighting torches

Each time there are 3 clowns rolling attack, knock out the clown with a torch 3 times, you can clear the level, relatively simple, although hitting the blue clown will deduct blood, hitting the brown clown will slow down, but the impact is not great.

DNF Mobile Game: Circus Load Reduction, 7 times the explosion rate, and otherworldly equipment at your fingertips

[3] Catch monkeys

Stand next to the monkey, grab the monkey, and then move to the left cannon, during which there will be monsters that will interfere, and the monkey will return to its original position, pay attention to dodge or take the initiative to attack, and you can get familiar with it by trying a few more times.

It is recommended that players divide labor and cooperate, 1 person fights monsters, 1-2 people catch monkeys, and they can easily clear the level soon.

DNF Mobile Game: Circus Load Reduction, 7 times the explosion rate, and otherworldly equipment at your fingertips

[2] Tricky boss strategy

Each of the three bosses has its own unique attacks and mechanics, which are recommended for everyone to familiarize themselves with, so that they can quickly clear the level and avoid handing over resurrection coins.

[1] Dancing Carren

When the boss is disconnected from the host, the boss enters the state of hegemony, rampage, and the damage is high, pay attention to dodge.

When the boss is recovering parts, it will continue to "absorb attacks", with a large range and high damage, so please stay away from it as much as possible.

[2] Al the Clown

This boss is very active, the displacement is particularly fast, so that the player's skills often fail, it is recommended to use the control skill to control, and then output with all your strength, such as "red eyes big inhalation, qigong lion roar" and other control bosses, other mechanisms have nothing to say, after control, the output can be taken away.

[3] Matt, the king of big stomachs

The overall difficulty is not great, but it is necessary to pay attention to the "meat-eating mechanism" and the "torch mechanism".

First of all, the "meat eating mechanism", the boss reads the strip and eats meat, and it must be interrupted with control skills, otherwise the boss will recover a large amount of HP, making us lose all our efforts.

Secondly, the "torch mechanism", when the boss burns his hair with a torch, a "burning aura" will appear, and the player will receive burn damage when he gets close.

DNF Mobile Game: Circus Load Reduction, 7 times the explosion rate, and otherworldly equipment at your fingertips


On the whole, the difficulty of the circus is not great, especially since everyone is level 55, and there is a certain equipment foundation and building foundation, and it is hard and rigid! Remind again, the circus reduces the burden, 7 times the explosion rate, and the best time to get otherworldly equipment!

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