
Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

author:Lou tax

The May Day holiday should have been a time for families to sit around and have fun, but there are families whose hearts are completely cold.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

Speaking of which, the circus is a place for adults and children to laugh on weekdays, and when the lights are turned on and the music is played, it seems that any troubles can be left behind.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

But something big happened in such a sea of joy.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

A few little girls in their early teens wore colorful puffy skirts, flying around in the air like little butterflies, as beautiful as paintings.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

The audience, especially the children, had round eyes, and they were envious in their hearts, wishing they could fly to the sky.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

Who knew that a good performance would suddenly change the sky.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

In the blink of an eye, several little actors were planted down like kites with broken strings.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

The sound was heart-wrenching, and the people in the audience who were smiling just now were dumbfounded.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

In particular, there was a little girl in a school uniform, whose tears were like beads with broken threads, crying and shouting for help. Anyone who saw that scene was not a taste in their hearts.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

Later, I learned that these little actors did such dangerous actions, and they didn't have any safety measures, and they all relied on two small hands to grasp them.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

As soon as this happened, the big guys stopped doing it and said, "How can this circus be like this?

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

Now the show that happened is stopped, but the knots in people's hearts can be solved if they can be explained.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended
Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended
Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

The little girl who is gone is like a flower bone withering in advance in spring, which makes people's hearts panic.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

We all have to think about how to make such tragedies happen less in the future, and how to protect those innocent children from taking such a big risk at a young age.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

In the final analysis, we all have to work hard, whether it is parents, schools or these entertainment, we must put the safety of our children first.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

The days have to go forward, and I hope that such things will become less and less in the future, so that every child's smile can be bright and worry-free.

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

Netizens hotly discussed:

Heartache! Three 10-year-old girls died in a sudden fall from the circus, and the project has been suspended

Everyone can have a snack, safety is not just talk, it has to be implemented! Behind the smiling faces of those babies, what is the price, we have to weigh it clearly!

Natural disasters cannot be avoided, but man-made disasters can be prevented. One negligence has ruined the hopes of many families. I really hope that all walks of life can take this as a warning and not let the tragedy happen again.

Children are the future of the country, and it is sad that such a thing happens. Where is the supervision? Where is the responsibility? Every link must be tightened, so as not to let the flowers wither before they bloom.

Hey, every time I see this kind of news, my heart is like a knife. I hope parents will also pay more attention, don't patronize their children can learn this and that, safety first!

Having said that, the same is true of the circus, without security, no matter how wonderful the performance is, it is empty talk. The rectification must be thorough, and don't let the tragedy become the opening sentence of the next performance!

This matter makes people angry and anxious. Society must progress, and we can't always take children's safety as a child's play. I hope that the relevant departments will strictly investigate and deal with it and give the public an explanation!

We usually watch the excitement, but I didn't expect such a big risk hidden behind it. I really hope that all the places that bring joy to children can be a real safe haven.

In the final analysis, it is a matter of system and responsibility. I hope that this incident can attract widespread attention, plug the loopholes from the source, and let every little angel grow up safely!

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