
Hong Kong actress Lin Mingzhen is in poor health! Suddenly announced a complete shutdown of work, and has been sick for two consecutive months

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

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Hong Kong actress and "goddess" Lin Mingzhen from Malaysia can be said to be quite popular in recent years. She has shot a lot of movies one after another, and at the same time has taken on a large number of advertisements, and the exposure and attention have been maintained quite well.

Hong Kong actress Lin Mingzhen is in poor health! Suddenly announced a complete shutdown of work, and has been sick for two consecutive months

However, recently, Lin Mingzhen suddenly announced through social media that he would completely suspend work, which once again attracted a lot of attention from the outside world.

According to Lin Mingzhen's message, she has been in a state of illness for the past two months. Major illnesses and minor illnesses have never stopped, which makes her a little devastated. As for what kind of illness he had, Lin Mingzhen didn't reveal too much.

Hong Kong actress Lin Mingzhen is in poor health! Suddenly announced a complete shutdown of work, and has been sick for two consecutive months

Because he has been sick, Lin Mingzhen has already pushed off a lot of work in his hands. Due to her illness, she has not been able to perform at her best.

So this time she also suddenly announced: There will be a complete shutdown! With Lin Mingzhen's announcement of the suspension of work, the outside world is particularly worried about Lin Mingzhen's physical condition, and many netizens have run to her social media to leave messages to give her the greatest comfort.

Hong Kong actress Lin Mingzhen is in poor health! Suddenly announced a complete shutdown of work, and has been sick for two consecutive months

After Lin Mingzhen was invited to the Hong Kong Film Awards ceremony last month, he has not appeared in public, and even social media has not been updated.

It is understood that after the award ceremony, Lin Mingzhen did not work, but returned to his hometown Malaysia to recuperate. After almost a month of rest, Lin Mingzhen is still sick, so she is also determined to stop work completely. Stay at home and adjust your body to be in the best shape for your comeback.

Hong Kong actress Lin Mingzhen is in poor health! Suddenly announced a complete shutdown of work, and has been sick for two consecutive months

In fact, looking at Lin Mingzhen's social media dynamics this year, you can find that she is indeed very busy. In the first half of this year, in addition to frequent trips between Malaysia and Hong Kong, she also went to Italy, Taiwan and other places to participate in activities.

At the beginning of the year, she revealed on social media that she had been diagnosed with COVID and had a certain infection in her lungs. It is estimated that since then, Lin Mingzhen's physical condition has gone wrong.

Hong Kong actress Lin Mingzhen is in poor health! Suddenly announced a complete shutdown of work, and has been sick for two consecutive months

It has been several years since Lin Mingzhen debuted, and many friends may have heard of this name, but the name and face have not matched.

Until last year's hit film "I Still Think You're the Best", Lin Mingzhen played the role of the Internet celebrity beauty Meow Meow in the film, with fresh short hair and a not very fluent Cantonese, which left a very deep impression on the outside world.

Hong Kong actress Lin Mingzhen is in poor health! Suddenly announced a complete shutdown of work, and has been sick for two consecutive months

In the early years, when Lin Mingzhen came to Hong Kong from Malaysia to develop, many netizens were not optimistic. Because her Cantonese is not fluent enough, it is her biggest shortcoming.

But Lin Mingzhen is very smart, and she is very good at using her advantages. is sweet in appearance and outstanding figure, she also manages her social media with special care, and soon began to become popular on social media and became an Internet celebrity.

Hong Kong actress Lin Mingzhen is in poor health! Suddenly announced a complete shutdown of work, and has been sick for two consecutive months

has accumulated popularity on the Internet, coupled with good looks and plump figure, Lin Mingzhen soon has a new label in Hong Kong - otaku gods and goddesses.

With this title, Lin Mingzhen began to receive a lot of endorsements and invitations to commercial performances. It is no exaggeration to say that the number of endorsements of Lin Mingzhen in the past two years has been among the best among many Hong Kong actresses.

Hong Kong actress Lin Mingzhen is in poor health! Suddenly announced a complete shutdown of work, and has been sick for two consecutive months

In the editor's opinion, in fact, Lin Mingzhen has been trying to transform in the past two years. But the focus of the outside world's attention is still on her appearance and figure. Every time she appears, the media will report on her figure and appearance.

Hong Kong actress Lin Mingzhen is in poor health! Suddenly announced a complete shutdown of work, and has been sick for two consecutive months

I believe that after watching Lin Mingzhen's movies, you can feel that she still has a little acting skills, but she still needs to be honed. Finally, I hope that Lin Mingzhen will take good care of her body, and look forward to her coming back to the front of the screen as soon as possible, come on.

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