
Vernacular Novel: Bearded Ruler

author:Yi Cong named the local literature society
Vernacular Novel: Bearded Ruler

Text: Dong Fengqin

  Sister Sun of the trade union is receiving welfare reports submitted by various departments. The door of the office creaked, and a man with a few gray hairs like dead grass after autumn surrounded a shiny scalp and rested on the top, with a slightly hunched back, a slightly yellow and chubby face, a pair of reading glasses on a pair of small eyes, two arms wearing blue and white sleeves, and a pair of hands full of black spots holding a report, "Sister Sun, this is the report of our administrative department", after speaking, he twisted his eyebrows, lowered his head, and turned around to leave, "Lao Hu, what's wrong today, let's talk for a while" "No, there is still something to do." Sister Sun snorted, this bearded ruler must have something in her heart.

The big name of Hu ruler is Hu Chizi. Most of the people in their Hu family village are surnamed Hu, and the old Hu family man has reached his generation, and the word in the middle of the name is "Chi", and the old gentleman of the family gave him a big name--- Hu Chi, hoping that he will grow up to be a literate and hyphenated cultural person and win glory for the family. Not to mention, the name of the old gentleman is really played, Xiao Hu Chizi studied well, and was admitted to a technical school in the city, which was the envy of the whole village in the countryside in the seventies of the last century. After graduating from Hu Chizi Technical School, he entered the factory, and after a few years, he found that the efficiency of the factory was getting worse and worse, and he was thinking about staying in the factory "not dead or alive", both of them were working in the factory, the child was so small, a small dilapidated house of 8 square meters, leaking rain in summer, and blowing in the white hair wind into the house in winter. No, I have to find a way, Hu Chizi studied in an amateur university, got an accounting certificate, entrusted someone to enter the administrative department of the agency, and did accounting work as a substitute for work. Hu Chizi felt that he had really stepped into the sky, he carefully pondered all the people in this organ, the director Wang, a native of Henan, a veteran, the aisle is always straight, and when he enters the office area, he likes to cough and tell people that he is coming, if Lao Wang doesn't cough that day, it means that he has something in his heart. Lao Wang likes Wenzhu, Deputy Director Lao Wei likes Fugui bamboo, Lao Wang always coughs twice when he sees Hu Chizi, and there is recognition in these two sounds, Lao Wei always praises Hu Chizi for raising flowers. How big the folder he sent to the director and how big the section chief was, they were all different, and the big and small things were clearly divided in Hu Chizi's heart. After a long time, people called him "bearded ruler" behind their backs.

In the past few years, Hu Chizi's housing has improved, and the chief and deputy director have rarely agreed unanimously to give him a set of welfare housing. When I got the key, my daughter-in-law was in tears, I fried two dishes at night, scalded a pot of wine, and I had a cup for two people, "Lao Hu, you have measured this ruler well over the years, and the north and south of the house are so comfortable that our family divides the north and south, and the deputy section chief of your section divides the two north rooms", "Daughter-in-law, we are all from the village, and I don't have a ruler in my heart."

"Hu ruler is sick, saying that it is a mild stroke caused by high blood pressure", "Ah, this ruler is iron, he either works overtime or overtime all year round, and Corey gets the most overtime pay". Sister Sun said, "A few days ago, I looked at him with a wrong face," and the people in the agency were talking.

The news still came out that Hu Qizi was sick by his baby son. This is incomprehensible, Hu ruler is proud of his son every day, and when he talks about his son, he talks more, how to let his son enter a key primary school, how to check the child's homework, Lao Hu hangs on his lips a sentence "Educate children, you have to have a ruler". Not to mention, my son is quite competitive, and after graduating from graduate school, he entered a large institution and became a decent civil servant. Hu Qizi happily led his wife and children back to his hometown, which was to worship his ancestors and treat him, "his son won glory for the old Hu family."

When the male college got married, the ruler in Lao Hu's heart began to weigh again. solemnly called his son, and he wanted to set the size for his future daughter-in-law, "The first must be a Beijing girl, the second must be a 985 graduate, the third civil servant must be a large institution, the fourth doctor must be a third-class hospital, and the fifth teacher must be a key middle school." The son scratched his head and walked away after listening to his father's standards.

One day, there was a quarrel in the quiet community, and then there was the sound of crackling dishes and plates on the ground, "Who gave you the guts, find someone from the countryside, ask for a diploma or not, want a job or not, what kind of ecstasy did she pour you in" This is Hu Zhizi shouting hysterically, only to hear his son shouting loudly, "I am willing, aren't you also from the countryside, anyway, we registered to get a marriage certificate", "It's against the sky, you get out of me".

It turned out that love came, and the son who listened to the words for more than 20 years lost the size that his father ordered, and by chance, the son met the girl who came out of the countryside to Beijing to work hard, graduated from a junior college, and worked as a salesman in the sales department.

A few years have passed, and Sister Sun and Hu Qizi have retired.

"Sister Sun, I'm downstairs at your house, I'll bring you the vegetables I planted", Hu Ruler rode a bicycle, and a big basket was tied to the back seat of the car, and the basket was full of green leeks and spinach. "Sister Sun, these are all planted by me, pure and natural", said and took out a handful of leeks from the basket, "It's so fragrant, it's still purple roots, and the first leeks are delicious in spring", "Lao Hu, isn't your hometown long without your land?", "My daughter-in-law is very filial, she knows that I love farming, so she rented me a piece in the suburbs".

  "The daughter-in-law is good", "Yes, you know, it turns out that there is no elevator in the two rooms of my house, and I have become old and dilapidated after living for so many years, I originally wanted to buy a house, but I always feel that it is not in line with my thoughts, and my daughter-in-law bought a house with an elevator for our old couple, and my wife is happy, she has a bad leg, she didn't go downstairs for several months, and now she goes downstairs every day to buy vegetables and chat with neighbors" "Daughter-in-law, capable, has been selling houses in a real estate company all these years, and now she has become an executive in the headquarters." Lao Hu smiled.

  Looking at the back of Lao Hu leaving, Sister Sun smiled, "This Lao Hu, your ruler has been taken away."

  【Author's profile】Dong Fengqin is a member of Tianjin Prose Research Association. Born in a small village with the fragrance of jujube flowers in the air, he joined the army at the age of 16 and loves to write, and has published more than 100 essays and novels such as "New Beijing New First Picture", "Planting a Toon Tree", "Smiling Lu Kai", "Me and My Concubines", "Back", "See Cooking Smoke Again", "The Field is a Game Field", "Listen to the Sound of Jujube in Autumn", "Those Fun Things in the New Year", "Hug My Aunt", "Ding Sanjuan's Happy Life", "Peaches Enter the City" and other more than 100 essays and novels, and many essays have won awards.

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