
Vernacular Novel: Peach Blossom Tears

author:Yi Cong named the local literature society
Vernacular Novel: Peach Blossom Tears

Text: Fong Chung Yin


The peach blossoms bloomed again in March this year. couldn't help rolling out a string of tears, always thinking that the pain would slowly spread over time, clear the rectum, and wash away those fragments in the brain, standing in a pink peach forest, I really wanted to look into the distance and forget the grief of these years, but my heart was still sad. Four years ago, I was admitted to the Sichuan Film Academy with him. He was in the directing department, and I was in the acting department, in a rehearsal< <桃花泪>> play. After he introduced Mengxue. "Song Song, come here. He stood in the peach forest, with an innocent girl next to him. I smiled and walked over to them. The girl's name is Mengxue. A flush appeared on the beautiful face, and after the three of us finished rehearsal, we rode to Liujiang Ancient Town together. The night of Liujiang, the bright night of spring and the clear sky, the mountain when I went out, and the river when I looked down, made me drunk, and Mengxue pulled me and said, "You are really talented in acting, but it is always difficult for me to get into the role." "I'm a little proud to talk about how I won the first prize when I was in elementary school when I participated in the city's middle school textbook drama <人面桃花相映红>< >. From that day on, we became good sisters. At a theatrical gala. Fang Hao asked me to go to Kangding, and he told me that it is the hometown of the world's famous love songs, the mountains are beautiful, the water is beautiful, the people are more beautiful, and it is a good place to nourish the heart, eyes and lungs. He said again and again, I felt like I had drunk a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, and I couldn't wait to leave immediately. In this bright season, it is the peach blossoms, the cherry blossoms wither, the branches sprout, the green grass, but I am far away, studying in college, because of the poor family background, every summer vacation, winter vacation, and even the New Year, I am working in the provincial supermarket, in the school dormitory. I can only remember the beautiful hometown in my heart in front of the window, my heart is full of loneliness and sadness, and there is nowhere to turn desolate, and I have thought that I, a person who is far away from my hometown, this parting is three years and five years, and I have wanted to return to my hometown many times, but ...... Today, Fang Hao was going to drive me to Kangding, and promised me to go home to see my old and sick mother when I was passing by. In the past, my heart was like an ant, my heart was like numbness, and my heart was full of pain, but who understood me, I excitedly bought Fang Hao a Yuxi cigarette. He gave me the money, and I glared at him and said, "If you don't take it, I won't go." He smiled, "Okay, don't play with the kid's temper." "In the car, I recalled how many years have been with me over the years, how many pains have plagued me, my father died early, my brother has not yet started a family in his 30s in order to provide for me to go to college. On the night I received the college admission letter, I leaned against the window and heard the sound of raindrops, but it was like a dream, but it was obviously tears, but it was like rain, but I was really tired, but I went back to the house, accompanied by the darkness, but I couldn't move my body, my eyes were like hell, my heart was very timid, I lay down, what appeared in my mind was fear, what I thought about was fear, but my body was trembling, there was a trace of coolness, cold, cold, melancholy, if all this heartache is to punish myself, I am willing to suffer for a lifetime, pear blossoms are sad and peach blossoms are blooming, cherry blossoms withering, and I don't want to leave, but my brother lost his temper and said"Begging for me also wants me to finish college. "In that quiet time, I accompanied the night to speak my heart in the absurd night, and at this moment I did not want to leave my hometown, I did not want to give up the fragrance of flowers all over the mountains, the rainy season, the warm customs and culture, the mother and dear brother who coughed and wheezed in the night. After having lunch at Tianquan's house, before leaving, my mother said to me, "My brother went to work in the mine and came back in the evening." She rubbed her eyes and said, "Song'er will graduate next year, right?" I held my mother's hands and kept nodding. Fang Hao took out two thousand yuan from his bag and repeatedly asked his mother to accept it. I said no. Fang Hao said loudly, "That's good, you write an IOU with me, and you can find a job after graduation." "I immediately wrote an IOU and pressed it in Fang Hao's hand. Along the way, he told me the story of his relationship with Mengxue...... Leaving Kangding, I was a little reluctant, thinking that a < song was <康定情歌>popular all over the country > the whole country. After visiting the beauty of Tongfang Hao, I always felt that there were more beautiful places than love songs along the way, and the beauty was unforgettable. On Sunday, I finished washing my clothes in the kitchen and had just dried them when Mengxue came over. "Song Song, did you ask Fang Hao to go to Kangding?" I smiled and said, "It's Fang Hao who made an appointment with me." Meng Xue smiled coldly: "Song Song, since Fang Hao introduced you to me, I have always regarded you as my own sister, but ......" I explained to Meng Xue that I am not ...... Fang Hao From that day on, I stayed away from Fang Hao, he called several times, I wanted to talk to him, but as soon as Meng Xue's fierce eyes appeared in front of me, I still hung up. Somehow, I know Fang Hao, especially with him Kangding. I felt a dull pain of no name all the time. Often insomnia, in recent days, a lot of words to the other party Hao, want to Mengxue. But Mengxue hates me so much. The saddest feeling is that I feel very helpless, powerless to hesitate, but I don't have the courage to stand up and face all this, I can only hide in the corner, but I can't resist, my heart is always empty, lonely, I die alone, but my body is powerless to move, I also feel sad for all this, I don't have anything to do with Fang Hao, but I don't see him, and I like to lose something? I want to do something for Mengxue to make up for the misunderstanding. gave her a kind of comfort in her heart, but when I saw Mengxue, I ...... again But I felt the slightest heartache in my heart, complaining about myself, hating myself, but I was powerless to change myself, always running away from something, but I never knew, maybe I was tired and tired, but I just woke up and lay down, this vast red dust, the encounter is always as beautiful as a flower, intoxicating, alas! I blame that I shouldn't know Fang Hao, let alone go to Kangding with him. After the <桃花泪><, it > rained, and I stood under the peach tree alone. I like to use watery words to discharge all kinds of feelings in my heart in this rainy season, and the fragrance of any paper is bright and flowing between my fingers; I like to sit alone in the shadow of the night, so that my thoughts will always remain in my heart, and I will have a shallow encounter with Fang Hao and hide it deeply. At this time, I looked up, and an umbrella covered the rain, "Song Song, Mengxue has found you?" I looked up and said, "It's all your fault, you shouldn't have asked me to go to Kangding, that day I asked you why you didn't make an appointment with Mengxue, you lied to me that she went back to Chongqing!" Fang Hao sighed and said to me loudly, "I just want to take you alone, do you know?" I said, "You love her, but you ......" from that day on. Fang Hao called almost every day. I got upset and simply turned off my phone. Seriously, since I was admitted to college with Fang Hao, I always thought that a flower bloomed and met Fang Hao was a happy inflorescence; always thought that in a lifetime of reincarnation, having him would be a happy ending; I always thought that he and I held an umbrella under the peach tree that night, and the promise lasted forever...... The door was suddenly opened, and Mengxue walked up to me and gave me two slaps, which made my face red and hot. I was so angry that I immediately dialed Fang Hao's mobile phone. Fang Hao arrived, Meng Xue slapped Fang Hao a few times, she was crazy. Hatefully said to Fang Hao, "You bastard, you tell you to face that you are ...... with Song Song" Fang Hao pushed Meng Xue away with one palm, walked over and held me tightly, and said loudly to Meng Xue: "I love her! I love her!" Meng Xue was angry, turned around and ran out of the door. I pushed Fang Hao away and rushed out the door, chasing after Meng Xue...... Mengxue said to me, "She has been in love with Fang Hao for three years, and since she met me, Fang Hao has changed. Today she finally understands that Fang Hao's love for me is a fate. Because you really love me, you will never look back. But he would rather give everything for me and wait silently for the rest of his life. "I promise Mengxue again, believe me, from today onwards, I will never approach Fang Hao. If Fang Hao looks for me, I will beat me back. I wiped away her tears and wished her happiness. Seeing Mengxue's sad face in front of me, how I hope that Fang Hao can be a cup of tea on Mengxue's table, thirsty, and can moisten her throat; How I hope that he is a stone bench on the way to Mengxue, tired, so that she can rest; How I wish it was a folding fan in the middle of summer, which could fan her when it was hot; How I hope that Fang Hao is a pistachio in her leisure, and after eating it, she can feel fragrant. The scene of the encounter, such as poetry and painting, the deep affection of knowing and cherishing each other is sublimated into a graceful Tang and Song poems, which are deeply cherished in each other's hearts. The green mountains are far away, and the willows are still there. Warms my heart and moistens my eyes. Go to an old dream. Just one glance is like ten thousand years. The years are silent, and the meeting is silent. Pious made a wish for her. I wish them a lifetime of peace and happiness. After graduating from college, less than a year later, Fang Hao and Mengxue got married, and Fang Hao kept calling me by name in my sleep. Meng Xue held her wedding photo with Fang Hao, and tears rolled out of her eyes...... When the peach blossoms bloomed again in March last year, I went back to my hometown and told my mother that I had found a job. Mother asked about Fang Hao. Why didn't he come? I said Fang Hao was married. The mother sighed on crutches and said, "What a child!" Perhaps, love has pierced my soul because of loneliness; Perhaps, love has penetrated into the bone marrow and imprinted...... If the flowers bloom, cherish each other; If the flowers fall, they will not be abandoned. Hongchen ferry, willing to get drunk with him and bloom on the flowers. The dream of prosperity is edited into a chapter of love for you. Keep the purity in my heart, for him and me, the hardships of trekking in the depths of the red dust, but fate dooms me to not be with him. A clear song, singing endlessly, strangers at the end of the world have not returned; A sleeve is fragrant, and you can't smell back to where the flowers bloom and fall; A glass of turbid wine, the laughter faded away; A hatred, sad and inexhaustible, thinking about the front edge of the love. Hopefully, cherish this continuous encounter, in this peach blossom forest, silently treasure, safe and quiet. If time could return, Fang Hao would overflow with my warmth, wafting with a dark fragrance.


I was admitted to the Liangshanzhou Cultural and Tourism Bureau, and was promoted to the head of the literature and art section in less than a year, responsible for tutoring art work in the Liangshan area. On the night of the Xichang Torch Festival on the 24th day of the sixth lunar month, I met a writer named Zhou Bin, who was tall and burly, not only wrote well, but also danced the folk dance very well. "What's the girl's name, it's the Yi nationality, right?" he saw that I was wearing a Yi costume, and I smiled, "Han nationality." "We were jumping and talking, and I was with him in the crowd with torches in hand, and threw the torches into the fire, and I was enchanted by a huge bonfire, and I took him by the hand and sang and danced to my heart's content. Before it was over, he called me out of the crowd. He said to me, "I hope that the content of the Liangshan Torch Festival next year will be more substantial, that is, to add some modern cultural elements." The origin and customs of this torch festival are deepened. "Comrade, your surname?" "Zhou Bin, Zhou on the weekend, polite and polite." He wrote a poem on his mobile phone and sent it to me after adding me to WeChat. I opened it and saw that it was a poem describing the Liangshan Torch Festival: such as pearls, sparkling foothills, different scenery by the pond, thousands of miles of Qionghai fishing songs, four seasons of Lushan Interpretation Dao, thousands of years of stars, giant arrows in the sky, high in the sky, the Yi family, the earth burning, today's thick and colorful pen is waving a new chapter. I thought it was average, but I still gave him a thumbs up and told him that I had forwarded it to my WeChat group to share his masterpiece. He laughed again and said, "The poem is not good, just to express feelings." "On the day I left, Zhou Bin asked me to eat my favorite grilled fish, and left me his detailed address and phone number. The unit took annual leave, I went back to Tianquan for three days and went to the provincial capital, under the street lamp in Tianfu Square, I felt lonely, a couple passed by, and then I remembered Fang Hao, that is, six years ago on the night of this lantern, I and Fang Hao leaned against the street lamp in this Tianfu Square. I was happy and scared that night, and I was glad that this talented and beautiful rich boy had so much affection for me, a poor girl in a remote village. The more he treated me, the more scared I became, his father opened a company with 20,000 employees in Haikou, and set up another branch real estate in Chengdu to build Chengdu Taikoo Li, Mengxue is also a rich daughter. The two of them are the right match. So I'm afraid that this dream will sink deeper and deeper, and I regret that I shouldn't have walked with him. Now he and Mengxue, I bless him in my heart, and hate him for not hurting me again and again, thinking of this, I can't help tears rolling out, I gritted my teeth and swallowed it. At this time, the mobile phone rang, and I saw that it was Fang Hao calling, I immediately hung up, and he called again. I hung up with him again. I thought to myself, I have come out of this tormented and sad day, and you should not disturb my life again. Walking into the hostel, I turned on my mobile phone and carefully reread Zhou Bin's poems, recalling some bits and pieces of the first time I met this kid, some laughing, some heartache, and some ...... My heart is in turmoil. I dialed the address book and saw Zhou Bin's phone, I wanted to talk to him, I thought about it, but I still didn't pull out. What a coincidence! I met my college girlfriend Qiaoqiao in Happy Valley, she held a handsome guy, grabbed me, and said in surprise, "Song, aren't you in Liangshan, why are you ......?" I nodded and replied to her, "This time I am on a business trip." "Actually, I'm out and about. "I heard that you are with the local tyrant Fang Hao?" "Where, he and Mengxue are married. "Who said that. Qiaoqiao insisted on Fang Hao and me. I rarely explained to her and asked her to call Fang Hao or Mengxue herself. We sat down for dinner and asked me to stay at her house. I said, "No, I'll go back to Xichang the day after tomorrow." "Day 3. Qiaoqiao drove me to the train station. She said that it is rare for people to meet someone who truly loves each other in their lives, and I must cherish it, she learned that Fang Hao and Mengxue have broken off, and asked me to seize the opportunity to snatch Fang Hao back. Qiaoqiao's boyfriend Ding Dezhao woke up from the car and interjected, "Song Song is so beautiful and gentle, if I were Fang Hao, I would definitely chase her!" Qiaoqiao slapped Ding Dezhao, "People Song Song is not like me, so easy for you to get it." I'm not sure with you right now. In the future, ......" "Qiaoqiao, you can bear to throw me?" Ding Dezhao cried with a sad face. Qiaoqiao looked up to the sky and smiled, holding the steering wheel with one hand, pressing Ding Dezhao's forehead with the other hand and said with a smile: "That depends on your performance!" Deng Haotian drove the car straight to Shuangliu Airport, the plane had landed, and Haotian put Mengxue's suitcase in the back car. He drove through the Third Ring Road, constantly humming < <小苹果>> tune, and constantly peeking at Mengxue sitting next to him. "What's wrong? Still angry with Mr. Fang?" he glanced at Meng Xue again. "He doesn't deserve my anger, it's the fox spirit that he hates, and Fang Hao's soul is so confused. If she doesn't show up...... Mengxue let out another long sigh. "Miss Ouyang, do you need me to serve you?" "Are you willing to help me, how can you help?" Hao Tian laughed: "You don't have to worry about this, I can find a way to let Fang Hao return to you." As soon as the car stopped, an old woman in her 80s suddenly pulled Haotian's suit and knelt on the ground. After listening to the old man's crying, Haotian took out 2,000 yuan from his bag and pressed it in the palm of the old woman's hand, and then helped Mengxue pull the letter suitcase into the company. "Mengxue took it back. Mengxue's father, Ouyang Guilin, asked. "Pick it up, Uncle Ou, Mengxue went to her room. Haotian pointed to Mengxue's room and replied softly. "Alas, this child blames her mother for being spoiled, and she ...... talking to me," he called Haotian. He walked into the lady's room again, picked up the picture of the lady, and stood for a long time...... Ouyang's sixty-ninth birthday, the living room was full of guests, Mengxue asked, "Dad, you should have a seventieth birthday next year, but ......" Haotian walked up to Mengxue and said, "Uncle Ou wants to do a great job this year, "ten" and "death" homonym, not good, so ......" Ouyang smiled and said to Mengxue, "You Haotian brother still knows more.

At the birthday party, Ouyang pulled Fang Hao's father and the guests and said loudly, "He wants to surprise everyone in the next meeting." Meng Xue asked, "Dad, what's the good thing?" Ouyang gently patted Meng Xue on the shoulder and whispered to her ear, "You'll know in a while." Fang Hao drove to Tianquan, and Song Song's mother was so happy that she asked her son to kill chickens and sheep, "You are finally here, Song Song is in the vegetable field." She called Song Song loudly and said that Fang Hao was here. The birthday celebration was nearing the end, and Fang Hao had not yet arrived, so he was so angry that he grabbed Fang Hao's father and said, "You...... You...... "Mengxue was very happy when she heard Haotian tell her about her father's engagement between her and Fang Hao today, and then she ...... Zhou Bin put down the dung picker, and Song Song brought hot water to him. "I'll do it myself. Zhou Bin wiped his face and said, "This year, this lotus white will definitely be harvested." In the hall, Song Song saw Fang Hao standing in front of her, she smiled bitterly and asked, "Why are you here?" "Not welcome?" "Fang Hao! I have told you many times, we will never go together." But you ......," Song Song explained repeatedly. "Song Song, I have already said that wherever you go, I will chase after you!" Song Song was so angry that he replied, pulled Zhou Bin in front of him, leaned against him and said loudly: "I am engaged to him!" Fang Hao thundered like a sunny day, turned around and ran out of the door. Zhou Bin asked Song Song: "You said you are engaged to me?" Song Song couldn't explain and rushed out the door and went straight to the highway. Fang Hao drove the car all the way like a fallen soul and had a car accident at Shiyang. Hao Tian saw Mengxue drinking in a bar alone. He greeted him. "When are you going to get Fang Hao back, when?" she said with Haotian drunk. "There's no urgency, you have to take your time. He helped Mengxue into the room. Mengxue hugged Haotian tightly and kept calling him Fang Hao. Haotian's chest was holding Meng Xue's high, breasts, and blood were rising straight up, and he couldn't bear to take off Meng Xue's clothes and pants like peeling onions...... Mengxue woke up and saw Haotian sleeping beside her, crying and beating Haotian, "You...... What did you bastard do to me?" Haotian said repeatedly, "No, nothing...... Mengxue leaned against the window and cried again...... Song Song returned to Liangshan and took the initiative to sign up for poverty alleviation work in Luguhu Village, Yanyuan. At this time, Qiaoqiao called and said that Fang Hao had a car accident and asked Song Song to go to West China Hospital. Song Song hung up the phone and tears came out of his eyes...... Ouyang called Haotian to him and asked, "Tell me how beautiful this Song Song is a peasant girl, and if you fan Fang Hao like this, you have to chase after you all the way" "Uncle Ou Song Song has their college graduation there, and she has a photo with Fang Hao and Song Song. "Where's the picture, show it to me." Haotian asked Mengxue to bring the album. Ouyang Jiu looked at Song Song who was standing next to Meng Xue for a long time, and couldn't help but think of the past...... I grabbed Fang Hao's hand, and when I saw that he was awake, he sat up from the hospital bed and asked, "It's been a long time." I pointed to Qiaoqiao, who was standing aside, and said, "She called me to ask me to come." Qiaoqiao smiled and said, "We just arrived." Then Qiaoqiao asked again, "Why doesn't Mengxue come?" Mengxue, who had just walked outside the door of the ward, rushed into the ward when she saw me staying by Fang Hao's side, put down the bouquet of lilacs, and called me out. She said hatefully, "You have done him like this, and you still have the face to look at him, for your sake, my father was so angry that he had a heart attack on his 70th birthday!" At this point, she slapped me again! I explained to her, and she sneered and scolded me for being a scoundrel. In the evening, Qiaoqiao said to me: "Song Song, why are you so weak, why don't you fight back, do you have to hold the clear oil in your hand, if I have to teach her a hard lesson, kick her in the face!" I have Fang Hao in my heart. Speaking of which, Meng Xuetou hurried away without looking back. Ouyang took the photo and looked left and right, the past surfaced, the factory closed down that year, he went to Fujian to work, he planted more than 10,000 yuan in the one-time factory to do business, he divorced his wife, and never saw each other, and his daughter who was less than three years old broke off with his wife for so many years without rhyme. He stared closely at the black mole on Song Song's face, feeling happy and sad in his heart...... He calculated carefully in his heart, Song Song was just 26 years old, and Da Mengxue was two years old, and he married Ning Jia and conceived Mengxue when he was in the seafood business in Fujian. At this time, he thought that if Song Song was really his daughter, he wanted her to fall in love with Shang Hao. They can rest assured that he will entrust this place of origin. He made up his mind that after the New Year, he would definitely go to Tianquan to take a look, I don't know how Song Song's mother was in health, alas! He remembered that Mengxue's mother suffered from lung cancer and took her life the year before last, and he thought that if Song Song's mother had not remarried, he would definitely take her mother and son over to enjoy the blessings...... Mengxue was pregnant with Haotian's child, and after going to the hospital to induce childbirth, she told her father about it, Ouyang slapped the table and scolded Haotian for eating leopard gall, and asked a few bodyguards to drag it down and beat it with sticks. He hated that he shouldn't have adopted this homeless beast in the first place! As soon as the New Year passed, Ouyang bought a cart of gifts and went to Tianquan. Song Song's mother recognized Ouyang at a glance outside the door, and she was a little shocked and a little scared, and after divorcing Ouyang, she remarried Wang Carpenter. How did he come to the door today, how did Ouyang survive all these years, did he send it. is coming to snatch my family Song Song, her eyes are full of tears...... Song Song saw from the window that Meng Xue was leading Uncle Ouyang through the front of the hall and kept calling her mother's name, not knowing whether it was a blessing or a curse......  At this time, Fang Hao drove over, Meng Xue stepped forward to call him, he smiled coldly and said to Meng Xue, "Why are you not disturbed enough?" turned around and walked into front of my house and called my name loudly......


Fang Hao was walking around the hospital garden on crutches, and suddenly saw Ma Weiwei, and he asked in surprise, "Weiwei, why are you here?"

She was his classmate in high school, he and she often chatted together at school, Weiwei was the daughter of the secretary of the county party committee, and she was also very beautiful, many boys in the school did not dare to approach her, she felt lonely, to be honest, in her eyes, no one looked down on her, but this Fang Hao made her ......

At a school art party, she and Fang Hao performed < <罗米欧与朱丽叶>> drama.

Since then, love has suddenly sprouted in her heart, whether it is Fang Hao's handsomeness or his talent, she can't tell, at first it was hazy, like smoke and fog, and then they tested each other, wanted to be dark, attracted to each other, and were inseparable.

The peach blossoms are in full bloom in March, she asked Fang Hao to take a car to the suburbs, a piece of pink showed in front of her, Wei Wei asked Fang Hao to use peach blossom branches to weave a wreath with her, and eight blooming peach blossoms were circled around, she wore it on her head, and put her shawl long hair on her chest with both hands and said to Fang Hao: "Romeo, you come here," Fang Hao walked in front of Wei Wei, she held Fang Hao's hand, leaned her head on his shoulder, and the camera "clicked" to freeze them in the frame.

Wei Wei handed the camera holder to Fang Hao to hold, she looked at the camera frame carefully and said, "Fang Hao, why are you so serious, this is not a work photo, you have to be as sincere as the two of us in the stills,"

"Let's do it all over again." Fang Hao said.

Back at home, Wei Wei thought back to these days with Fang Hao, and wondered why Fang Hao conquered her, was it his beauty, or his kind of harmonious, quiet, chic, indescribable, inexplicable inner quality charm, which affected her.......

In less than a year, Weiwei's father was promoted to deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, and her family moved to the provincial capital.

The two met by chance today, Weiwei said that she is now working in the Provincial Department of Culture, and this time she came to the hospital, and when it came to this, she was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with you?" Wei Wei sighed and smiled again, "Nothing?"

"Fang Hao, have you got married?"

Fang Hao shook his head.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Vivi continued to ask.

Wei Wei thought that if Fang Hao didn't have a sweetheart, she thought......

She remembered that night, when she was strolling along the river with him, she said to Fang Hao, "Am I like Juliet?" This sentence seemed to sting Fang Hao's heart, she looked at Fang Hao as if he was smiling, cast her an extremely unfriendly look, and gave her a cold answer: "I don't have that kind of honor."

Could it be that Fang Hao has her in his heart, or .......

When we meet again today, I am surprised and happy in my heart, I hope that Fang Hao is telling the truth, or just a lonely goose.

When Wei Wei saw Fang Hao again today, she only felt that her spirit was lifted, as if life belonged to her again! She was an atheist, but at this moment, she even believed that it was her sincerity that moved the heavens.

She remembered that at the dance party of the county party committee, she broke through the shackles of secular concepts, did not have the slightest inhibitions, bravely walked in front of Fang Hao, and pulled him to dance again and again.

When the ball was over, she sat down with him on a park chair, and that winter there was a great deal of snow, and snow flakes fell from the sky, and in an instant the trees and the river were covered in silver.

"走吧,雪下大了." 薇薇对方浩说.

"No, I want to stay a little longer."

The snow fell at his feet, covering her shoulders, hitting their faces, dripping in their lips.

"We're going to be a snowman." Vivi smiled and swallowed a few flakes of snow.

"You're going to become a snowman, would you like to be buried in the snow with me?"

Fang Hao turned his face and saw Wei Wei's bright scarf turn white, saw her bird's black eyebrows turn white, saw her exhale a cloud of white gas from her red lips, and under the reflection of the snow, her red face looked so elated!

Fang Hao glanced at her and said, "Bury it."

She restrained Fang Hao, her hands tightly grasping Fang Hao's frozen hands.......


Fang Hao was discharged from the hospital, and Song Song was ready to return to Liangshan.

Fang Hao grabbed Song Song, "You listen to me before leaving."

"You're alright, I have to go."

"Then I'll drive you."


"Then accompany me to lunch before leaving, okay?"

They walked into a restaurant together

"Song Song, you are not a proud girl, you are a weak girl, I think, what I should give you is double pride, but all kinds of love. I should stretch out my strong shoulders to you, let you support, let you rely on, and I believe that in this world, only I can understand you so thoroughly, only I can give you such strength."

"You have never told me about your family, your background. I came to Tianquan this time, and from your mother's words, I vaguely knew that you grew up in an ordinary working family, that year your father's factory closed down, but your father kept playing cards day and night, losing and selling his property, your parents often quarreled and fought, in this ruined family, you were a lonely little thing, like a superfluous puppy. Growing up slowly in that murderous courtyard, and then your mother could not bear this miserable life, so she divorced your father and ran awayWhat is the mark of that ridiculous family on your first life lessons, and how can your little body bear so much sorrow and sorrow?"

"Your beauty can't hide your misfortune, your pride can't hide your weakness, no wonder you are <桃花泪>so involved in school < > the heroine of the play, Xiao Qi, I think she has the same misfortune as you."

At this, Song Song burst into tears, and she grabbed her glass and took a sip on the table.

"Song Song, you are a good girl, since the day I knew myself, I sympathized with you from the bottom of my heart, I know that you need someone who really loves you, you are afraid of re-following your mother's path, you are afraid <桃花泪>of fate like Xiao Qi in the < >, Song Song, I love you, you need love, you need strength. I am willing to use my boat of life to carry you to the other side of happiness.

Song Song returned to the Liangshan Cultural and Tourism Bureau, and Director Lan smiled all over his face, "Xiao Song, how did you go home this time, how is your mother's health ........?"

Director Lan took Song Song's car to his office, signed a reimbursement receipt with Song Song, and made tea with her at the same time.

"Don't panic, sit down for a while, I'll drive you." Lan Ju gently patted Song Song on the shoulder and said with concern.

"Xiao Song has good news for you, guess what's good?"

"Have the dance dramas I created <悬崖村>< > approved, and I have been reporting to the province for a long time, "July 1st" or National Day?" Song Song jumped up excitedly.

"You sit down, listen to me slowly, the dance drama will be approved soon.

When Song Song heard this, she said happily, "Thank you to the Lan Bureau, thank you to the organization, she thought in her heart, she must live up to the care and support of the leaders and colleagues, and is determined to do her job well and make new contributions to cultural poverty alleviation in ethnic areas.

I just got off work that day, and I was about to make a box of instant noodles to eat, when the door suddenly opened.

"What's wrong with the Lan Bureau?" It's nothing, I'll just sit and go".

Song Song held a cup of freshly brewed tea in both hands and brought it to the Lan Bureau, and then returned.

"Xiao Song, are you tired from work, and now you are also an accountant."

"It doesn't matter, young people should do more work." She watched the Lan Bureau as she spoke, these days, she found that he often came to her room and had nothing to say, and sat for several hours.......

At this time, the mobile phone rang suddenly, and it was Zhou Bin's, and he said loudly, "Ah, you have arrived at the station. Speaking of this, she picked up the small bag and waved her hand to Lan Ju and hurried out the door.

The executive vice mayor in charge of promoting cultural tourism and education wanted to leave here and transfer to the province, and the Lan Bureau asked Song Song to take 600,000 yuan and told the leader that it was to see him off.

"Lan Bureau, it's not that I embarrass you, you know the financial system, and besides, this is a special fund for poverty alleviation. Song Song stood up from the desk and said to the Lan Bureau.

"Don't worry about it, I'm responsible!" Lan Bureau said to Song Song.

"Lan Bureau, you said it nicely, this is a crime, otherwise, this accounting is not appropriate for me, you arrange others."

Lan Ju glared at Song Song fiercely and slapped the table: "Song Song! Twisted and walked out the door.


Half a month later, the Lan Bureau called the director of the office to inform Song Song to report to Zhaojue Cliff Village.

Before leaving, the Lan Bureau talked to her and said that this was the trust and cultivation of her superiors.Song Song nodded, packed her luggage and got into the car and went there........

"Cliff Village, called Atuler Village, is located in Liangshan Zhaojue County, 84 poor villagers only rely on raising goats, planting pepper, planting navel oranges to live, the transportation is inconvenient, the mountain road is rugged and steep, the villagers enter the city by grasping the rattan ladder to crawl.

A person known as the "monkey secretary" helped her carry the bag and said, "Section Chief Song, why don't you call, I'll pick you up."

Song Song smiled, "It doesn't matter, everyone can go, so can I".

Sitting together for dinner in the evening, a young man named Awu Muniu gave Song Song a glass of wine and said, "Sister Song, can you dance for everyone after this glass of wine?"

Song Song took a sip and danced.

Song Song pulled up Awu Muniu and Pacha Youge, two Yi boys, and spun them around in the village conference room.

She was so happy that she didn't go back to her room until late at night to rest.

At night, she couldn't fall asleep, she thought that she was a new party member, and made a solemn promise with the organization department when she left, and today she was reported by the "monkey secretary" of the village, she deeply knew that this <悬崖村>< > the arduousness and complexity of poverty alleviation.

She learned that the school here is in the mountains, there are no public teachers, the last year came to two teachers who graduated from Sichuan Division, only to teach for two months and then find a way to slip away.

During the Spring Festival, university classmates gathered in the provincial capital, and she mobilized two teachers, Ding Zheng and Zhao Jiafang, to teach here.

"I wish the two of you a happy cooperation, classmates get together today, even if I Song Song begs you two, you can help me tide over the difficulties and teach in Cliff Village."

The two of them touched their glasses with Song Song and said, "Song Song, we only want to work for two years."

"Okay, two years is two years, and I'm afraid you won't be willing to leave when the time comes." Song Song laughed.

Ma Weiwei pulled Song Song aside and said, "Why didn't Fang Hao and Mengxue come?"

"I don't know, this time it's Qiaoqiao who is in charge, you go and ask her." As soon as Wei Wei turned around, Song Song said to her again, "Remember, help bring that developer."

Weiwei patted Song Song on the shoulder and said, "No problem, I'll take care of this." After saying that, she picked up her phone and talked to Qiaoqiao.

University classmates gathered in the provincial capital, Qiaoqiao raised his glass and said loudly, "Everyone has mixed well in recent years, Ma Weiwei is the section chief of the Provincial Department of Culture, Song Song also enjoys the bureau level, and now he is sent to the "Cliff Village" to engage in poverty alleviation....... In short, everyone is more honored than me, either local tyrants, or national civil servants, and some have become families, and some are in love, like Song Song was loved by two young talents......

As soon as he said this, Song Song dragged the microphone in Qiaoqiao's hand, "Don't listen to her, you want her to hide it deeply, and she has been hot with Ding Shuai for more than two years and still hides it from everyone, so I can't call Ding Dezhao out to explain to everyone."

Ding Dezhao wanted to slip away, but was pulled by Qiaoqiao, "Just play it, what are you afraid of."

Song Song added a sentence, "Why don't you introduce it to everyone?"

"I've already introduced."

"That's what I exposed, don't say anything else, just punish you and your husband and wife with two glasses each." Song Song added another sentence to everyone: "Is it good?" Everyone clapped their hands in agreement.

"Song Song, you're too exaggerated, before you get married, you're going to make it into two."

"It's wrong, it's the future couple,." At this point, everyone laughed again.

Qiaoqiao raised his wine glass and danced the "cold pendulum" to toast the students one by one and said: "Today, the classmates will gather again, bring me two more bottles, everyone will not return home if they are not drunk!"

Song Song helped Qiaoqiao back to the room, Qiaoqiao was drunk and said, "Song Song, how are you, now that Fang Haoji and Mengxue have broken up, you should hurry up and take him back to your side, but ........"

"Don't mention him, Fang Hao and I are not from the same world, and we can't be together in this life."

"I'll call him right away and tell him to come over", she looked for her phone from her bag, but ......

Back in the village, she bought 1,500 steel pipes with 60,000 yuan from the 60,000 yuan sponsored by the alumni meeting and 100,000 yuan from the party members and cadres in the village, and mobilized the villagers to build a path leading to the village primary school.

In the past two months, Song Song has been running around for the construction of this steel pipeline and for running a professional cooperative.

He walked over and took the pole from her shoulder and said, "You should rest too."

"Everyone is busy, can I stay idle?" She pointed to the villagers carrying steel pipes on the hillside.

Since Song Song came to Cliff Village, she made up her mind to get out of between Fang Hao and Mengxue at work, so that she could get rid of the shadow that made her feel tormented, face it again, and look forward to the bright future of Cliff Village.


The primary school road in Xuancui Village has been opened, and the children no longer hang the tree vines to go to school, but grab the steel pipe ladder and crawl.

Teacher Ding and Teacher Zhao helped a child with a sprained foot on the playground and said to 26 students, "Students, everyone must cherish this steel pipe road, which is the care of the superior leaders and the whole village fathers and villagers, and the money scraped together, but you don't pay attention to safety, and play on this steel pipe road after school, causing this classmate to sprain his right foot today.

The two teachers went into the kitchen after school, grabbed the potatoes they had cooked in the morning, and stuffed them into their mouths." Alas, this life is very difficult, three meals a day in addition to potato buckcake, or potato buckcake. No wonder Mr. Yang who came here only stayed for two months and left." Teacher Ding sighed and said to Teacher Zhao.

"Song Song is not to blame for this, she has already told us that life here is hard, and Song Song also eats this artichoke like the two of us." Teacher Zhao explained to Teacher Ding.

"Anyway, I've survived this semester, I'm 32 years old, and if I continue like this, I won't be able to find my wife."

"Then I'm single too."

"Mr. Zhao, although you are single, you have a boyfriend in the provincial capital who loves you, but I... I ..... "Alas......."

"I and Song Song can help you find a girl, you Ding Zheng is a high-achieving student of the Chinese Department of Sichuan University, handsome and dashing, are you worried that no one will marry you?"

"Don't be funny, which one is willing to marry in this cliff village, which one, let me ask you, Zhao Jiafang, Teacher Zhao......."

At this time, Song Song walked in and told the two of them that tomorrow Sunday, Ji Zigu was going to greet his relatives and called a piece to help.

The next day, Ji Zigu and his family set up a green shed in the courtyard, the inside and outside of the shed are covered with red ribbons, and the Yi family Xishen tablet is placed in the center.

Actually, they didn't know the inside story, it was Song Song who bought all his peppercorns and sold them to the boss of Guangzhou in exchange.

"Where is Song Song?" Ding Zheng asked Teacher Zhao with a suona.

Teacher Zhao said, "I'm going over there to help pick up the bride."

Greeting nine young and middle-aged men selected by Murakami, Song Song and the man's brother and brother talked and laughed together.

As soon as he entered the village, Song Song bowed his waist and said, "I'll try it." She took the bride by both hands and put it on her back, her face flushed with two blushes.......

Ding Zheng looked at Song Song in front of her, with a beautiful white face, a playful smile on the side of her small mouth, and the sun shining through the treetops in her clear eyes, like two stars.

Ding Zheng couldn't help but be stunned, he found that Song Song was particularly beautiful today, and his heart was pounding.

The two young men walked towards them again and shouted, "Who is Song Song?"

Song Song walked over: "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter, you pulled our boss steel pipe and still owed 650,000 yuan and promised to pay it off at the end of the year, we have been waiting for almost two years, in a word, the boss asked us to collect the debt."

"Can you delay a little longer, and when my village sells out the peppercorns and fruits, I will transfer the money to you."

"The boss said that I can't wait for you any longer, the company is in financial difficulties, and we haven't paid wages for two months.

The two guys made a fuss, and the other one named Brother Hu scolded at Song Song, "You mother-in-law is really lazy, you won't pay back the money.

Pull walked in front of Song Song and pushed Song Song on the shoulder and said.

Ding Zheng opened the kid with a palm, pointed at his nose and said, "Can the kid be reasonable, you don't scold and swear, but also move your hands and feet."

"Are you going to fight?" The kid stepped forward and punched Ding Zheng hard, and Ding Zheng stumbled to the ground.

Song Song hurriedly called the village chief.

The "Monkey Secretary" came over with a few Yi guys and pulled the kid's hand up.

"Monkey Secretary" said;" Walk to the village to solve!"

Song Song was so anxious that she had to dial Fang Hao's phone after thinking about it.

"Song Song, what's the matter, don't worry, talk slowly, how much, 650,000, no problem, ask their boss to send the account number.I asked the accountant to transfer to them immediately.Song Song, believe me, your business is my business, now I'm busy, I'll call you later, bye!" Fang Hao hung up his phone.

"Monkey Secretary" asked, "What's the situation?"

Song Song let out a long sigh: "It's okay."

Murakami held a meeting "Monkey Secretary" said: "Everyone listen, Song Section Chief came to our village in a word, that is, I want the whole village to get rid of poverty as soon as possible, she for our village to build steel pipelines to demolish the east wall to make up for the west wall everywhere debts, that day people chased the door, fortunately Song Section Chief classmate Fang Hao helped to settle down, and now we have funded 2 million to raise goats, walnuts, navel oranges, peppercorns, olives, and also introduced a company to our place to engage in tourism development. Push it to the whole country, to the world!"

Soon, Awumu Niu, secretary of the township party committee, known as "Secretary Niu", was also stationed in the "cliff village" and the village party secretary on an auspicious day.


On Song Song's birthday, college classmates came to the provincial capital, Qiaoqiao, Ding Dezhao, Fang Hao, Ma Weiwei, and Zhou Bin from Lijiang

. Fang Hao wore a light gray windbreaker, took it off as soon as he entered the door, handed it to Song Song and said, "You have grown up."

Wei Wei seemed to see something in Fang Hao's eyes, and she smiled bitterly at Song Song and said, "Hello." Sideways next to Fang Hao sat down.

Zhou Bin already understood in his heart, but he was still unwilling to give up on Song Song, no matter what, he always felt that Song Song had feelings for him.

Qiaoqiao looked at Fang Hao, then looked at Song Song, leaned on Song Song and whispered, "He's here, you have to hurry." Song Song twisted his hands and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

After dinner, Qiaoqiao asked everyone to go to Yuanba to raise the fire and dance the "Da Ti Dance".

Song Song sorted out the things that were placed in the house.Fang Hao grabbed Song Song and knelt on the ground, holding the diamond ring in both hands, "Marry me?"

Song Song didn't say a word, didn't ask a word, and his heart was sour and bitter.....

Ding Zheng was holding the ring at the window and saw that his feet were weak and tears fell out.

As soon as Zhou Bin entered the house, he retreated again, leaning on the peach tree, and couldn't help but spit out, "A peach tree, planted for three years and bitten, sour me for three years, bid farewell to the peach tree, grabbed the bag and walked out of the "cliff village" overnight.......


Song Song always feels that she has to compromise a little these days, she will be a little better, and she can get happiness by tolerating some.But when her bottom line is lowered, others will get a lower result.---- Don't complain that you meet anyone who is unreliable, incompetent Fang Hao, Zhou Bin, or Ding Zheng.Ma Weiwei and Mengxue, in this way to you, you can give more, you can love them more, but it is by no means a compromise, will, tolerance, don't hurt the heart that shouldn't be broken, people, it really takes a long, long time to understand what kind of person and what kind of thing you really miss......

She swore that she would never break the hearts of several of them again, gritted her teeth and quit, and threw herself into her work, which was better for her.

Today, she discussed with the village party secretary and village community cadres to set up a professional cooperative, let the villagers share dividends, mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for production, and then cooperate with Ma Weiwei's "green food ecological processing company" Signed an agreement, let the company first invest 20 million yuan for the construction of the cliff village planting base, planting pepper, navel orange, olive and other cash crops.Ma Weiwei sees that the cliff village is not only rich in products, but also has a unique canyon, karst caves, hot springs, primeval forests, rock climbing, light and heat, Yi culture and other high-quality tourism development value.Guli Grand Canyon is 13 kilometers long, the widest point is about 2 kilometers, the valley is 2200 meters deep, the canyon not only has a unique geological structure, the terrain is unique and unique, but also rich in light and heat resources, and the original ecological diversity is intact.

Fang Hao was ready to raise a huge amount of 60.3 billion yuan for the cultural tourism investment project of Cliff Village, but Ma Weiwei preemptively signed the agreement.

Fang Hao found Song Song and said angrily: "Song Song, Section Chief Song........! To be honest, I'm helping you, but you let Ma Weiwei ......."

"Fang Hao, listen to my explanation, our cliff village is open to the government to attract investment, Mr. Ma in my village is extremely difficult in the case of shortage of funds last year to help us tide over the difficulties, so that our village set up a professional cooperative, and is responsible for the sale of pepper, navel orange, olive and other cash crops for the cliff village, so that the per capita income of the villagers in our village has doubled this year, from 3000 per capita to more than 6000 yuan per capita this year.

"But how can I, you are in debt for building steel pipelines, it is me Fang Hao, and it is also my Fang Hao who sells peppercorns in your village, and there are ........." The more Fang Hao said, the more angry he became.

That night, Zhou Bin called: "Song Song, don't be tired, your work, you know I have no money to help you, you are engaged in a very good project, especially the development of the Guli Grand Canyon.......

Speaking of this, Song Song Yangtian smiled: "Thank you for your concern, I look forward to these, I think the important thing is not power and money, but wisdom and courage....... Later, I was forced to tear down the east wall and make up the west wall, looking for money everywhere, in a word, as long as I didn't take the money to put it in my pocket, as long as the villagers here are doing well, I don't care about anything!"

Wei Wei drove by in front of Fang Hao's company in a "BMW" and smiled proudly: "Fang Hao, you wait for me!"

Vice Governor of Liangshan Prefecture People's Government, Secretary of Zhaojue County Party Committee sat on the rostrum, Song Song, Mr. Ma sat aside, when the Secretary of the County Party Committee officially announced the official launch of the "Cliff Village" cultural tourism project.

On the occasion of the Liangshan Torch Festival, Song Song held the first mountain climbing activity in the cliff village, attracting participants and tourists from all over the country.

Song Song wore a sky blue sportswear, grabbed a steel pipe to the top of the mountain, danced the red flag and raised his back and shouted: "Victory!" She saw the cliff village in front of her change, and her heart was full of pride and honor.

In the evening, the "monkey secretary" toasted with Song Song with a smile and said, "Thank you for making our village rich."

Song Song responded to him with a cup and said: "You can't say that, it all depends on the poverty alleviation policy of the Party Central Committee and the care and support of leaders at all levels, especially if you lead the villagers to work hard, otherwise you will ........"

Speaking of this, she stood up and held a bowl of wine to salute the grassroots cadres and some of the people seated.


On the morning of July 1, two public security officers took Song Song away.

The "monkey secretary" caught up with him and asked in amazement, "Why?"

"Monkey Secretary" doesn't believe it at all, Song Song is by no means a bad person, he must find a higher department to get a sunrise.

After verification, Song Song bought a house in Chengdu, and the other ........ The police said to the "monkey secretary".

Song Song suddenly saw Fang Hao during the arraignment, and he also came in, and she saw that he was full of beard, and people were also embarrassed.

"Your name is Song Song, the head of the art section of the Zhaojue County Culture and Tourism Bureau, and you are sent to" Atulier Village "Do you know what crime you have committed?" The public security officer asked.

"I don't know, I know in my heart that I didn't touch the criminal law, you wronged me.".

"Why did you buy a house worth 1.8 million yuan in Chengdu.In addition, you received 6 million yuan in red envelopes from others on your birthday.Someone reported it."

"I only accepted Mr. Ma's birthday cake, and I left it untouched."

"The party's policy" is lenient and hopes that you will cooperate with the investigation."

Song Song stood up and smiled, and said firmly: "I believe in the party and the government."


Ma Weiwei drank red wine glass after glass in the song hall, she kept calling Fang Hao, since she was admitted to university together, and she got along with her in business for a few years, she was loyal to him, but he was the same as Song Song......

She hates Fang Hao, she hates Song Song even more, why is she, no one is as beautiful as me Ma Weiwei is gorgeous, has a political background, and is the mother of a laid-off woman, but why is Fang Hao? Why? As Song Song and Zhou Bin are so good, they are so compatible, she is so confused.......

She gritted her teeth again and laughed: "Look who has the last laugh, as long as you Song Song doesn't snatch Fang Hao, I can save you, if you Fang Hao is willing to return to my Ma Weiwei, I ........"


Song Song was released from prison, and it was found out that the houses in Chengdu were bought for her by Meng Xue's father Ouyang Guilin, Ma Weiwei stuffed a 6 million check into the cake with a plastic bag and sent it to Song Song, Song Song The cake was not moved, she didn't know that Fang Hao lost money after being set up by Ma Weiwei to buy a company, and owed more than 40 million bank loans to be investigated.

Ma Weiling had a car accident while drinking and driving in a bar and was sent to West China Hospital, Song Song and Mengxue sisters went to see her, she grabbed Song Song's hand tightly, and tears rolled out......

【Author's profile】 Fang Zhongxian, a writer from Sichuan, is a member of the Ya'an Writers Association. He used to be a special reporter of Chongqing Culture Daily and the secretary-general of the Yingjing Writers Association. His works have been published in Chongqing Culture Daily, Oriental Tide, Sichuan Workers Daily, Sichuan Forestry News, Sichuan Rural Daily, Ya'an Daily, Shanghai Literature, Beijing Literature, Liaoning Literature, Yangtze River Literature and other newspaper websites. In 1997, he won the Silver Award for the Essay Contest held by the Chongqing Federation of Literary and Art Circles to celebrate the return of Hong Kong, and in 2016, he won the essay "Remembering the Rain in Mengshan Mountain" and "Beautiful Wawu Mountain" held by the Ya'an Municipal Government. In 2008, he published his personal collection "Sun Valley" and "Pigeon Flower Love Song" by Beijing Writers Publishing House, and "The Fragrance of Time" is currently awaiting filming of two novels and two TV series "Pigeon Flower Love Song" and "Ancient Tea Horse Road".

【Submission Instructions】Writers are welcome to submit original works, and the submission mailbox is [email protected], and this number includes manuscripts of locality, nostalgia, and nostalgia. Please attach the author's name and pictures are preferred. The local literature public account has been opened, you are welcome to search the WeChat public account: xiangchouwenxue, follow us. The picture in this article comes from the Internet, if the infringement contact is deleted.

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