
The scary thing is to invite her parents! Education blogger Zhao Juying's rude home visit has caused controversy

author:Reflecting the figure of society

The scary thing is to invite her parents! Education blogger Zhao Juying's rude home visit has caused controversy

When it comes to the education of children, this is something that many parents are very concerned about. Although every parent has their own way of education, it is clear that the children of this generation are not so psychologically tolerant. Therefore, when parents educate, they should be more correct guidance rather than using violence. Otherwise, it will accelerate the child's rebellion, and even let the child do extreme things.

The scary thing is to invite her parents! Education blogger Zhao Juying's rude home visit has caused controversy

Recently, the education blogger "Zhao Juying" has been on the hot search because of the rough home visit, and it has also caused a lot of controversy. According to her, she is a retired teacher who is very experienced in educating children. Therefore, many parents invited her to visit their homes and asked her to educate their children. But her way of education has caused controversy among netizens because her education method is also too violent.

The scary thing is to invite her parents! Education blogger Zhao Juying's rude home visit has caused controversy

For example, if a child likes to play with GUNPLA, she asks her to smash their favorite model with her own hands. also asked the child to say it himself, which he was willing to smash. There was a girl who liked to read comics, so she scolded the girl for being naïve and ignorant, and asked the girl to throw the comics into the toilet with her own hands. At the same time, she also asked parents to install monitors in their children's rooms to monitor their children's every move, so that children can study seriously.

But this kind of education, many people feel that it is not right, and they all think that it is not a correct way of education. It's normal for children to have their own hobbies. We parents should respect our children, after all, who didn't have some hobbies when they were young. If all parents educate their children in this way, if the children have a bad psychological capacity, they will really do extreme things. At the same time, children will hate their parents for the rest of their lives. As parents, you don't want your children to hate you and ignore you when you grow up.

The scary thing is to invite her parents! Education blogger Zhao Juying's rude home visit has caused controversy

At the same time, netizens also found out that this Zhao Juying is a dishonest person, which made many people question her identity. questioned whether she understood education or not, and whether she was using this way to attract people's attention and create traffic. Some netizens think that the most terrible thing is that the parents who invited her to come actually recognized her education method. Watch her bully your child.

Regarding this incident, the local education bureau also confirmed that she was a retired teacher, but also said that it would intervene in the investigation of this matter. I don't know what you think, is Zhao Juying's education method really feasible?

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