
The key points of daily care for patients with heart failure, these 3 details cannot be ignored!

author:Physician Han

Imagine if your daily diet and simple activities could be your shield against heart disease? For people with heart failure, the right daily care can not only improve their quality of life, but may also be the key to prolonging their lives. This article will uncover the three main points of daily care for heart failure patients, especially the details that you cannot ignore when it comes to dietary management.

The key points of daily care for patients with heart failure, these 3 details cannot be ignored!

Proper Diet Management: Three key points to ensure heart health

Dietary management of patients with heart failure is an extremely important part of daily care, which directly affects the patient's heart function and overall health. Here are three key dietary management principles, each based on the best of the latest research and clinical practice.

1. Low-salt diet: Reduce the burden on the heart

People with heart failure must limit their sodium intake because too much salt can cause water buildup in the body, increase the workload on the heart, and may cause exacerbations. According to the recommendations of the American Heart Association, patients with heart failure should limit their daily sodium intake to less than 1,500 mg. First, avoid processed foods and fast foods, which are often high in sodium. Secondly, try to use natural spices and herbs instead of salt when cooking to enhance the flavor of the food without increasing sodium intake.

2. Control fluid intake: Prevent fluid overload

Although drinking water in moderation is a basic principle of health, fluid intake in people with heart failure needs to be monitored to prevent excessive fluid accumulation that affects heart function. In general, it is recommended that people with heart failure consume no more than 1.5 to 2 liters of fluids per day, including all forms of fluids, such as soups and foods with high water content. Monitoring fluid intake can be achieved by recording daily water intake and urine output, which helps doctors assess the patient's water-electrolyte balance and appropriate fluid intake.

3. Balanced Nutrient Intake: Supports whole-body health

People with heart failure should eat a diet rich in high-quality protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, which are essential for heart health. High-quality protein, such as fish, lean meats, and legumes, helps maintain muscle mass and repair tissues, while adequate fiber can help control blood sugar and lower cholesterol. Additionally, consuming adequate antioxidants, such as including fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, can help fight oxidative stress associated with heart failure.

The key points of daily care for patients with heart failure, these 3 details cannot be ignored!

Moderate physical activity: a mobility strategy for patients with heart failure

Appropriate physical activity is an important part of the daily life of heart failure patients. Proper exercise not only improves heart function, but also promotes the health of other systems in the body. The following are guidelines for physical activity designed for people with heart failure:

Customize your personal event plan

First, every person with heart failure should undergo a detailed medical evaluation before starting any activity to determine the type and intensity of activity that is appropriate for them. In general, light to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as walking or slow cycling, done 3 to 5 times a week for 20 to 30 minutes, can help improve heart function.

Monitor your heart rate and symptoms during exercise

People with heart failure should monitor their heart rate and any symptoms of discomfort while doing physical activity. Staying within the safe heart rate recommended by your doctor, usually 50% to 70% of your maximum heart rate, is key. If you experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing, significant fatigue or heart palpitations, stop activities and seek medical help immediately.

Post-activity recovery and assessment

Recovery after an event is equally important. People with heart failure should do at least 5 to 10 minutes of gentle exercise, such as slow walking, after activity to stabilize heart rate and blood pressure. In addition, regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the activity plan and adjust the intensity and frequency of exercise according to the body's response.

The key points of daily care for patients with heart failure, these 3 details cannot be ignored!

Regular living habits and emotional management: stabilize the mentality and stabilize the life

For patients with heart failure, in addition to physical therapy, establishing regular lifestyle habits and effective emotional management are also important parts of treatment. Here are the key strategies to achieve this:

Establish a regular routine

Make sure to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Getting enough nighttime sleep is essential for heart health, and 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night is recommended. Avoiding caffeine and too much fluid at night to reduce frequent urination at night can help improve sleep quality.

Effective emotion management

People with heart failure often have emotional problems, such as anxiety and depression, that can negatively affect heart conditions. Patients are advised to go through counseling or join a support group to share their experiences and feelings with others. Additionally, regular relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing, yoga, or meditation, can help manage stress and emotions and improve quality of life.

Monitoring and self-management

People with heart failure should learn to self-monitor for symptoms, such as sudden weight gain (which may be a sign of fluid retention) and increased dyspnea, which may be signs of worsening heart failure. Contact your medical team in a timely manner and adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

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