
Shatou combination counterattack: Hina Hayata, Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Xiao Zhan calm, seven accidents ignited the arena

author:Sweet to talk about things

In the table tennis mixed doubles match, the Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha combination defeated the Tomokazu Zhangmoto/Hina Hayada combination 1:0 and successfully advanced! The fierce battle not only tested the skills of the fighters, but also was full of dramatic twists.

Today, let's review the seven "surprises" of this game and see what untold stories are behind this wonderful matchup.

Shatou combination counterattack: Hina Hayata, Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Xiao Zhan calm, seven accidents ignited the arena

First, the start was amazing, and the Shatou combination led 5:1

At the beginning of the game, the Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha combination showed strong strength and quickly took the lead with a score of 5:1.

The crowd was amazed by their chemistry and skill, but they didn't expect the young duo to get into shape so quickly and show what it takes to win the title.

Shatou combination counterattack: Hina Hayata, Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Xiao Zhan calm, seven accidents ignited the arena

Second, the opponent counterattacked, 10:9 overtook the score

However, just when everyone thought that the Shatou duo would win the match easily, Tomokazu Haramoto/Hina Hayada showed tenacious fighting spirit.

They scored in a row and even overtook the score 10:9 at the critical moment.

At this moment, the audience held their breath, not expecting such a dramatic turn in the game.

Shatou combination counterattack: Hina Hayata, Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Xiao Zhan calm, seven accidents ignited the arena

3. Reversed to win, Shatou won the first game 12:10

In the face of the opponent's counterattack, the Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha combination did not panic.

They stabilized their mentality, scored 3 points in a row, and finally won the first game with a score of 12:10.

At this moment, the audience cheered for their tenacity and perseverance, but they did not expect that in such a tense moment, they could still remain calm and complete the reversal.

Shatou combination counterattack: Hina Hayata, Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Xiao Zhan calm, seven accidents ignited the arena

Fourth, Hina Hayata's "early" celebration

In the course of the competition, there was also an interesting episode.

When Tomokazu Haramoto/Hina Hayada were about to score, Hina Hayada excitedly celebrated early.

However, she didn't expect her celebration to reveal their tactical intentions in advance, allowing the Shatou group to have a way to deal with it.

This "early" celebration also became a laughing point in the game.

Shatou combination counterattack: Hina Hayata, Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Xiao Zhan calm, seven accidents ignited the arena

Fifth, multi-shot duels, the strength of the two sides is equal

Throughout the match, both players showed superb skills and tenacious fighting spirit.

Every point went through a fierce duel with multiple shots, which dazzled the audience.

Unexpectedly, in this game, the strength of the two players was so close, and every point was full of suspense.

Shatou combination counterattack: Hina Hayata, Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Xiao Zhan calm, seven accidents ignited the arena

Sixth, the opponent is lucky, but the strength is superior

In the competition, Tomokazu Zhangmoto/Hina Hayada also showed good strength.

Especially when it comes to crunch time, they seem to have a lot of luck.

However, luck doesn't mean everything.

In the end, the Shatou combination successfully defeated the opponent with more excellent strength and cooperation.

At this moment, the audience praised their strength and luck, and at the same time admired the tenacious fighting spirit of their opponents.

Shatou combination counterattack: Hina Hayata, Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Xiao Zhan calm, seven accidents ignited the arena

7. Coach Xiao Zhan calmly commanded and successfully led the team

In this game, Coach Xiao Zhan's calm command also contributed to the success of the Shatou combination.

In the face of the ups and downs and twists of the game, he always remained calm and composed, providing strong support and guidance to the players.

Unexpectedly, in such a tense and fierce competition, Coach Xiao Zhan was able to command the team so calmly and calmly, showing his professionalism and leadership ability as a coach.

Shatou combination counterattack: Hina Hayata, Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Xiao Zhan calm, seven accidents ignited the arena

Looking back on the seven "accidents" of this game, we not only saw the excellent strength and tacit cooperation of Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha combination, but also felt the charm and spiritual connotation of table tennis.

Let's look forward to them continuing to shine in the next games and win glory for the country!

Shatou combination counterattack: Hina Hayata, Tomokazu Zhangmoto, Xiao Zhan calm, seven accidents ignited the arena

At the same time, let us also praise all the contestants for their fighting spirit and sportsmanship!

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