
The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

author:Little confused teacher

In this rapidly changing society, the death of a great artist can always tug at the heartstrings of countless people. Chen Yongquan, a bright star in the cross talk industry, his death undoubtedly brought us deep regret and endless memories.

The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

Chen Yongquan's artistic career is like a magnificent epic, spanning decades. His cross talk works not only bring us laughter, but also invisibly convey the temperature of culture and the weight of history. His death is not only the departure of a person, but also the end of an era and the disappearance of a cultural symbol.

The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

His life is the ultimate pursuit of the art of cross talk. With his talent and sweat, he continues to excavate and inherit this ancient art form. His cross talk works, every word, every sentence, and every action embody his hard work and wisdom. His passing makes us cherish this cultural heritage even more and become more aware of the importance of inheritance and protection.

The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

Chen Yongquan is not only an outstanding artist, but also a citizen with a strong sense of social responsibility. His cross talk works not only entertain the audience, but also invisibly convey positive energy and guide the social atmosphere. His passing makes us understand more that artists are not only performers on the stage, but also watchmen and leaders of social morality.

The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

His passing has also made us deeply reflect on the relationship between people. In this fast-paced, high-stress society, we often neglect to communicate with others because we are busy. However, Chen Yongquan's cross talk works can always make us feel the warmth and understanding between people in laughter. His passing makes us cherish the time we spend with others more and understand the importance of communication and exchange.

The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

Chen Yongquan's death has brought us endless sorrow and remembrance. But more importantly, what he left us is a love for art, a responsibility for society, and a cherishing of interpersonal relationships. Let us follow his example, continue to inherit and carry forward this precious legacy, and contribute to the harmony and stability of society.

The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

On the occasion of Chen Yongquan's passing, we deeply regret it, but at the same time, we are deeply touched by his life. His artistic career and life trajectory are like a mirror, reflecting the deep pursuit and desire of each of us.

The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

In this busy and complex world, we often lose our way and forget our true pursuits and dreams. As for Chen Yongquan, he used his life to tell us what is the dedication to art, what is the responsibility to the society, and what is the cherishing of interpersonal relationships.

The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

His passing reminds us that life is short, but spirit is eternal. Through our own efforts, we can inherit and carry forward those precious cultural heritages, contribute to society, and establish good relationships with others. These are things we can do and we should do.

The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

At the same time, Chen Yongquan's death also reminds us to cherish everyone around us and cherish every encounter. Because in this ever-changing world, we never know when the next encounter will be or what the next goodbye will look like. So, let's embrace those we love in our limited time, share the bits and pieces of life with them, and create beautiful memories together.

The cross talk legend is over! 92-year-old Chen Yongquan passed away, and his classic partner Li Jindou lost his confidant and inheritance

In addition, Chen Yongquan's death also made us realize that the power of art is infinite. It can transcend the limitations of time and space, touch people's hearts, and make people feel the true meaning and beauty of life. Therefore, let us continue to support and develop the cause of art, so that more people can feel the charm and power of art.

Finally, let us take Chen Yongquan as an example and use our own actions to inherit and carry forward his spirit. Let us continue to move forward on the road of pursuing art, continue to grow in the process of assuming social responsibility, and continue to harvest in the process of getting along with others. Because only in this way can we truly live our own wonderful and worthy. May Chen Yongquan rest in heaven and may his spirit live forever in our hearts.

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