
The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

Yu Hui

2024-05-30 11:24Posted in Shanxi Entertainment Creators

Recently, Wang Xiaofei, a young entrepreneur with a deep relationship with the entertainment industry, and his fiancée Ma Xiaomei received a marriage certificate in Shanghai.

Wang Xiaofei, who has been divorced for nearly three years, has officially become married.

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

In the past two days, the big screen of Ma Liuji Restaurant has scrolled a photo of Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, and has also started the activity of entering the store to consume and give away ice powder.

Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan's live broadcast room also hung up the word "happy", and it is said that she also sold candy, and the dress was also filled with a sweet and festive atmosphere.

In addition to regaining marriage, there is also a big joy for Wang Xiaofei recently, the opening of a new store in Shanghai Zhengjia Plaza.

On the opening day, Wang Xiaofei came to the new store of Ma Liuji with the joy of being married, and was moved by the flowers sent by the fans.

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

In order to repay the enthusiasm of fans and their love for Ma Liuji, Xiao Wang announced on the spot that he would pay for all the customer consumption that day.

As soon as the news came out, the customers and fans of the whole store were boiling.

Hearing Wang Xiaofei's shouting, many people felt familiar, and some old fans were more worried. At the beginning, the luxury club "Lan Club" under the South Beauty Group was said to be Wang Xiaofei's frequent free orders for guests, so it was yellow.

So many netizens came to Zhang Lan's live broadcast room to "complain", saying that Wang Xiaofei was not considerate.

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

Zhang Lan didn't think so, she said: "This thing, this is just this time in his life, what's wrong with inviting everyone to dinner?" I support it, and I don't think about it at all, which shows that this child is kind and big. ”

What I want to say is that there is no difference between a free order and a free order.

At the beginning, the young and vigorous Wang Xiaofei paid for the guests out of chatting and good relationship, and the outside world did not know what he was doing.

Now it's different, Wang Xiaofei said, "I'll pay for the whole consumption", and everyone knows that Ma Liuji has opened a new store.

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

In popular words, this splashing traffic was steadily caught by Wang Xiaofei, and he won this wave.

The wife is often by her side, her career is thriving, the idol plot is reflected in reality, and Wang Xiaofei is a proper winner in life.

The last time netizens had the feeling of "idol stills into reality" was when Big S announced his remarriage.

Wang Xiaofei has been proud of the spring breeze recently, and has seen many sour comments: "Who knows you Wang Xiaofei without Big S?" ”

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

I don't know this, before I met Big S, Wang Xiaofei also fell in love with actress Zhang Yuqi, and was introduced by Wang Zhonglei, the boss of Huayi Brothers.

In the early years, Wang Xiaofei and Wang Shuo, the son of wealthy businessman Wang Zhicai, Liu Tao's husband Wang Ke, and Shanghai real estate tycoon Wang Yu, were called the "Four Youths of Beijing".

Therefore, even if there is no big S, Wang Xiaofei's fame is still there.

Wang Xiaofei and Da S also had a ten-year marriage, and in the eyes of the public, they were also a loving celebrity couple.

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

It's a pity that it ended in divorce.

On November 22, 2021, Da S and Wang Xiaofei announced that they would peacefully dissolve their marriage, become friends again, and will continue to raise their two children together.

On March 8, 2022, Da S announced that he would remarry and marry South Korean singer Gu Junye.

When the public heard the news, they were in disbelief.

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

On the one hand, it was less than 100 days before Da S and Wang Xiaofei divorced, and in such a short period of time, she and Gu Junye needed to re-contact, communicate their feelings, express their love, and confirm their relationship, which was really nervous.

On the other hand, Gu Junye was Da S's first love. Gu Junye, who was at the peak of his career, was forced by the pressure from the company and fans to unilaterally announce his breakup with Big S.

This incident hit Big S hard, and his sister Xiao S also stood up for her sister in the show, saying that she would never forgive Gu Junye.

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

Fate is like this, going around and meeting the original person again.

Through Gu Junye's description, we learned that after he saw the news of Big S's divorce on the Internet, he mustered up the courage to dial the old number 20 years ago and get in touch with Big S again.

In this way, the phone built a bridge of communication, and the two quickly expressed their love to each other, and the two parties got married without meeting.

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

watched the love process of the two, netizens and fans all sighed that they didn't even dare to write idol dramas like this.

Seeing that Da S regained happiness in such a romantic way, everyone sent her best wishes.

After two years, Wang Xiaofei also found the person who has been with her all her life again.

The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

Many people like to compare Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei with Da S and Gu Junye, I don't think it's necessary, everyone's pursuit is different, and the definition of happiness is different.

Whether it is Wang Xiaofei or Da S, I hope they can cherish the people in front of them, work hard to live their own lives, and hope that they can live happily with the people they like forever.

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  • The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality
  • The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality
  • The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality
  • The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality
  • The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality
  • The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality
  • The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality
  • The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality
  • The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality
  • The newlywed and the new store opened, Wang Xiaofei paid for the audience with arrogance, and put the idol stills into reality

Personal opinion, for reference only

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