
What kind of shock will the global BP of the LPL Summer Tournament cause? Bastard sweaty!

What kind of shock will the global BP of the LPL Summer Tournament cause? Bastard sweaty!

Game Horseshoe

2024-05-30 22:19Published in Jiangsu

★ Game Horseshoe Original

What kind of shock will the global BP of the LPL Summer Tournament cause? Bastard sweaty!

The Legend Cup global BP is piloted first

This year, between the mid-season and the summer season, the official teamed up with the live broadcast platform to hold a Legend Cup, and the most interesting part of this event is that the global BP was enabled in the knockout stage. These used to be teams composed of professional players, and in a sense, playing global BP in Bo5 is indeed a kind of pilot of whether the professional game is feasible. You should know that even if the LPL will enable global BP in the summer tournament, it will only be for Bo3 in the first stage of the intra-group competition. In Bo5, with global BP, this is a higher level, because if you play 5 rounds, it will put a lot of pressure on the player's hero pool and the team's tactical system.

The global BP of the past 4 Bo5 games of the Legend Cup also proves that it is indeed the teams with deeper hero pools that have won, and those teams with more severely limited hero pools have gone home. Although this year's LPL Summer Tournament only uses global BP in Bo3, I believe that after watching the Commentary Cup, many viewers are already looking forward to this year's Summer Tournament. Because this at least means that the bastards are going to sweat profusely, and the coaching staff and players can't hold their own axes anymore.

What kind of shock will the global BP of the LPL Summer Tournament cause? Bastard sweaty!

A Bo3 team must have at least 15 heroes

LPL Summer Bo3 enables global BP, all heroes of any team can only use it once, if you have not used it by the opponent, this is independent of each other and will not be affected. Therefore, when a team prepares for a Bo3 global BP, it must prepare at least 15 heroes. Counting the heroes that the opponent may ban, there are at least 20 starts. If the opponent is targeting only one person, then that person's hero pool must reach at least 8 or more.

This alone seems to be a great test of the depth of the players' hero pool, not to mention that the actual combat depends on the opponent's BP, and the lineup you need to come up with to deal with is also different, so in fact, the players need to prepare for a Bo3 game, which is probably much more difficult than in the past. This is probably why Riot has never tried to enable global BP, even if a pro player has to prepare 30 heroes in Bo5, it is really too difficult.

What kind of shock will the global BP of the LPL Summer Tournament cause? Bastard sweaty!

The bastard coach will also have nothing to hide

The coaching staff is also under pressure, in the past, they were all preparing some small books or printed lineups, and they were done on stage to look at BP, the most outrageous thing was to ask the players directly what they were playing, and then they thought it was good and locked it directly, it was too easy to mix salaries. The global BP will be different in the future, and the coaching staff needs to put forward requirements for the player's hero pool to prepare for the game, and they also need to have more lineups to deal with according to the opponent's BP. If you stand on the stage as in the past and only ask the players what to play, and you don't know what else to choose after 2 rounds, then the coaching staff will be fired in the future.

What kind of shock will the global BP of the LPL Summer Tournament cause? Bastard sweaty!

LPL becomes intense and exciting! Worlds useless?

The LPL's summer tournament will become very exciting, especially the global BP of the group stage in the first stage, and everyone will no longer have to look at the same lineup for several rounds as in the past. The hero pool is not deep, and the teams that are not prepared are destined to be at the bottom at this stage. However, LPL trains in its own global BP, but it may not be useful in the World Championship. Because Riot Official Internationals does not use global BP, opponents can repeatedly select heroes that are good at them, and this kind of hero pool increase in the Summer Tournament has little impact. But in any case, the introduction of global BP in the LPL will definitely change the group stage spectacle of the LPL in the past, and it can also make professional bastards have nothing to hide, these are beyond doubt.

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  • What kind of shock will the global BP of the LPL Summer Tournament cause? Bastard sweaty!
  • What kind of shock will the global BP of the LPL Summer Tournament cause? Bastard sweaty!
  • What kind of shock will the global BP of the LPL Summer Tournament cause? Bastard sweaty!
  • What kind of shock will the global BP of the LPL Summer Tournament cause? Bastard sweaty!

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