
Dell moves towards "number", goes far with "quality", and is a cultivator of new quality productivity

author:Amin observed

【Global Storage Observation | Hot Spots】

Dell moves towards "number", goes far with "quality", and is a cultivator of new quality productivity

Since its founding in 1984, Dell Technologies has been leading the technology trends in the global technology industry for 40 years of continuous technological innovation.

Today, AIGC is all the rage, reshaping thousands of industries while accelerating unprecedented innovation in the technology industry.

Accelerate your ideas into reality,

To be a cultivator of new quality productivity

Since its establishment, Dell Technologies has been shouldering a mission, that is, to promote human progress through scientific and technological innovation, so that more people, more communities, and more enterprises can be integrated into the wave of the digital economy.

There are their own cultivators in the number, and wisdom gathers innovation to shine in China. Dell Technologies continues to help companies catalyze new quality productivity and become one of the trusted partners in every industry. On May 31, the 2024 Dell Technologies Enterprise Infrastructure Summit and Storage New Product Launch Conference was held in Anji as scheduled, with the theme of "Gathering Wisdom and Innovation, Shining Forward". From the perspective of global storage observation, how to gain insight into the value of data and transform data into innovation will be a compulsory subject for every enterprise in the era of digital intelligence. Dell Technologies is not only a pioneer in unlocking the value of data, applying the latest technologies to data, but also a pioneer in new quality productivity.

Dell moves towards "number", goes far with "quality", and is a cultivator of new quality productivity

Wu Dongmei, Senior Vice President, Dell Technologies

Dongmei Wu, senior vice president of Dell Technologies, likened Dell Technologies to a catalyst for innovation, with partners and like-minded users, leveraging industry-leading end-to-end solutions and operating networks, leveraging a powerful technology go-to-market engine, and unleashing unmatched global services to accelerate the process from idea to innovation.

Dell Technologies continues to drive innovation across its industry-leading, end-to-end portfolio with dozens of market-leading product businesses in PC, workstation, server, storage, data protection and more.

As a global leader in technology innovation, Dell Technologies leverages its comprehensive technical capabilities to accelerate the implementation of innovation-driven development strategies, and help enterprises simplify IT, unleash their innovation potential, overcome challenges and seize opportunities, achieve business growth, and help industries on their digital intelligence journey with end-to-end modern services.

In her keynote speech, Wu Dongmei mentioned that Dell Technologies has found that no matter what kind of uncertainty it faces, innovation is a key force in driving organizational development.

However, accelerating the transition from ideation to innovation is not an overnight task for any business. Innovation is the engine that drives an organization forward, starts with people's ideas, and is driven by data. Technology is the core driving force of innovation, Dell Technologies expands the scale of innovation with leading technologies in five areas: artificial intelligence, modern data center, multi-cloud, edge and modern workplace, and proposes a methodology to help enterprises improve their high-quality development and innovation, and work together to solve development challenges in the new era, pave the way for innovation and achieve concrete results.

With an enterprise's operations in mind, Dell Technologies offers a thoughtful, experience-based approach to streamline and optimize processes and improve operational efficiency by applying AI to enterprise data. Efficient operations will naturally drive the growth and development of employees.

Based on more efficient operations, by enriching the collaboration experience with AI solutions, it will naturally be successful in reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and the value of more value-added work will also be enhanced, thereby improving productivity, driving employees to focus on more meaningful work, and focus on meeting the needs of enterprise users.

Differentiate your business by leveraging real-time insights and outcomes while mitigating risk and advancing sustainability in new and creative ways to serve your users, drive business growth, and differentiate your business.

Finally, complex problems require a comprehensive approach. Dell Technologies leverages proven service expertise and a comprehensive partner ecosystem to design comprehensive solutions that include safety and sustainability. It's not just a product or service, it's a solution that actually meets the needs of our customers and coordinates them to stand the test of time.

As we all know, it is not easy to go from an idea to the realization of innovation, but with the help of Dell Technologies, we can use data as a differentiator and link between enterprise operations, employees and users, build solutions that can stand the test of time, create your own innovation driving force, and improve the scientific and technological support for high-quality development.

Unleash the potential of "numbers",

With "quality" to go far and go hand in hand

Data has long become the core asset of enterprise development, and since data is so important, to accelerate the idea into reality, we must move towards "data" and continuously unleash the potential of data.

Calmly move forward with the times, and the six swords are out of the sheath to try. Dell Technologies has been relying on modern data infrastructure to escort innovation, and has been constantly innovating in the field of data storage, becoming the cornerstone of supporting the high-quality development of enterprises with high-quality data storage technology, products and solution services.

Dell moves towards "number", goes far with "quality", and is a cultivator of new quality productivity

Chen Jie, General Manager of Information Infrastructure Solutions Group, Greater China, Dell Technologies

Chen Jie, general manager of Dell Technologies' Information Infrastructure Solutions Group in Greater China, said that to create new quality productivity, we need to continue to store innovation and fully unleash the potential of data. Based on the existing modern storage system, Dell Technologies is striving to write a new chapter.

In this regard, the long-awaited new technologies and products have been officially launched in the Chinese market, facing the data storage and computing needs of enterprises, keeping pace with the times, gathering wisdom and innovation, and upgrading data productivity. It can be said that the six swords are out of the sheath and the edge is trying, and the whole line is advanced with "quality", cultivating new quality productivity, and creating a new weapon for the enterprise in the era of digital intelligence.

Dell moves towards "number", goes far with "quality", and is a cultivator of new quality productivity

Focusing on mid- to high-end storage for structured data, Dell Technologies has launched the new Dell PowerStore. As Global Storage Watch pointed out many years ago, in order to better meet the needs of enterprises with actual high workloads, mid-range storage has a trend of moving closer to high-end storage, so the new Dell PowerStore also follows this trend, and has been comprehensively improved in storage performance, elasticity and efficiency, once again leading the trend of mid-to-high-end storage. Not only is the software driver performance and hardware performance improved by 30% and 66%, respectively, but the newly enabled data reduction ratio is as high as 5:1, which is more efficient than the previous storage efficiency. In addition, the all-flash configuration uses QLC storage for more flexible price/performance ratio. In addition, it comes with a cloud migration tool to migrate data between PowerStore and Dell APEX Block Storage for Public Cloud, enabling data flow between the local center and the cloud.

The unique Dell PowerStore Prime suite of solutions provides enhanced IT investment protection for business users. Dell PowerStore Prime includes PowerStore storage, an expansion program and incentives for partner ecosystems. The latest AI-powered Dell APEX AIOps can improve infrastructure problem resolution by up to 10 times for enterprise users.

Of course, in order to unlock the value of structured data, Dell Technologies not only has the latest upgrade of PowerStore for mid-to-high-end storage, but also PowerMax for high-end storage, Unity for mid-range storage, and PowerVault for low-end storage. In the field of data storage, Dell Technologies is still very comprehensive.

Dell moves towards "number", goes far with "quality", and is a cultivator of new quality productivity

However, in the era of AIGC surge, the demand for high performance of data storage is an inevitable trend. In the field of file storage, Dell Technologies uses PowerScale as the main AI-ready data platform product, which is the development history of the former industry-famous Isilon in the AI field for more than 8 years. The latest PowerScale F910 is available to meet the higher performance needs of enterprises. Seamless integration of storage and compute with proven PowerScale in the NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD infrastructure can dramatically improve the performance of AI workloads, enabling enterprises to accelerate innovation and achieve efficiencies in AI initiatives.

Dell moves towards "number", goes far with "quality", and is a cultivator of new quality productivity

For block storage, Dell Technologies' software-defined infrastructure PowerFlex is differentiated by its performance and scalability, consolidating a variety of disparate workloads and having a suite of capabilities that can scale compute and storage capabilities independently or simultaneously in an on-premises environment. Worth mentioning is a self-healing architecture with strong resiliency that minimizes downtime, provides high service-level agreements (SLAs), and supports hyperscale and container orchestration platforms.

PowerFlex is enhanced with multi-cloud support and integrates with CloudIQ to deliver APEX Block Storage capabilities for public clouds to help enterprises solve problems, optimize infrastructure, and improve performance. In particular, APEX Block Storage for AWS and APEX Block Storage for Microsoft Azure, jointly launched by cloud vendor partners, can backup and restore data and migrate to the cloud, further strengthening public cloud storage and achieving operational consistency.

With the latest upgrade to PowerFlex 4.6, the consolidation of block storage and file storage has been significantly enhanced, the ability to handle file use cases has been expanded, and file snapshots have been increased by 22 times, improving the ability to manage unified storage pools. Enhancements to operations management have also been added, with further enrichment of alert reporting and better OS support for a more efficient user experience.

It turns out that enterprise users who only talk about data storage often face significant data security risks. The DD9410 and DD9910, the next-generation Data Domain data protection storage appliances, inherit the core capabilities of Data Domain's high performance, efficiency, and security, while meeting the performance requirements of traditional and modern workloads, with up to 38% faster backup and 44% faster recovery.

What's more, the new generation of DD9410 and DD9910 can help enterprise users reduce energy consumption by up to 11%, directly contributing to the achievement of sustainability goals. At the same time, it is equipped with up to 65 times deduplication, which greatly reduces enterprise costs and equipment cooling expenses. The DD9410 and DD9910 also feature robust data immutability and integrity features to help ensure data security and cyber resilience. It also provides integrated AI assistant capabilities for backup and recovery, enhancing data protection processes and improving productivity and efficiency.

While constantly innovating in the field of data storage and data protection, Dell Technologies has maintained a high degree of technological innovation in the field of servers. The advent of the Dell PowerEdge XE9680 server is a hero. The PowerEdge XE9680 maximizes AI throughput and provides enterprises with a highly refined, systematic, and scalable platform to achieve breakthroughs in natural language processing, recommendation systems, data analysis, and more, achieving a performance improvement of about 5.14 times. As a performance pacesetter for AI servers, it is managed through the embedded iDRAC9 system and supports various management tools and integrations, which is very straightforward and easy to reduce the burden on operation and maintenance personnel.

As the backbone of IT infrastructure, Dell PowerEdge has been around for 30 years and can now adapt to evolving business needs for business users. Designed with versatility in mind, the new Dell PowerEdge servers are efficiently configured to help organizations of all sizes, from cloud service providers to small business owners and edge operators, streamline operations.

On the one hand, the Dell PowerEdge R670 and R770 CSP Edition servers have achieved performance upgrades and have a new standardized server architecture to simplify deployment and service. On the other hand, the Dell PowerEdge T160 and R260 servers are smaller and double the performance, bringing innovative server solutions to enterprise users. The stackable PowerEdge T160 is almost half the size, reduces carbon emissions through the increased use of sustainable materials, improves energy efficiency by up to 23% compared to the previous generation, and reduces the volume of the PowerEdge R260 by 24%.

From this point of view, unleashing the potential of data, seeking benefits from data, developing from data, and seeking the future from data are still fundamentally inseparable from the advanced nature of data storage and data protection. To create a new quality of productivity, it is naturally inseparable from the value of data and the perfect support of data storage.

Facing the sustainable development of the future,

Every step counts

Seeking development through innovation, while accelerating the development of digital intelligence, any enterprise must pay attention to sustainability for the future.

Dell Technologies is one of the key promoters of new productivity by working with industry partners and users to build sustainable businesses, communities and the planet, building a sustainable ecosystem for the future, and promoting technological innovation and progress.

Looking ahead, Dell Technologies has more than 27 years of experience providing secure asset recovery services to businesses around the world. As of 2022, Dell has recycled more than 2.5 billion pounds of old electronics, and it's still going on. Dell also advocates that AI can be used to provide more services and make greater contributions to energy conservation and emission reduction.

Inwardly, sustainability is built into account in every product manufacturing and deployment application, including more flexible IT managed service solutions and sustainable data center solutions. Not only can it help enterprise users reduce the overall emissions of IT operations, but also adopt storage and servers with leading liquid and air cooling, emission tracking, and energy efficiency-first to directly serve the dual carbon of enterprise data centers. Reduce energy costs and minimize consumption through more efficient hardware, intelligent power management, optimized cooling, liquid and air cooling, and the use of green energy.

By providing advanced technologies through innovation to promote business and even human progress, and adopting an end-to-end sustainable approach in the process of promoting new technologies and new products, the implementation of green carbon peaking and carbon neutrality can be better ensured to a large extent. This point is very valuable for any technology company's dual carbon ideals.

As a result, sustainability has become an integral part of the development strategy of any business. Dell supports innovation with a modern data infrastructure, while also constantly innovating with the latest release of enterprise data storage and server products such as PowerStore Prime, PowerScale F910, PowerFlex 4.6, PowerProtect DD9910/DD9410, PowerEdge XE9680, PowerEdge T160 & R260. With more energy-saving solutions to meet the needs of digital and intelligent transformation of hundreds of industries, we are committed to ecological protection and green development.

Global Storage Watch analysis points out that accelerating the transition from idea to innovation, Dell Technologies helps enterprises innovate in thousands of industries, facing the future of sustainable development, building sustainable business, sustainable community, sustainable planet, every step is important, every step is worth paying attention to.

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