
Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a celebration of the "June 1st" art show

author:Sichuan people's livelihood information

It's a season of colours, a season of flowers. We bid farewell to the gentle spring breeze and ushered in the hot summer! Bounce away the dust of May, we are about to usher in the sunshine of June, and we are about to usher in the Children's Day that children are looking forward to.

Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a celebration of the "June 1st" art show

In order to build a stage for children to show themselves, show their personalities, and highlight their strengths, so that every child can experience the joy of success, on the afternoon of May 31, 2024, the June 1st Art Show of the Kindergarten Primary and Middle Class Grade Group of Luochang Town, Gaoxian County officially kicked off!

Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a celebration of the "June 1st" art show

Before the event, under the careful dressing of kindergarten teachers and parents in Luochang Town, Gaoxian County, the children of each class showed their unique makeup, and the lovely children became "performers" in different roles. Accompanied by beautiful music, the art show officially kicked off with the enthusiastic voice of the host.

Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a celebration of the "June 1st" art show
Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a celebration of the "June 1st" art show

Then, with the expectation of the festival, the children stepped on the beautiful stage, the joyful venue, the bright costumes, the immature children's voices, the beautiful dancing, and the dynamic rhythm. The wonderful programs showed the children's innocence and childlike fun, showed the children's personalities, won the applause of parents, and left the best childhood memories for each child.

Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten held a celebration of the "June 1st" art show

In this June 1st art show, the children weave a happy childhood, dance with a beautiful childlike heart, and sow the seeds of art in the children's young hearts, so that the children can experience a sense of achievement and establish self-confidence in the activities. Luochang Town Kindergarten will also take this event as an opportunity to continue to care for children's happiness with love, and support the blue sky of children's free growth with love! (Gong Min, Wang Shuyao, Source: Gaoxian Luochang Town Kindergarten)

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