
"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

author:Derpy talks about history

In a remote mountain village in Minhe County, Qinghai Province, Gao Zhanxi was born into a poor family. The terrain is inhospitable, and the villagers can only survive on a few acres of thin land. And Gao Zhanxi's family is the poorest family in the village.

His father was blind, his mother was frail and sickly, and the family's income could only rely on a few acres of thin fields and the money sent back by his brother who worked outside. Gao Zhanxi understood since he was a child that even if he excelled in his studies, his poor family would not be able to support him out of the mountains.

Reading has become a luxury, and the future seems destined to be trapped in this barren land. However, the hand of fate reached out to the 14-year-old boy at this time. A reality show called "Metamorphosis" approached Gao Zhanxi and invited him to experience the "life of a rich man" in the city for two weeks.

This opportunity is simply a fantasy for Gao Zhanxi. At first, in the face of the invitation to the show, Gao Zhanxi hesitated. He worries that he will have no one to take care of his parents at home, and he will not be able to work in the fields.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

But in order to let the child witness the wider world, Gao Zhanxi's parents readily agreed. Gao's father even did not hesitate to borrow money from all over the village, and went door-to-door to collect 12 yuan for his son's "travel expenses".

His mother even sewed a new pair of cloth shoes for him overnight. After the program team promised to take care of his family, Gao Zhanxi reluctantly left the small mountain village where he had lived for more than ten years.

With apprehension and anticipation, he embarked on his first journey in life. When she first got on the train and plane, the eyes of this simple "rural baby" were full of excitement and novelty.

In this way, Gao Zhanxi took the expectations of the whole family and started a journey that would completely change his fate. No one would have thought that this mountain girl wearing cloth shoes would have a legendary turning point in her life.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

When Gao Zhanxi first arrived in the city, his eyes were full of novelty and shock. The cityscape of high-rise buildings contrasts sharply with the mountain village he is familiar with. When facing the "new parents", Gao Zhanxi looked cramped and uneasy, and their expensive clothes and brand-new cars formed a dazzling contrast with what he was wearing.

The "new parents" took Gao Zhanxi to get a haircut, which was the first time in his life that he experienced the feeling of others serving him, and he couldn't help but shed tears. Seeing that Gao Zhanxi was still wearing cloth shoes from the countryside, the "new parents" bought him a pair of sneakers close to 150 yuan.

When he heard the price, Gao Zhanxi was shocked, because his pocket money from childhood to adulthood may not be less than this amount. In the following week, Gao Zhanxi was exposed to modern living facilities such as televisions, game consoles, and private cars for the first time.

He put on brand-name clothes, tasted big meals, and even got 200 yuan of pocket money to treat guests to dinner. The teenager seems to be lost in the colorful city life, generously claiming the surname of a rich boy, indulging in games all day long, even if his "new parents" find him a job, he does not do it seriously.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

Outsiders began to worry about whether the young Gao Zhanxi would forget the roots, lose his heart, and sink for the comfort in front of him. However, an unexpected piece of news shattered this "sweet dream".

During the recording of the show, Gao's father accidentally fell and injured himself while going out and needed urgent care. At this time, there are still a few days before Gao Zhanxi's scheduled return home. Faced with the choice of whether to go home early, Gao Zhanxi was silent for a long time, with tears in his eyes.

In the end, he said categorically: "Go back early!" This decision means that he will end this "sweet dream" early, and he may never be able to enjoy this comfort again in this life.

Faced with the staff's questions, Gao Zhanxi just smiled lightly and whispered the words that moved countless people: "My wheat is ripe." At this moment, people really saw the strength and unyielding heart of this rural teenager.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

Before leaving, Gao Zhanxi used his savings to invite the "new parents" to a simple meal of noodles to express his gratitude. Then, he took off his designer sneakers, put on the cloth shoes sewn by his mother, and resolutely set foot on the way home.

This experience made Gao Zhanxi realize that the essence of poverty is to make people lose the light and hope of life, and reading is the only way out of poverty. The experience of "Metamorphosis" has brought profound enlightenment to Gao Zhanxi.

He truly realized that poverty is not only material deprivation, but also deprives a person of hope and hope for the future. This trip to the city made him understand that only through reading can he truly change his destiny and achieve a counterattack in life.

With this firm belief, Gao Zhanxi made up his mind to study hard. He clearly knows that only through learning can he change his fate in the future and live the kind of life he has experienced.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

This young man from a mountain village who once felt confused about the future has a flame of hope burning in his eyes at this moment. Fortunately, Gao's efforts paid off. With the sponsorship of the program team and the "new parents", he continued his studies as he wished.

Gao Zhanxi cherished this hard-won opportunity, studied hard day and night, and absorbed knowledge like a sponge absorbing water. His diligence and hard work are admirable, and it also makes people see the unlimited potential of this rural child.

The hard work paid off, and Gao Zhanxi was successfully admitted to high school. This teenager, who once thought that reading was a luxury, took the first step to change his fate. In the three years of high school, he has always maintained a strong enthusiasm for learning, and his grades have been climbing steadily.

In the end, with excellent results, Gao Zhanxi was successfully admitted to the national defense class of Hunan Normal University. From a poor mountain village to a university campus, Gao Zhanxi used his own efforts to prove that as long as he has a dream in his heart, no matter how difficult the road is, he can get out of the world.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

This study experience not only allowed Gao Zhanxi to gain knowledge, but also allowed him to regain his confidence and hope in life. Whenever he encounters difficulties, he will think of the wheat field in his hometown, which is the source of motivation for his struggle.

Gao Zhanxi's story also inspires more poor students like him to persist in chasing their dreams and change their fate with knowledge. After graduating from university, Gao Zhanxi made an unexpected but courageous decision - to join the military and start a new journey to serve the country.

This choice not only demonstrated his loyalty to his country, but also became another important turning point in his life. Gao Zhanxi, who first entered the military camp, still had a bit of shyness and inferiority complex of a rural teenager.

The experience of poverty left a deep imprint on his heart, and he inevitably felt cramped and uneasy when facing the new environment. However, life in the barracks is like a huge melting pot, and it begins to gradually forge a new Gao Zhanxi.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

Strict military training, a difficult living environment, and close comradeship-in-arms are quietly changing Gao Zhanxi. He learned to be strong, to be self-disciplined, and to be responsible.

The once cowardly boy in the mountain village gradually transformed into a heroic soldier. Under the experience of the military camp, Gao Zhanxi continued to grow. He gradually stripped away the inferiority complex and shyness of the past, and replaced it with the self-confidence and perseverance characteristic of a soldier.

Every training session, every mission, made him more determined in his choice. He deeply felt that he was no longer the poor boy bound by fate, but a soldier who served the country and the people.

With outstanding performance and unremitting efforts, Gao Zhanxi's military career has been smooth. In just a few years, he worked his way up the ranks, eventually reaching the rank of captain. Every time he put on his crisp military uniform, and the epaulettes on his chest shone with golden light, Gao Zhanxi would think of the self who used to wear cloth shoes and was covered in mud.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

The transformation along the way is not only the promotion of military rank, but also the sublimation of the value of a person's life. In the army, Gao Zhanxi often shared his story with his comrades. He told everyone that no matter what their background is, as long as they have dreams and are willing to struggle, they will definitely be able to achieve a counterattack in life.

His experience has become a spiritual force that inspires countless comrades-in-arms in the military camp. Looking back on the past, Gao Zhanxi was deeply touched: if he hadn't stepped out of the mountains back then, I am afraid that his life would have been poor forever, and all his dreams would have been in vain.

Now, he has not only changed his fate, but is also serving the motherland in his own way. As a soldier, Gao Zhanxi is well aware of his responsibilities. He will continue to work diligently and forge ahead to serve the country and defend his homeland.

That once poor boy has now grown into an officer who is proud of his family and his country. Time flies, and the skinny boy who participated in "Metamorphosis" has now grown into a handsome and upright officer.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

On a sunny day, Gao Zhanxi wore a neat military uniform and stood heroically in the eyes of everyone. He is about to embark on a new journey in life - marriage.

At the engagement scene, the most eye-catching thing was the 150,000 yuan bride price on the table. This money is not only the result of Gao Zhanxi's hard work in the army over the past few years, but also a testimony of his life's struggle.

Looking at the neat stacks of banknotes, Gao Zhanxi's eyes flashed with tears, and he couldn't help but think of the 12 yuan "travel expenses" that his father made for him back then. From 12 yuan to 150,000 yuan, this is not only a change in numbers, but also a true portrayal of a poor teenager's counterattack life.

At this moment, Gao Zhanxi looked at the beauties around him firmly, holding hands, his eyes were full of tenderness. Their love has gone through the test of time, and now it has finally come to fruition.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

His fiancée also looked back at him affectionately, her eyes full of pride and love. This scene is not only a new starting point for Gao Zhanxi's personal life, but also another milestone in his counterattack life.

The decoration of the wedding scene is simple and warm, full of a strong sense of happiness. The blessings of relatives and friends came one after another, sending the most sincere wishes to the couple. Gao Zhanxi's parents sat on the side, their faces filled with relieved smiles.

Their son finally found his own happiness on the difficult road of life. This engagement ceremony is not only the union of two people, but also the opening of a new chapter in Gao Zhanxi's life.

From a poor mountain village to a captain in the barracks, from a humble boy to a happy groom, Gao Zhanxi has proved with his actions that dreams can be realized. As a soldier, Gao Zhanxi is well aware of his responsibilities.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

He secretly made up his mind not only to be an excellent soldier, but also to be a good husband and son. In the years to come, he will continue to uphold this original intention and make unremitting efforts for the country, for his family, and for his life and career.

Gao Zhanxi's story, from poverty to success, from loneliness to happiness, illustrates what is the spirit of perseverance and never giving up. The bride price of 150,000 yuan is not only the result of his personal struggle, but also a strong proof of inspiring more people to pursue their dreams bravely and make unremitting efforts.

Gao Zhanxi's story is like a realistic version of an inspirational legend. From the barren mountain village of Qinghai to his military career, and now he is about to enter the palace of marriage, every step of his way interprets the spirit of perseverance and never giving up.

His experience tells us that no matter what your background, as long as you have dreams and keep your feet on the ground, you can create miracles. From 12 yuan to 150,000 dowry, Gao Zhanxi used his own efforts to prove that poverty is not the end of life, but the starting point of struggle.

"Metamorphosis" Gao Zhanxi is engaged, 150,000 cash is placed on the table, and Shan Liwa has counterattacked and become a captain

The phrase "my wheat is ripe" is not only Gao Zhanxi's heart, but also a source of strength that inspires countless people to bravely pursue their dreams and make unremitting efforts. It reminds us not to forget our roots and responsibilities, no matter where we are.

At the same time, Gao Zhanxi's story also calls on the society to give more attention and help to poor students like him. It was the "Metamorphosis" program and the help of kind-hearted people that gave Gao Zhanxi the opportunity to change his fate.

We should create more opportunities so that every child with a dream has the opportunity to chase his or her own starry sky. I hope that Gao Zhanxi's story can inspire more people to stick to their dreams no matter what kind of difficulties they face, and write their own wonderful life chapter with diligence and perseverance.

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