
Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".


On May 29, Jinshawan Kindergarten, Shawan Street, Panyu District, held the 2024 Language Arts Closing Ceremony and June 1st Carnival - "I Have a Date with Fairy Tales" Art Show at Shawan Cultural Center. The art show presented awards to the Jinshawan Kindergarten children's gymnastics team that had just participated in the 2024 Guangdong Cheerleading Championships and won 5 first places.

Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".
Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".
Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".

The Golden Bay Kindergarten Gymnastics Team performed at the 2024 Golden Bay Kindergarten Language Arts Closing Ceremony and June 1st Carnival - "I Have a Date with a Fairy Tale" Art Show

Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".

The leading guests presented awards to the Jinshawan Kindergarten children's gymnastics team that returned with honors

In the art show, the Jinshawan Kindergarten children's gymnastics team performed gymnastics programs such as "Out of the Stopper", "Give Me a Hug", "Soaring", "Happy Baby" and "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond". The cute babies are happily swinging and jumping in the music, jumping out of joy and cuteness.

According to reports, from May 25th to 26th, the 2024 Guangdong Cheerleading Championships, hosted by the Guangdong Gymnastics Skills Association and undertaken by the Cheerleading Committee of the Guangdong Gymnastics Skills Association, were held wonderfully, and the event attracted a total of 110 teams from the province and about 2,607 athletes to participate in the competition of five major events and 26 small events in this championship. The organizer appointed a total of 52 excellent referee teams and 40 staff members to participate in the organization and implementation of the event.

At the competition site, each team showed superb skills and excellent teamwork ability with unique style and creativity, and fully carried forward the Olympic spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance, fair and just competition. Under the leadership of the principal Duan Lianzhu, a total of 5 teams and 81 children participated in the competition of 5 groups of free dance optional items in the school kindergarten group. In the end, the Jinshawan Kindergarten children's gymnastics team won a total of 5 first prizes. According to reports, the Jinshawan Kindergarten Children's Gymnastics Team is also the largest and youngest team in this competition, which has received high attention and praise from the international judges of the event.

Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".
Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".
Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".
Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".
Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".
Won the first place in 5 items Jinshawan Kindergarten on Shawan Street, Panyu District, is "on fire".

The Jinshawan Kindergarten Children's Gymnastics Team participated in the 2024 Guangdong Provincial Cheerleading Championships and performed well

Yao Weihong, chairman of Jinshawan Kindergarten, said in an interview that Jinshawan Kindergarten is the only kindergarten in Panyu District that integrates children's gymnastics into the basic curriculum. The honor is the strength of the team, the crystallization of sweat, but also the support and encouragement of parents, I believe that this perseverance and efforts will become a very beautiful and valuable experience for children to grow up. I sincerely wish that the children can gain a tall, healthy and awesome body under the influence and infection of the children's gymnastics course, and lay a good foundation for the healthy development of physical and mental health and a happy life in the future.

Text and photo: Panyu financial media reporter Pan Weixuan, Deng Jiangkai, correspondent, Duan Lianzhu, Zhong Yan

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