
Jindian practices green leadership, creates a "green alliance", and builds an organic ecological chain!

author:Beijing News

2024 is a year of "full recovery", with the continuous release of the effects of policies to expand domestic demand and promote consumption, and the mainland consumer market will gradually recover. At the same time, with the continuous improvement of national health awareness, consumers' upgrading in food and beverage has also been more concretely reflected, and they are advancing in the direction of health and green. In line with the new trend of consumption, Fengtai District regards green consumption and food consumption as the driving force to promote the cultivation and construction of Beijing as an international consumption center city, actively cultivates new forms and models of consumption, creates new growth points for consumption, and leads the new trend of healthy consumption and green consumption.

In the face of the new wave of green and healthy consumption, how should brands make moves? As a representative brand in the organic milk industry, Jindian has delivered a perfect answer. On the one hand, on the day of World Milk Day on June 1, we joined hands with JD Miaosheng and Yili Gold Lingguan, Yihai Kerry, October Rice Field, Yingshi, Haitian and other brands to jointly hold the Green Alliance Organic Conference and jointly sign the Organic Convention to further promote the development of the organic industry. On the other hand, Jindian joined hands with JD Miaosheng to create an organic consumption season activity, which made a new demonstration for promoting green and organic consumption.

The Green Alliance Organic Conference was held

In recent years, with the improvement of consumers' health awareness and the pursuit of quality life, the attention of "green, safe and healthy" organic products has continued to rise.

According to the International Organic Federation (IFOAM), China has become the fourth largest organic consumer in the world. According to the data of Jingdong Supermarket's "2022 Organic Category Consumption Trend White Paper", the size of the mainland organic market is estimated to reach 107 billion by 2023, and it will steadily enter the era of 100 billion.

At present, in addition to the common daily foods such as vegetables and fruits, the organic dairy market is also showing a positive development trend. According to Euromonitor, the global organic dairy market has reached US$23 billion and has maintained a steady annual growth rate of 6% over the past decade, much higher than the 1% annual growth rate of ordinary dairy products. China's organic dairy market accounts for 24% of the world's total.

Jindian, which focuses on organic high-end milk, was born in 2006 and launched the first organic milk product in China, filling the gap in China's organic milk market. In 2018, Jindian set a "world record for organic milk sales", completing the brand leap from "category first" to "global leader".

On June 1, the Green Alliance Organic Conference was held in Nanyuan Wetland Forest Park in Beijing. A number of leaders and experts from Beijing Fengtai Bureau of Commerce, China Chain Store & Franchise Association and other leaders and experts attended the event, and Jindian, Jingdong Miaosheng and green organic representative enterprises witnessed the establishment of the Green Alliance.

Jindian practices green leadership, creates a "green alliance", and builds an organic ecological chain!
Jindian practices green leadership, creates a "green alliance", and builds an organic ecological chain!

Ma Fei, Vice President of Yili Group, said: As a practitioner and leader of sustainable development, Yili has always been at the forefront of practicing the concept of green development, and insisted on "turning what is said and written on paper into practical actions". In the future, Yili will join hands with the members of the alliance to share the friendship of Sangzi, draw the vision of Xingye, and share development opportunities, and strive to provide consumers with more healthy and safe organic products and guide a wider range of organic lifestyles.

Jindian practices green leadership, creates a "green alliance", and builds an organic ecological chain!

Ma Fei, Vice President of Yili Group, delivered a speech

Li Changming, head of JD Miao's business flow, said: As a pioneer in the industry, JD Miaoshou actively invests in the field of green and organic, providing consumers with refined organic consumption services, while we also go all out to improve the delivery timeliness and achieve the fastest delivery in 9 minutes. In the future, we will work closely with the members of the alliance to improve the promotion link of organic consumption, promote the development of the industry in a greener, organic and sustainable direction, and create a more harmonious, green and organic future.

Jindian practices green leadership, creates a "green alliance", and builds an organic ecological chain!

Li Changming, the person in charge of Jingdong Seconds' Business Flow, made a speech

Jiang Xing, director of the Industry Policy Research Department of the China Chain Store & Franchise Association, pointed out in his speech that in the current economic environment, encouraging consumption and promoting consumption are still important measures to boost the economy. After the new crown epidemic, consumers are paying more and more attention to personal health, food safety, environmental protection, and sustainable living environment, and pay more attention to natural ingredients and clean ingredients when purchasing goods, which coincides with the basic principles of organic agriculture Health, Ecology, Fairness, and Care, and the concept of helping a more sustainable future. The establishment of the Green Alliance and the organic congress are significant.

Jindian practices green leadership, creates a "green alliance", and builds an organic ecological chain!

The director of the Industry Policy Research Department of the China Chain Store & Franchise Association delivered a speech

Li Xiang, Director of October Rice Field's Modern Channel, mentioned that October Rice Field has always been committed to providing consumers with high-quality, healthy and fresh food, adhering to the development concept of green, healthy and environmental protection, continuously improving its brand strength, and actively creating sustainable value and promoting sustainable social economic development through various ESG actions. From today, as a new member of the Green Alliance, we will work with brands in the industry to practice an organic lifestyle and create a greener and healthier consumption experience for consumers in the future.

The relevant person in charge of Yihai Kerry also said: "It is a great honor for us to be a member of the Green Alliance. In the future, we will also actively implement the development concept of "green consumption, organic life", and continue to provide consumers with green and healthy high-quality organic products.

At this conference, Jindian also joined hands with members of the Green Alliance to sign the organic convention and convey the power of organic. This is undoubtedly Jindian's strategic layout to cope with the growth of demand for organic food, and interprets the responsibility and thinking of an industry-leading brand to help the development of the organic industry.

Jindian practices green leadership, creates a "green alliance", and builds an organic ecological chain!

Organic Convention Content

Nanyuan Forest Wetland Park is an important part of Beijing's green urban park ring. The park is planned to be positioned as "a structural ecological green lung in the south of the capital and a world-renowned thousand-year-old historical garden". The pilot start-up area covers an area of about 5,000 acres and is the ecological core of the wetland of the park. Relying on the Xiaolong River and Dabaozi, combined with the renewal of woodland, and the use of ecological restoration technology, the Nanyuan Baozi stream, big trees and grasslands, and the sparse and natural garden style are reproduced. It reproduces the natural and cultural landscapes with strong historical charm such as Dahongmen Royal Road, Xiaolong River, Dabaozi and Yutai, integrates leisure sports, children's activities, ecological science popularization, green life and other diversified activities, and creates a wetland park with the richest species diversity in the central urban area and a start-up display area for Nanyuan's natural wilderness. Its business philosophy is highly compatible with the organic life concept advocated by Jindian.

Deeply rooted in organic products

Promote the organic and high-quality development of the entire industry chain

At present, the word "organic" has become synonymous with health quality in the minds of consumers, and has become the standard for everyone to measure food safety and high quality, which is accepted and recognized by more and more people.

Jingdong Supermarket's "2022 Organic Category Consumption Trend White Paper" pointed out that consumers have higher requirements for the transparency of organic product information and pursue traceability and natural origin. It is particularly important to promote the green transformation of the whole industrial chain and realize the organic and high-quality development of the entire industrial chain.

In fact, since the launch of the first organic milk in the domestic dairy market in 2007, Jindian has continued to deepen its exploration on the road of "organic", promoted the development of organic business in China and even the world, created the first domestic "organic milk industry chain" production system, launched a high-end product line Jindian, and built a hard-core product force with Hulunbuir's high-standard organic pastures, pure organic milk sources and strict organic standards, giving consumers a better organic consumption experience.

Among them, Jindian Hulunbuir products come from Hulunbuir Organic Ranch, a high-quality milk source limited to 48 degrees north latitude, which is a forage kingdom and a paradise for dairy cows, with more than 120 kinds of pasture to provide nutritious organic feed for dairy cows. The unique environmental advantages have also created the original Omega-3 content of Jindian limited Hulunbuir organic pure milk by 2 times, and finally achieved the high quality and high nutrition of Jindian Hulunbuir products, and also obtained the dual certification of Chinese and European organic milk.

Jindian practices green leadership, creates a "green alliance", and builds an organic ecological chain!

As a representative of China's organic milk, Jindian has always been at the forefront of practicing the concept of organic high-quality development, and is committed to promoting the whole industrial chain of "from a grass to a cup of milk" to achieve organic high-quality development, and the whole process can be traced.

At the Green Alliance Organic Conference, Jindian joined hands with green organic representative enterprises to advocate the concept of "green industrial chain", covering every link from raw materials, production, packaging to sales and consumption, and promoting the green transformation of the whole industrial chain.

Jindian practices green leadership, creates a "green alliance", and builds an organic ecological chain!

Jindian Hulunbuir Organic Pure Milk

Build a "green industrial chain" ecosystem and promote the concept of organic consumption

With the change of consumers' spending power and consumption concept, the organic market has entered a new era of rapid development. However, it is worth mentioning that the road to promoting green and organic consumption is not to be completed overnight, nor can it be achieved by relying on unilateral forces, and it is a more efficient and powerful way to fully mobilize the power of the public and attract more people to take the initiative to participate.

In recent years, the retail industry has undergone great changes. The growth rate of traditional shopping malls and traditional online shopping has slowed down, while instant retail has become a new choice for more and more consumers because of its fast delivery speed and better ability to meet the immediate needs of consumers. Through cooperation with, Jindian brings consumers a safer, more secure, high-quality organic milk products and a better consumption experience.

As a leading brand in the domestic organic field, Jindian has given full play to its influence, mobilized multiple resources, and penetrated from the instant retail platform and lifestyle, so that the concept of "green and organic life" continues to ferment and set off a multi-party participation of "green life" upsurge.

JD Miaosheng is an instant retail platform under, with mature technology and big data support, as well as rich brand and media resources.

It is worth mentioning that the country's largest Jingdong MALL (super experience store) has settled in the Haihutun financial project in the central axis of Fengtai South, and a groundbreaking ceremony was held on March 31, and it is expected to be officially put into operation by the end of 2024. The South Central Axis where the project is located is located in the "Lize ×Capital New Business District International Consumption Experience Zone" section, which is the only newly cultivated international consumption experience area in Beijing, positioned as a "new flagship of international consumption, a national tide experience creation and enjoyment city", and an overall construction of a consumption experience pattern and landmark system of "one line, five stars shine together, and a hundred scenes shine", and will become an international creation and sharing integrated consumption gathering area with a global reputation and a cultural, creative and leisure exchange experience area highlighting the prosperous Chinese style.

At present, it is at the marketing node of JD Miaosheng 618, Jindian also took advantage of the atmosphere of Jingdong Miaosheng 618 to open the "Organic 618" activity, and conveyed the brand proposition of "organic life" to consumers from multiple dimensions, helping to establish the image of "organic brand" and promoting the comprehensive sublimation of brand value.

Jindian practices green leadership, creates a "green alliance", and builds an organic ecological chain!

At the same time, the brand will assume its due social responsibility, jointly promote the sustainable development of green and organic economy, enhance consumers' awareness of green and organic consumption, and further promote green and organic consumption.


In the context of the recovery and expansion of consumption, the organic market will usher in a better development trend in the future, Jindian took advantage of the momentum, held the Green Alliance Organic Conference, promoted the concept of "green industry chain", opened the "organic 618", and through the expansion of consumption scenarios, cooperation with JD Miaosheng to explore new consumption channels, with better supply, good things to enjoy the consumption experience, to boost the organic market consumption into new momentum, leading the trend of green organic consumption.

Looking forward to the future, let us look forward to Jindian continuing to give full play to the leading role of the organic industry, driving the upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain, actively practicing the concept of green and sustainable development, and promoting the organic and high-quality development of the whole industry chain while seeking high-quality brand development, providing consumers with more healthy and safe organic products, and bringing more vitality to China's organic market.

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