
She was the only female minister of foreign affairs, and she was shocked at the age of 37 at the age of 95!

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At the age of 37, what happened to Li Shuzheng, the first female minister of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee?

She was the only female minister of foreign affairs, and she was shocked at the age of 37 at the age of 95!

Feudal etiquette stings

Study hard to change your destiny

In 1929, Li Shuzheng was born into a prominent family. The mansion is simple and solemn, and the red walls and green tiles reveal the vicissitudes of time and the heaviness of feudalism. However, behind this magnificence, there is an endless bondage and oppression of women by feudal etiquette.

For as long as Li Shuzheng can remember, she has been surrounded by the rules and dogmas of the deep mansion compound. As a young woman, although she could not fully understand the meaning behind these rules, the feeling of being bound was still with her. Whenever she tried to get out of the boudoir and explore the outside world, she would be dissuaded by the grandmothers and maids in the house for various reasons.

Li Shuzheng's room is full of books, calligraphy and paintings, but what she is most interested in are those that tell about the outside world. In the dead of night, she would secretly open those books, attracted by the stories in them, and full of curiosity and yearning for that unknown world.

However, whenever she tried to discuss the contents of these books with her elders or older brothers in the family, she would be reprimanded for being "unruly" and even banned from accessing those books again. This feeling of being imprisoned made Li Shuzheng's heart full of struggle and resistance.

She was the only female minister of foreign affairs, and she was shocked at the age of 37 at the age of 95!

In Li Shuzheng's memory, her most profound experience was when she tried to pick a beautiful flower in the garden, but was severely stopped by her grandmother at home. Mama told her that a woman should be dignified and demure, and should not behave in such a way as to be out of character. At that moment, Li Shuzheng's heart was deeply stabbed.

Since then, Li Shuzheng has begun to study harder, hoping to change her destiny through knowledge. She not only studied the Four Books and the Five Classics, but also secretly read various progressive books to learn about the outside world. She gradually understood that only by getting rid of the shackles of feudal etiquette and religion could she truly gain freedom and dignity.

1943 was a stormy time. When Li Shuzheng stepped into the gate of the high school attached to Shanghai Aurora Women's College of Arts and Sciences, her heart was full of expectations and longing. Before that, her sister had firmly joined the Chinese Communist Party and became a revolutionary. Li Shuzheng has a close relationship with her sister, and her sister's thoughts and actions deeply affect her.

Under the influence of her sister, Li Shuzheng developed a strong interest in Marxism. She began to read the classics of Marxism, trying to find the key to answering social problems. In the dead of night, she would sit at her desk, immersed in the deep and philosophical words, and her thoughts would change dramatically.

She was the only female minister of foreign affairs, and she was shocked at the age of 37 at the age of 95!

She began to realize that the oppression of feudalism and imperialism was the root cause of hindering the progress of the country and the happiness of the people. She longs to be able to break free from these shackles, make the country strong, and let the people live a happy and peaceful life. As a result, she began to care more about the future and destiny of the country, and always paid attention to current affairs at home and abroad.

In school, Li Shuzheng actively participated in various political activities, discussed national affairs with his classmates, and discussed the revolutionary road together. She corresponded often with her sister, exchanging thoughts and feelings with each other. My sister's revolutionary spirit and firm belief in Marxism strengthened her determination to take the revolutionary road.

In addition to studying Marxist theory, Li Shuzheng also actively participated in the school's practical activities. She joined the student union and organized her classmates to participate in various social welfare activities to help the disadvantaged. These activities made her more aware of social injustice and the suffering of the people, and also strengthened her revolutionary conviction.

Enter the Komsomol

Embark on a new revolutionary journey

In 1945, Li Shuzheng, who was only 16 years old, resolutely joined the Communist Party of China with enthusiasm and firm faith. From then on, she became a member of the Shanghai underground party and began her secret and arduous revolutionary work.

In the streets and alleys of Shanghai, Li Shuzheng, with her keen observation and resourceful adaptability, skillfully evaded the pursuit of the Kuomintang reactionaries. She went deep into the student body, widely publicized the principles and policies of our party, and ignited the patriotic enthusiasm of the students with her firm beliefs and enthusiastic speeches. She organized students to carry out various patriotic movements, such as demonstrations and boycotts of Japanese goods, and waged unremitting struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries with practical actions.

She was the only female minister of foreign affairs, and she was shocked at the age of 37 at the age of 95!

Li Shuzheng's bravery and steadfastness have won the trust and respect of her classmates, and she has become a role model and role model in their hearts. On the difficult road of revolution, she has always maintained an optimistic and upward spirit, and inspired everyone around her with her actions.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Shuzheng entered the Communist Youth League and began her new revolutionary journey. She was mainly responsible for youth work, and with her enthusiasm and talent, she quickly rose to prominence within the regiment. She goes deep into the youth community to understand their needs and confusions, and provides guidance and assistance to them. She organizes and carries out a variety of activities, such as youth cultural festivals and volunteer services, so that young people can grow and progress in practice.

In 1966, the storm of ten years of catastrophe swept across the country, and 37-year-old Li Shuzheng was not immune. In that turbulent and uncertain era, she was suspended from work and sent to the remote "Wuqi Cadre School" for labor reform.

In the days of the "57 Cadre School", Li Shuzheng faced hard manual labor and poor living conditions every day. She has to work with a group of workers from different backgrounds, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, living a completely different life from the past. However, even in such an environment, Li Shuzheng still maintains her tenacity and optimism.

She was the only female minister of foreign affairs, and she was shocked at the age of 37 at the age of 95!

She is upright and has always maintained the high demeanor of a party member. She firmly believed in her beliefs and ideals and never gave up the fight against the reactionaries. She took every opportunity to publicize the party's policies and principles to the comrades around her, and infected everyone with her words and deeds.

In the days of "57 Cadre School", Li Shuzheng not only faced physical challenges, but also mental tests. She was often misunderstood and ostracized, but she never bowed to difficulties. She proved with her practical actions the firmness and perseverance of a Communist Party member.

In 1973, as the decade of catastrophe gradually ended, Li Shuzheng also ushered in a turning point in her life. She made a comeback, was transferred to the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, and began to engage in external work. Although it was a brand-new working environment, Li Shuzheng quickly became comfortable with the experience and talent she had accumulated while working in the International Department of the Communist Youth League.

The diplomatic field is crawling

Earn the respect and trust of your colleagues

In 1981, when the country's pace gradually stabilized and the door to the outside world opened up more and more, Li Shuzheng's name began to shine in the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee. This year, with her excellent work ability and profound political literacy, she was successfully promoted to the deputy director of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee and became the focus of attention.

At this time, Li Shuzheng had been working in the diplomatic field for many years and had accumulated rich experience. Her eyes reveal calmness and wisdom, as if she can perceive every subtle change in the international situation. Whenever there is an important diplomatic mission, she is always able to make quick and accurate judgments and put forward practical solutions.

She was the only female minister of foreign affairs, and she was shocked at the age of 37 at the age of 95!

Her office is always busy. There is a mountain of papers, but she always manages every document with ease, and does not let any work slip through the cracks. She is a good listener and always captures valuable information from the words of her colleagues to provide strong support for the country's foreign policymaking.

On important diplomatic occasions, Li Shuzheng has always been able to show her superb diplomatic skills and keen political insight. She is good at communicating with world leaders, and has won their respect and trust with her unique charm and wisdom. Her words are always powerful and accurately convey the country's position and intentions.

In addition to work, Li Shuzheng also attaches great importance to study and research. She knows that in this era of rapid change, only by continuous learning can she keep up with the pace of the times. Therefore, she often participates in various international seminars and forums to exchange ideas and absorb new knowledge and experience with experts and scholars from various countries.

In 1993, when Ms. Li, 64, took over as head of the International Liaison Department, she became the first female minister in the department's history. This moment is not only an affirmation of her outstanding work ability, but also a praise for her selfless dedication to the country's diplomatic cause for decades.

Business trips are a daily occurrence for her, and on the plane, she doesn't close her eyes or enjoy the scenery outside the window like everyone else. Instead, she was always buried in a pile of papers, frowning, and intently reviewing every detail, as if in a race against time to get more work done in her limited flight time.

She was the only female minister of foreign affairs, and she was shocked at the age of 37 at the age of 95!

The high altitude of the flight did not let her guard down, and her mind kept flashing various international situations, diplomatic strategies, and cooperation plans. She knows very well that every flight represents another contact and exchange between the country and the world, and she cannot afford to be negligent or careless.

At the busiest time at work, Li Shuzheng almost made her office home, sleeping on a simple folding bed and feeding her hunger with simple food. Every day, she sleeps only a few hours before starting a new day. Her desk is always full of papers, and her eyes are always full of perseverance and persistence.

Her work spirit and professionalism deeply infect everyone around her. Her colleagues all know that as long as Li Shuzheng is here, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome, and there is no task that cannot be completed. Her presence has not only injected new vitality into the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, but also made an indelible contribution to the development of the mainland's foreign work.

In 2004, Li Shuzheng left her post to recuperate, but she still has the country's diplomatic career in her heart. At her home in Beijing, she often exchanges ideas with old colleagues and friends, shares her diplomatic experience, and continues to contribute her wisdom and strength to the mainland's foreign work.

However, the years were merciless, and illness eventually took the life of the great diplomat. In 2024, Li Shuzheng will die of illness at the age of 95. Her passing has deprived the mainland's diplomatic community of an outstanding leader and role model, but her deeds and spirit will forever be etched in our hearts.

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