
To prove the friendship of a city with the body of one person, to prove the righteousness of a nation with one's own strength, and to prove that the great love of human mother is boundless, she is Hu Youping, an ordinary China

author:Winter Island Micro Records

In the form of a man

Prove the camaraderie of a city

On your own

Prove the righteousness of a nation

In the name of I

Prove that the love of human mothers knows no bounds

She is Hu Youping

An ordinary Chinese citizen

A Chinese woman who let her country lower the flag at half-mast to pay tribute#Chinese touching story# #Taili harms Chinese people# #何为真正爱国? # #勇救日本母子的中国女子胡友平去世# #英雄胡友平# #日驻华大使馆为何降半旗致敬胡友平# #外交部回应胡友平见义勇为不幸离世#

To prove the friendship of a city with the body of one person, to prove the righteousness of a nation with one's own strength, and to prove that the great love of human mother is boundless, she is Hu Youping, an ordinary China
To prove the friendship of a city with the body of one person, to prove the righteousness of a nation with one's own strength, and to prove that the great love of human mother is boundless, she is Hu Youping, an ordinary China
To prove the friendship of a city with the body of one person, to prove the righteousness of a nation with one's own strength, and to prove that the great love of human mother is boundless, she is Hu Youping, an ordinary China
To prove the friendship of a city with the body of one person, to prove the righteousness of a nation with one's own strength, and to prove that the great love of human mother is boundless, she is Hu Youping, an ordinary China

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