
Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

author:Biographical stories will be

Married a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, conceived 16 times in 33 years, and did not regret it when he died? Who is she and what is the story between them?

Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

Forced to marry a general 37 years older

Married life surprised her

Guo Yiqing, born in 1919, lived in Guangzhou, a wealthy merchant family, since he was a child, he entered a private school very early, and entered a local new-style school when he was a teenager, receiving the double baptism of Chinese and Western cultures.

In the spring of 1937, Guo Yiqing, who was only seventeen years old, was supposed to be a young girl in the flower season, with visions and fantasies for the future. However, the trajectory of her life was changed by her parents' decision at this moment, asking her to marry Cheng Qian, a general who was 37 years older than herself.

"Yiqing, this is your life, and it is also the blessing of the Cheng family." Her father's words echoed in her ears, and the serious, firm tone she couldn't refute. She knows that her parents' fate is like heaven, even if she is unwilling in her heart, she can only bear it silently.

In Guo Yiqing's imagination, General Cheng should be a "little old man" with white hair, wrinkled face, and a dull twilight. However, when she actually saw Cheng Qian for the first time, she couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise.

Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

General Cheng in front of him, although he is over half a hundred years old, is dignified, with only a few strands of silver in his black hair, and he looks energetic. His gaze was deep and gentle, and he exuded an air of maturity and stability.

Guo Yiqing originally thought that General Cheng would be a serious and old-fashioned soldier, but after getting along, she found that General Cheng's personality was elegant and gentle, and his speech and demeanor revealed a knowledgeable and talented temperament. He is not only well versed in military strategy, but also proficient in poetry and songs, and good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. In Guo Yiqing's eyes, General Cheng is not only an outstanding military strategist, but also a scholar with profound cultural heritage.

As time passed, Guo Yiqing gradually let go of his prejudice against Cheng Qian, and began to appreciate and fall in love with this unique general in troubled times. Their married life is very harmonious and happy. Cheng Qian is obedient to his little wife Guo Yiqing, and lets her do everything, and never lets her suffer the slightest grievance.

Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

In terms of food, Cheng Qian knew that Guo Yiqing was a Chaoshan native with a light taste, while he, as a Hunanese, preferred spicy food. In order to accommodate his wife, he simply let the kitchen cook according to his wife's taste, and he silently adapted to this light diet. Every time he saw his wife eating with relish, Cheng Qian felt extremely satisfied.

On traditional holidays, Cheng Qian will also ask someone to send some small gifts to his wife's relatives to show his support and concern for his wife. If his relatives encounter any trouble, Cheng Qian will try his best to solve it, and will never stand idly by. His generosity and thoughtfulness made Guo Yiqing feel proud and happy.

Guo Yiqing's heart was melted by General Cheng Qian's affection, and she became more and more convinced that it was an indescribable luck for her to marry this general in troubled times. However, fate is unfair, Guo Yiqing experienced many pregnancies after marriage, and although 10 of them failed to give birth to children, she still faced every disappointment strongly.

Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

She knew that in the old patriarchal society, the fact that she gave birth to a daughter might attract some criticism, but she never felt sorry for herself. General Cheng loved her even more, and whenever he heard someone pointing fingers at her fertility, he always stood up to defend his wife and defend her dignity with practical actions.

Once, a few ruffians and hooligans spread rumors and made trouble in the streets and alleys to slander Guo Yiqing's reputation. When General Cheng learned of this, he was furious, and he personally came forward to find the ruffians and hooligans, severely reprimanded them, and punished them accordingly. The news soon spread in the local area, and people praised General Cheng's bravery and justice, and admired his deep affection for his wife even more.

Engage in women's work

Actively participate in various women's activities

In 1949, after careful consideration, General Cheng decided to break away from the Kuomintang camp and join the red camp. He knew that this was a difficult decision, but he resolutely took this step for the sake of the future of the country and the nation. Before making this decision, he first considered the safety of his family. In order to prevent the spies from harming Guo Yiqing and the children, he decided to send them to live in Hong Kong.

Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

During their time in Hong Kong, although Guo Yiqing and her children were far away from their hometown and relatives, their lives were peaceful and comfortable. General Cheng kept in touch with them through letters and telegrams, sharing their lives and moods. Whenever she receives a letter from her husband, Guo Yiqing always feels extremely warm and happy.

In 1950, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the political situation in the mainland gradually stabilized. General Cheng couldn't wait to be reunited with his family, so he personally went to Hong Kong to pick up Guo Yiqing and the children. When the family was reunited at the airport, tears of excitement gleamed in their eyes. Since then, the family has finally been reunited to welcome the arrival of a new life together.

At the first time of return, Guo Yiqing did not hesitate to make an astonishing decision - to donate two private houses under his name to the country for free. In addition to donating a house, Guo Yiqing also has a fiery heart and is eager to do his part for the construction of the country.

Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

She is well aware that personal happiness is closely linked to the prosperity of the country, so she is not only satisfied with playing the role of a good wife and mother in the family, but also hopes to go out of the house and make a substantial contribution to society. After careful consideration, Guo Yiqing took the initiative to submit an application, hoping to join the Women's Federation or the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and use his knowledge and experience to serve the country.

Her application was earnest and full of deep affection for the country and the people. She wrote that as a woman, she is well aware of the important role of women in social development, and she is willing to devote all her energy to women's work and speak out for women's rights and status.

While waiting for the approval of the application, Guo Yiqing was not idle. She uses her time to learn all kinds of knowledge and improve her overall quality. She has read a large number of books and newspapers to understand the country's guidelines and policies and social hot issues. She also actively participates in various social activities, communicating with different groups of people to understand their needs and demands.

Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

Finally, Guo Yiqing's application was approved. She was assigned to work in the Women's Federation and became a women's cadre. In the work of the Women's Federation, she gave full play to her wisdom and enthusiasm and made positive contributions to the protection of women's rights and interests and the development of women's causes.

She often goes to the grassroots level to understand the actual situation of women and solve their problems. She also actively participates in various women's activities, disseminates knowledge about women's rights and interests, and raises women's awareness of self-protection.

Guo Yiqing's work has been affirmed by leaders and colleagues. She used her practical actions to interpret the profound connotation of "the rise and fall of the country, the responsibility of the husband". She is well aware that in the great cause of the country and the nation, everyone should do their part.

Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

However, the twists and turns of fate befell the couple again, and in the mid-60s, General Cheng Qian suddenly fell ill and was admitted to the hospital. This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Guo Yiqing. But instead of backing down, she chose to face it strongly. She guarded her husband day and night, took care of his diet and daily life, and accompanied him through the last period of his life with her love and patience.

The life path of the six daughters is shining

In 1968, General Cheng Qian died of illness. At that moment, the grief in Guo Yiqing's heart could not be expressed in words. She cried so hard that she fainted, as if the whole world had lost its color. After her husband's funeral, she took the initiative to resign from all her positions in the Women's Federation and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and chose to live a leisurely recuperation life. She takes pleasure in raising flowers and plants every day, trying to find solace in gardening.

However, some people saw that she was living alone, so they intended to introduce her to a "wife". They felt that the two of them could live an easier life by supporting each other and taking care of each other, but Guo Yiqing firmly rejected this kindness. She said that she has been observing the festival for General Cheng Qian all her life, and she will never remarry for the rest of her life. She wants to use her own way to continue to protect and commemorate her love with General Cheng Qian.

In 1997, Guo Yiqing died of illness at the age of 77. At the last moment of her life, she was still concerned about General Cheng Qian. She left a will, asking to be buried with General Cheng Qian in Babaoshan. She hopes that in the next life, she can continue to have a relationship with General Cheng Qian and spend her life together. This deep affection is very moving.

Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

Guo Yiqing's six daughters have each shone on the road of life, and they have inherited their mother's tenacity and wisdom in their own ways, and have made extraordinary achievements.

The eldest daughter, she showed a strong interest in painting since she was a child. She is immersed in the world of color and line, and feels the charm of art with her heart. After years of hard work and honing, her painting skills have become more and more exquisite, and her works have been praised by industry insiders.

She has held a solo exhibition, which has attracted many art lovers and professionals. With its unique style and profound connotation, her paintings have a high reputation in the industry and can be called a generation of masters.

Married to a 54-year-old general at the age of 17, pregnant 16 times in 33 years, and the ending is enviable!

The second and younger daughters, they chose the academic path. They went to the United States to study for a doctorate, and won the respect of their supervisors and classmates with their excellent grades and profound academic qualities. They conduct in-depth research and exploration in their respective fields, contributing to the progress and development of mankind.

The third and fourth daughters bravely took the step of going to the sea to do business in the 90s. With their keen business vision and extraordinary courage, they braved the wind and waves in the business sea and eventually achieved a career. Today, they are worth hundreds of millions of dollars and have become leaders in the business world. Their success lies not only in the accumulation of wealth, but also in the tenacity and wisdom they have shown in the process of starting their own business.

The life trajectory of the five daughters is more colorful. She started out as an executive in a state-owned company, where she won the recognition of her colleagues and superiors for her outstanding work skills and leadership skills.

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