
Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

Entering June, sending away May, coming to June, the hot weather is finally coming, the temperature has been rising, it feels very stuffy, people will feel uncomfortable, and it is easy to lose sleep at night, and they can't sleep at all without turning on the air conditioner. Because the weather is too hot, sweating will be particularly much, metabolism is accelerated, at this time you need to replenish a lot of energy, so that the body is stronger, usually eat more fresh fruits, drink more delicious soup, such as chicken soup, broth or duck soup, today for netizens to share a delicious soup - longan lotus seed pork heart pork rib soup, rich in ingredients, delicious soup, very comfortable to drink, insiders often drink it, hurry up and learn it. Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

【Longan lotus seed pork heart pork heart pork rib soup making skills】

Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

Ingredient details: buy about 30 grams of dried lotus seeds, a number of red dates, about 15 grams of lily, about 20 grams of poria cocos, a little wolfberry, about 30 grams of longan meat, about 10 grams of sour jujube kernels, buy a fresh pig heart (pig heart is one of the internal organs of animal pigs, must be cleaned, pig heart should be blanched to remove the fishy, soup or stir-fried food is delicious), buy fresh pork ribs (pork ribs are one of the types of pork bones, the meat and bones of pork ribs account for half each, there are many ways to cook, the soup is huge and delicious, It can be used with various ingredients to make soup and drink), a little ginger, half a green onion, some cold water, half a spoon of white pepper, some salt, and others.

Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

Detailed production process:

Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

First: Prepare ingredients such as longan meat, lotus seeds, pork heart and pork ribs in advance, wash the longan meat first, soak it in warm water, and set it aside for later use.

Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

Second: cut off part of the pig's heart, cut it in half from the middle, clean it repeatedly, add an appropriate amount of cold water to the pot, cut the ginger into ginger slices, put in the pig's heart and ginger slices, add a little cooking wine, and blanch the pig's heart.

Third: first clean the sour jujube kernels, soak the dried lotus seeds in warm water, be sure to take out the lotus seed heart inside, and rinse the wolfberry with running water to remove the dust.

Fourth: Wash the jujubes, remove the kernels and cut them into small pieces, pat the jujube kernels flat with a knife, wash the poria cocos with water, and soak the lilies in warm water to remove the film on the surface.

Fifth: First chop the ribs into pieces, put them all in a bowl, add a few spoons of flour, rub them repeatedly with your hands to absorb the greasy substances of the ribs, repeat the water change several times, wash and control the moisture.

Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!
Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!
Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!
Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

Sixth: Add a little cold water to the pot, pour in the washed pork ribs, add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, blanch the pork ribs for a while, rinse them with warm water, prepare the soup ingredients above, and start to make this longan lotus seed pork heart pork rib soup.

Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

Seventh: Pour all the ingredients into the casserole, add an appropriate amount of water and cook for an hour, cut the pork heart into small pieces and then pour it into the pot (so that the pork heart is not hard or firewood), sprinkle in the wolfberry and add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

Longan lotus seed pork heart pork rib soup is one of our husband's favorite soups, more tonic than chicken soup and duck soup, using pork heart and pork ribs and other ingredients, the soup is very delicious and nourishing, which adds lotus seeds and lilies and other ingredients, has the effect of calming the nerves and nourishing the brain and nourishing blood and qi, which is quite good for the body.

Insomnia is most afraid of drinking "this bowl of soup", drink more of it in June, nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and enhance immunity!

Netizens, do you have mastered the skills of making this longan lotus seed pork heart pork rib soup? (All the pictures in the article are from the Internet)