
Auto complaints in May: FAW Toyota Ruizhi led BYD accounted for more than half

Auto complaints in May: FAW Toyota Ruizhi led BYD accounted for more than half

Automotive Pro V

2024-06-04 09:27Published in Anhui

Looking at the list of auto complaints in May, BYD's models accounted for more than half of the list, including Destroyer 05, Song PLUS New Energy, Han, Qin PLUS, and Tang New Energy. Of the other five seats, three are occupied by FAW Toyota, including Ruizhi, Corolla and Crown, among them, FAW Toyota Ruizhi tops the list with 268 complaints, the cause of which is still the cliché of cracking the dashboard and aging components. The other two seats are occupied by Xingtu Yaoguang and Chang'an Yida, Xingtu Yaoguang's complaints focus on the blistering and cracking of the paint surface, and Chang'an Yida's complaints focus on the upgrade of the vehicle system.

Auto complaints in May: FAW Toyota Ruizhi led BYD accounted for more than half

BYD's two major problems have not been solved for a long time

Among the five models on BYD's list, the reasons for the complaints are basically the same, focusing on the two major problems of price changes and hybrid mode conversion. In fact, complaints about BYD's price changes erupted as early as March, when eight models were on the list because of the issue. By April, complaints about many BYD models remained high, and the reasons for the complaints all pointed to price changes, which shows that the residual temperature of price reductions should not be underestimated.

Taking the destroyer 05 as an example, a 2023 destroyer 05 champion DM-i 55KM luxury owner said that in August 2023, he bought a destroyer 05 55KM luxury version of the vehicle, and the purchase price was 99,800 yuan, and in February 2024, BYD officially announced that the price of the version of the car was adjusted to 79,800 yuan, and the price of the car was significantly reduced by 20,000 yuan in less than half a year, and there was no compensation for the owners of the purchased cars, which seriously infringed on the rights and interests of consumers, and now requires reasonable compensation.

Another owner revealed that the car was picked up on December 20, less than two months from the official price adjustment, and the price was reduced by more than 20,000 yuan. "Who would dare to buy a BYD car? Can BYD manufacturers give an explanation? I haven't said that the price has been reduced for a few years, but the key is that it has only been more than a month! I would like to ask, is there a law on price insurance in the Consumer Protection Law? In this way, BYD will go bankrupt sooner or later, and it will not recognize anyone after it is sold. The owner said angrily.

As for the hybrid mode conversion failure, the complaint is also BYD's "old problem". According to the owners, after Great Wall Motors reported that BYD used atmospheric fuel tanks on two DM-i models in Qin and Song Dynasty for suspected excessive emissions, BYD ignored national environmental protection laws and regulations, and never solved the existing problems positively.

Auto complaints in May: FAW Toyota Ruizhi led BYD accounted for more than half

"BYD's practice of demolishing the east wall and making up the west wall is really sorry for the vast number of old car owners who supported your rapid rise with real money." According to Document No. 229 issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on April 15, 2022, vehicle OTA must be filed with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and inform the owner of the vehicle, and the owner can only proceed with the consent of the owner. However, BYD ignored the regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, ignored the owner's right to know, arbitrarily modified the owner's vehicle system logic settings, and secretly started the vehicle's engine remotely in EV mode (non-feed state), without any page prompt, and the energy flow directly did not show the engine start. "BYD tried to cover up its product defects and remedies by covering up its ears and stealing the bell, and on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's investor exchange platform, it said that there are relevant patented technologies that can meet emission standards without high-pressure fuel tanks, but this compromise method is to burn the owner's oil and pay for its opportunistic wrongdoing, which really betrays the trust of the majority of old car owners." So said the owner.

FAW Toyota's old illness has not healed and new injuries have been added

The three FAW Toyota models on the list this time are Ruizhi, Corolla, and Crown, and the main focus is on the problem of cracking and aging parts of the instrument panel that have been complained about for many years but have not been resolved. The model years that have been complained about span more than a decade, with the earliest dating back to the 2005 Crown and the latest continuing to the 2021 Corolla, with the main focus on pre-2011 models. In addition to, there are also many complaints about this kind of problem on other car complaint platforms.

If the problem of dashboard cracking in old models is a long time ago, then newer models such as the 2021 Corolla also have dashboard cracking odor and aging oil, which also proves that a large part of the dashboard cracking is due to Toyota's own process problems, and there has been almost no progress for more than ten years, which has gradually developed into a common problem for Toyota models. Although Toyota officials have not given a corresponding explanation for this problem for many years, some consumers pointed out that Toyota may have used some recycled environmentally friendly materials to add soft materials, resulting in the rupture of the soft instrument panel foam, and eventually causing the entire dashboard to crack.

Auto complaints in May: FAW Toyota Ruizhi led BYD accounted for more than half

In addition to the long-term illness, Corolla also had new injuries such as car machine jamming and system inability to upgrade. According to the owners, the high-end version of the FAW Toyota Corolla car machine is missing CarPlay, CarLife, HiCar and other car-machine interconnection functions, and surprisingly, the low-configuration version is equipped with these functions, and the high-configuration version of the user can only buy high-value traffic, and the on-board map used is still very old.

In addition to FAW Toyota Corolla, the other two models on the list are Xingtu Yaoguang and Changan Yida, Xingtu Yaoguang has encountered a large number of complaints due to problems such as wrinkles, blistering, and cracking in the paint, mainly involving 2023 Yaoguang, surprisingly, most of these problems appear in the door parts, and the owner has not been buying a new car for a long time, and some are even only a few months or less than a year. In response to this problem, at present, in addition to Huang Zhaogen's public apology, Xingtu Automobile also issued a statement, admitting that the inner panel of Yaoguang door is made of zinc-magnesium-aluminum material, which has high requirements for the paint spraying process, and there may be a situation where the process is not in place, resulting in local wrinkles in the paint at the edge of the inner panel of some doors.

Auto complaints in May: FAW Toyota Ruizhi led BYD accounted for more than half

Changan Yida, on the other hand, suffered collective complaints because it stopped production and changed its name after purchase, reduced prices in disguise, and the vehicle system has not received push upgrade information. According to a number of car owners, not long after the purchase of Changan Yida, the official Yida was directly renamed to Yidong, which is positioned one level lower and the price is cheaper by 10,000 to 20,000, and at the same time, there is also a sense of gap in the configuration.

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  • Auto complaints in May: FAW Toyota Ruizhi led BYD accounted for more than half
  • Auto complaints in May: FAW Toyota Ruizhi led BYD accounted for more than half
  • Auto complaints in May: FAW Toyota Ruizhi led BYD accounted for more than half
  • Auto complaints in May: FAW Toyota Ruizhi led BYD accounted for more than half

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