
From the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, these are the things that make me pollen

From the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, these are the things that make me pollen

Spoon black technology

2024-06-04 17:44Published in Sichuan

As a long-time iPhone user, I recently made an important decision: switching from iPhone15 Pro Max to Huawei Pura70 Ultra. The ultimate experience brought by this change made me officially change from fruit powder to pollen.

From the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, these are the things that make me pollen

It is better to take pictures and the night view is clear

As a person who loves photography, the ability of my phone to take pictures is very important to me. While the iPhone 15 ProMax consistently delivers good results, it always falls short in low-light environments. Once, when I attended a friend's wedding, the lighting was dim, and the photos taken with my iPhone were blurry, especially the important moments of the wedding. This made me feel very disappointed.

From the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, these are the things that make me pollen

After switching to the Huawei Pura70 Ultra, I was able to take sharp photos in all kinds of light, because the Huawei Pura70 Ultra is equipped with a one-inch sensor with a large bottom, which is twice as much light as the iPhone 15 Pro Max, so it can record clearly in any scene.

Especially when shooting fast-moving objects, such as speeding cars or street performers, the Huawei Pura70 Ultra with its ultra-high-speed flash photography technology captures every detail with precision, like a high-end DSLR camera in a mobile phone.

A better gaming experience

As a game enthusiast, I often play big mobile games like Honkai: Star Railway. When playing Honkai: Star Dome Railway with iPhone15 ProMax, if you want to refer to the strategy video on Douyin or Bilibili, you need to switch back and forth between the game and the video, and every time you switch back to the game interface, you will often encounter reloading, which is annoying, which greatly affects the mood of playing the game.

From the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, these are the things that make me pollen

On the Huawei Pura70 Ultra, this problem is solved perfectly. HUAWEI Pura70Ultra supports small window mode, which allows you to hover the game screen to play strategy videos without switching apps. At the same time, when a WeChat message pops up, I can quickly reply to the message by simply sliding out of the toolbar from the side without affecting the game progress. This way, I was able to keep the game coherent and check the guide at any time, which greatly improved the gaming experience.

Once, when the game hit a critical moment, a friend sent an urgent WeChat message. In the past, I would have to stop the game and switch to WeChat, and then switch back to the game and reload again. On the Huawei Pura70 Ultra, however, I was able to reply to WeChat in a small window with a single swipe, which was so smooth that I was able to handle urgent matters without disrupting the game.

Unmatched communication performance

Communication performance is a point that I am very concerned about. The iPhone 15 ProMax often suffers from unstable or even no signal at all. , for example, on the subway, often the web page can't be opened, let alone Douyin; There are also music festivals. Another time I attended an open-air music festival in the suburbs, and the crowds around me were so crowded that the iPhone signal was barely working, and I couldn't send a video to my friends, and the experience was terrible.

From the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, these are the things that make me pollen

The Huawei Pura70Ultra is equipped with Lingxi communication and dual satellite communication technology, which can maintain a full signal even in the worst places. A few days ago, when I went on a spring outing to climb the mountains, my friends' mobile phones had no signal, but my Huawei Pura70 Ultra was still able to talk and surf the Internet smoothly, and it was completely unaffected by the terrain. On the return journey, the Pura70 Ultra's signal is still stable, whether it is browsing the web or making video calls, it is very smooth.

Write at the end:

In fact, Huawei Pura70 Ultra has many advantages compared with iPhone15ProMax, but the image, gaming experience, and communication performance are the most attractive to me, these functions not only solve many problems in the actual use of iPhone, but also improve the convenience and efficiency of daily life through powerful hardware and innovative software functions.

In addition, when switching from iPhone to Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, data transfer is also very simple. You can use the "HUAWEI Phone Clone App" to quickly migrate pictures, videos, contacts, and calendars without the need for data cables and data. If you need to migrate more data such as music, documents, alarm clocks, etc., it is recommended to use the OTG mode of "Phone Replacement Worry-free App", which supports 14 data migrations, or migrate data stored in the cloud through iCloud mode to ensure seamless data connection.

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  • From the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, these are the things that make me pollen
  • From the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, these are the things that make me pollen
  • From the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, these are the things that make me pollen
  • From the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Huawei Pura 70 Ultra, these are the things that make me pollen

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